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“Hey,” I say quietly. But she doesn’t even look at me.

“There you go,” says Ryan. “My dad and Hank didn’t know I’m… gay.” It’s hard for him to say the word. “I’ve known since junior high, but Sam was the first, like, relationship I’ve ever had.”

Mellie makes a kind of snort. Ryan ignores her. “When we met I was still working for my dad and the Brotherhood. I mean, what did I care? I was like, twenty-one, and it was good money, easy work. I was living with my friend Kaitlyn, and Sam started crashing with us there. My dad and Hank saw him, maybe, three times that whole first year. We made up this story that he was a German exchange student Kaitlyn met at work. My dad got a kick out of that. When he saw him he’d be like, Heil Hitler. I thought it was fucked up, but Sam thought it was funny. He really hated where he came from.

“And after he got out of prison, he hated it even more. He blamed everything on the way he grew up. On how, like, they didn’t protect him. I mean, I get it. But you gotta move on eventually. Anyway, I thought he was back working with Kaitlyn, but it turns out he was also delivering for my dad again. Behind my back.”

“Why do you think he did that?”

“When he was inside he stabbed somebody who’d been hassling him and it turned out that the guy was somebody the Brotherhood wanted out of the picture. The guy was dealing inside and, I don’t know, it was some sort of turf thing. Anyway, word got back to my dad and he sort of got Sam protection for the rest of the time he was in there. Obviously, he didn’t know Sam was gay, either. And then when he got out, Sam felt like he owed him. Plus,” Ryan sighs, “he liked my dad. I can’t spend ten minutes in a room with him. Nigger this and spic and faggot. That’s all normal to them.” Ryan lowers his voice. “But especially after prison, Sam was a lot angrier. And honestly, he’s kind of racist. It’s the one thing I really didn’t like about him. He’s not as bad as my family, but sometimes he’ll talk about how black people are dirty and descended from, like, some Biblical character who was cursed. I don’t know. I tried to ignore it. Anyway, so him and my dad just… got along. Sam used to say that everyone where he grew up was weak. That they didn’t teach kids how to defend themselves. He dug how my dad was the opposite of that. He’d be like, nobody messes with your dad. After prison, Sam was kind of obsessed with being all macho. Lifting weights and shooting and-”

“Sucking dick,” says Mellie, interrupting him.

Ryan ignores her. He’s racing to get the story out.

“At some point he started carrying a gun my dad gave him. He didn’t tell me. He probably knew I’d freak out. A gun is a major parole violation. Like, do not pass Go, go directly back to prison. It was a couple weeks before Pessie… died. I found an apartment in Hudson that’s nearer to my work and Sam was helping me move in. He was staying with his sister, on and off, but he didn’t really like it there.”


Ryan looks surprised. “Yeah,” he says. “How’d you know that?”

The words rise up fast, proud: “I’m her daughter.”

“Her…?” Ryan puts his hand over his mouth. “Oh my God. You’re from Florida?”

“She told you about me?”

“She told Sam. Wait. Do you know where they are?”

“Aviva and Sam? Are they together?”

“I don’t know! Sam won’t return my calls since…” Ryan inhales deeply. “I don’t blame him. If he hadn’t met me Pessie would be alive.”

“What happened?” I ask.

“Okay. So, Pessie came over to my new place with Chaim; that’s her son. He’s like, one, I think. He crawls but he can’t walk. So we’re just hanging out in the living room and Chaim is sitting on the floor and Sam’s backpack is by the couch and Chaim, like, pulls it open and Sam’s gun slips out and Chaim picks it up. I didn’t even notice, and then Pessie screamed. She grabbed Chaim and went ballistic on Sam. Saying how reckless and thoughtless he was. How she didn’t understand him anymore and she couldn’t believe he’d put her child in danger. She was shaking. She looked like a totally different person. Pessie used to visit a lot before we got locked up-before she got married and had the baby-and she was always really, like, even-tempered. She didn’t come around as much after Sam got out and it was clear she was being a little cautious with him, but I never saw her get mad about anything. She told Sam she didn’t want to see him again. She said she had to take care of her own family now and he needed to, like, get his shit together.

“Sam was crushed. He loved her. Him and Pessie were like… they just understood each other. Or at least, Sam thought Pessie understood him. He barely left the apartment for a week and then he went down to Roseville to try and apologize, but she wasn’t having it.”

“He went to her work,” I say quietly.

Ryan nods. “So, about a week later, me and Sam were at my apartment when my dad and Hank come barging in. I guess the door was unlocked. I was on the couch and Sam was, like, coming out from the bedroom, I think. My dad went over and just coldcocked him. He was, like, are you two faggots? Sam was on the floor. And I was just like, fuck it. Yeah, we’re fucking faggots.”

“How did he find out?” I ask.

“Apparently my dad has a monthly drop in Albany and the pickup guy used to bounce at a club we went to before Sam went away. Sam filled in doing the drop and the guy recognized him. The next week the bouncer gave the regular guy some shit. He was all, since when does the Brotherhood run with fags? I guess the regular guy told my dad.”

“Your dad had a right to be pissed, Ryan,” says Mellie. “He was employing your fucking fag boy and you’re both totally laughing behind his back.”

“We weren’t laughing behind his back, Mellie. You’re insane. It doesn’t make it okay to fucking kill an innocent girl!”

Mellie puts her hands up in a weak surrender.

“Pessie must have driven in a couple minutes after my dad and Hank. She probably wanted to make up with Sam. When she walked in with Chaim, Sam was on all fours on the floor, bleeding from his mouth, and my dad was kicking him in the stomach. Hank had my arms behind my back and was holding a fucking knife to my throat. My brother. Your fucking baby daddy. I was just trying to get through it, you know? But Pessie started screaming. Loud. My dad was like ‘Who’s this bitch?’ And Sam and I were like, ‘Leave her alone.’ My dad told her to shut up and she didn’t. She backed toward the door and he went to grab her hair. But, you know, she wore a wig. And it came off. He was like, what the fuck? Then he started laughing. I swear to God. He got a handful of her real hair and dragged her over to Sam and he was like, ‘This is your fault, faggot. You did this.’ And then he… it happened so fast… he put one of his hands in her mouth and one on the back of her head and snapped her neck.”

His fists are clenched, and when he falls silent I realize that mine are, too. I exhale and it feels like fire coming from inside. She just wanted to make up with her friend. That was it. Sam wanted one kind of life and Pessie wanted another, but she refused to give up the boy she had always loved. Why should she have to? And it killed her. All her empathy, all their memories together, meaningless against the gale force of a bigot in a rage. I look over at Mellie and, for the first time since I arrived at the diner, she appears uneasy. She is bent forward, one hand on the edge of Eva’s car seat, rocking the little girl as she sucks on her bottle, the other hand holding her head up, hiding her face.

“She was a tiny thing,” whispers Ryan, his face now red. “She fell like… boom. I mean, there was no question. She was just… gone. Sam started screaming and the baby was screaming and my dad and Hank bailed. They were like, this is your problem.” Ryan looks down at his hands. “It was Sam’s idea to take her home. We wrapped her in a blanket and laid her down in the backseat of her car and put the baby in the front seat. He was still all strapped in. I drove my truck and Sam drove her car. Her husband wasn’t home and we used her keys to open the door. We brought her in and at first Sam said to put her on the bed. Like maybe she’d died in her sleep. But I’d just seen this show on TV-I think it was 48 Hours or something-about this woman whose body was found in a bathtub and they were trying to prove her husband killed her but they couldn’t because apparently it’s really hard to prove how somebody died when there’s water involved. So I said we should put her in the tub and turn on the water.