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Military Rescue Units

military revival

capabilities, overestimation of

contextualized understanding of, necessity for

defensive rationale

domestic dimension

fears of a militarily resurgent Russia

foreign policy objective

post-Soviet reforms

prospects and limits of

reasons for

status concerns and

strategic and operational developments

timing of

Western attitudes and responses to

see also modernization programme (2008)

military-industrial complex

Military-Technical Revolution

Milosevic, Slobodan

Ministry for Civil Defence and Emergency Situations (MChS)

emergency response operations

humanitarian operations

international activities

international approval of

military element

multilateral military cooperation

peacekeeping activities

Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD)

law-enforcement element

marginal position

militarized element

Ministry of Justice (Miniust)

modernization programme (2008)


command structures, streamlining

financial constraints

financial resources see defence budgets

longer-term goals

obstacles to

professionalization of the armed forces

rapid reaction forces

rearmament programme

strategic thought

technological modernization


see also Transnistria

Monaghan, Andrew

Morozov, Viatcheslav

Moscow Olympics (1980)

Moscow theatre hostage crisis (2002)


balance of power multilateralism

contested views on

cooperation basis

force structures and

and foreign policy making

great-power multilateralism

military-to-military cooperation

multipolarity context

opposition basis

peacekeeping operations

security cooperation




Napoeonic France

National Counterterrorism Committee

National Defence Control Centre

National Guard see Federal National Guard Service of the Russian Federation (FSNG)


Civil Emergency Planning

current military strength

eastwards enlargement

increase in defence spending

Northern Distribution Network

Operation Allied Force

Russia military revival, response to

Russian threat perceptions of

Russia–NATO cooperation

Russia–NATO tensions

NATO–Russia Council (NRC)

suspension of

natural and man-made disasters


‘blue water’ navy ambition

coastal protection


limited power projection capabilities

new and upgraded vessels

post-Soviet decline

Nazi Germany

‘near abroad’, concept of

see also Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Nerenieks, Karl

network-centric warfare

Neumann, Iver

Nicholas I

Nicholas II

Nikitin, Alexander

Nikolsky, Aleksei

9/11 attacks

Nizhnii Novgorod

non-interference, principle of

non-military tools of warfare

Norberg, Johan

normalization of relations

Normandy format

North Ossetia


armed forces

Novorossiya (New Russia)

nuclear capabilities and deterrence


oil and gas prices

Okhrana company

OMON forces

Operation Allied Force

Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Orlov, Igor

Oxenstierna, Susanne


PAK-FA fighter


Panetta, Leon

Partnership for Peace

peacekeeping operations


force structures and

United Nations

Peter the Great

Petrov, Nikolay

police service

Polish–Soviet War

power ministries see force structures

Presidential Directorate for Administrative Affairs

Presidential Guards Regiment

Presidential Protection Service (SBP)

prison service

procurement plans

legacy systems

State Armament Programme 2011–25

psychological operations

Pukhov, Ruslan

Putin, Vladimir

Assad, support of

on the collapse of the Soviet Union

on cooperation with NATO

Crimea speech

director of FSB

and the force structures

foreign policy rhetoric

on humanitarian interventions

KGB career background

military reform policies

and multilateralism

on NATO enlargement

seeks to restore great power status

on sovereignty

State of the Nation speeches


quasi-military organizations

see also force structures


rapid reaction forces

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh

rearmament programme

Red Army victories

regime change, externally driven

regime stability see domestic order and regime stability

research and development (R&D)


revolution (1905)

revolution (1917)

Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA)

Rice, Condoleezza

Rieber, Alfred J.

Rumer, Eugene

Russian Empire

Russian Federation, emergence of

Russian Rescue Corps

Russo–Japanese War (1904–5)

Russo–Turkish War (1877–8)

Rutland, Peter

Rutskoi, Aleksandr


Saakashvili, Mikheil

Saudi Arabia

Saunders, Paul J.

Scaparrotti, General Curtis

Scheipers, Sibylle

Second World War


human-centred focus

internal see force structures

multilateral security cooperation

‘new security challenges’


Yeltsin era

security apparatus see force structures

Sendstad, Cecile


NATO airstrikes

Seton-Watson, Hugh


Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

Shanghai Forum

Shearman, Peter

Shevtsova, Lilia

Shirreff, General Alexander Richard

Shlykov, Vitalii

Shoigu, Sergei

silovye struktury

silovye vedomstva

Siluanov, Anton

‘sixth-generation warfare’

Slipchenko, Vladimir

small wars

SOBR forces

social media, Kremlin use of

South Ossetia


contested concept

defence of

ethnic conflicts and

foreign policy and

internal and external dimensions

perceived Western efforts to undermine

strong military as requirement for


Soviet Union

dissolution of

early military weakness

great power status

imperialist foreign policy