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Cindy cringed, her flesh puckering into goosepimples as she saw the fire come closer. He was waving it in front of her eyes, the heat making her cheeks blush. The girl pulled her head back, fearing he was going to set her hair on fire!

Jack brought the flame down around her nose, watching as she struggled against the cuffs holding her to the workbench.

Jack brought the flame down, letting the tip of the orange fire gently singe the light blonde fuzz covering her thigh flesh.

Cindy bit down on her lower lip until she could taste blood, her tongue working back and forth against the insides of her cheeks while her flesh shivered.

He had the flame down by her right knee now, bringing it up until it was leaving a long red swollen track on her skin. She struggled, the line of sharp, hot pain becoming more and more intense as Jack moved the fire up toward her cunt.

The girl thought he was going to burn her alive. She could smell the acrid odor of burning flesh and hair.

Cindy opened her mouth, letting out a guttural shriek, tossing her head back and puffing frantically against the metal cuffs holding her wrists to the bench. The scream seemed to relieve some of the agony that was building in her mind. But still the fire crept up her thighs, the hot flame licking her flesh, reddening it, while she stood on tiptoe and tried to roll her ass and cunt away from the fire.

Letting out another sharp yell, Cindy worked frantically against her bonds. The fire was up by her cunthairs now, the flame singeing the blonde fur while the heat made her clit shrink back. Sweat rolled down her jiggling tits.

"Eaghhghghghgbh!" Cindy pulled back from the bench as far as she could, her shoulders aching as she looked down and watched her cunt fuzz being singed. It was horrible to see.

Cinching her eyes shut, she screamed again, thrashing, her left knee buckling while her right leg pulled wildly against the ladder.

Jack hesitated for a moment, drawing the fire back down, burning her calves and making the girl relax for only a second.

Then it was back! The awful fire was back, prickling her moist cuntlips.

Cindy could feel her pussy juices flowing from her hot, cunt-crack, spraying out, trying to put out the flame threatening to burn her pussy.

Jack watched closely, fascinated at the way her pussylips bunched together and puckered protectively while her clit cringed back even farther.

Cindy was hysterical now, jerking and tugging, her hair splashing around her narrow shoulders as she felt the fire licking up into her dark pussymeat. She would surely die if this kept up.

And then the fire blasted across her clit, her pussy going wild while her left knee buckled.

Cindy threw her head back and let out a yowl of despair. Her body sank down, sagging against the restraining cuffs while her left leg buckled and slid under the bench.

The last thing the girl remembered was Jack's harsh, hollow laughter as he drew the flame away and flipped the top of the lighter shut.


How long had she been unconscious? Cindy had no idea. When she awoke, the girl found herself thinking about her mother, wondering if she were back home yet and wondering where she was. Her body ached all over.

Wincing in agony, Cindy shook the stupor from her mind, stiffening her left leg and pushing her twisted body back up to a standing position. How her right thigh hurt, while that rope attaching her ankle to the ladder cut more deeply into her flesh.

She bent her knee, hobbling a little, trying to ease the pulling tension against her right leg while her wrists rubbed painfully against the cuffs attached to the workbench. Cindy looked around her, sniveling, cringing at every sound.

Jack was nowhere in sight. She could hear the hissing of the pipes, the humming of the big generators powering the school. But there was no janitor.

Cindy sighed. The memory of that fire licking at her thighs made her shudder. He could have burned her alive, and there would have been nothing she could have done.

Looking down, the girl saw the burnt black fuzz between her stretched legs. He had nearly ruined her for life! Thank goodness, he had finally stopped.

Cindy thought of the powerful feelings that had welled up in her belly, ripping outward in a terrifying explosion that had knocked her unconscious.

Cindy found herself smiling as she scooted her free foot a few inches toward the bench, shrugging her shoulders and casing a nagging cramp between them. The teen never would have guessed pain and humiliation could make her cum so hard.


Jack appeared from around the corner, something in his hand.

Twisting her head around once more, the young girl glared at the janitor. Her blue eyes defied him to approach her. But the wet, quivering pout of her lips invited him to do the worst he could.

Cindy's eyes grew round as she saw the belt hanging loosely from the fingers of his right hand. She moved her foot again, bending her left knee slightly while moving her ass away from him. Her flesh felt suddenly supersensitive, quivering, as he moved forward one step and stopped.

Cindy tried to keep her eyes from the obvious bulge between his legs. But no matter which way she looked, she could see his cock pressing against the material of his greasy Levi's. Slowly the girl managed to close her legs, bringing her left leg closer while she felt her stretched nipples puckering into stiff points.

Jack walked to the leg stretched out from her body, his fingers lightly caressing the sensitive underside of her thigh.

Cindy shuddered as if she were having a fit, her throat growing tight and dry while her breath came in short gaspy pants. It was far too gentle for him. It was far too caring. And then she warily eyed that belt still dangling like a limp snake from his hand.

"Ah!" she gasped.

Jack was quick, wheeling around with a blurring movement and slashing the belt across both nipples.

Cindy squealed, her head snapping back while her tits bounced savagely against her chest. She nearly lost her footing again, struggling to keep upright while hot tears of pain and fear rushed from her rounded eyes. Setting her jaw firmly, the girl looked back at the janitor, blinking away the tears and feeling a rush of hatred that matched her fear.

Jack smiled grimly at her. He seemed about ready to say something. Thinking better of it, he moved back.

Cindy braced herself as she heard the leather belt hissing through the air.

This time it chewed into the flesh of her supple thigh, stinging a long red welt in the groove where her leg met her torso.

Cindy's long blonde hair swept over her arms as he brought the belt back down again, this time the leather stinging a mark across her lower belly.

The young girl pulled savagely at the bonds, her body shaking and shuddering as she guessed the big man was going to whip her until she fainted.

Jack was going full bore now, doubling the belt for a moment. Cindy let out a hellish howl, her free leg jerking up against the bench while her thighs tightened until they ridged and cramped.

Cindy slammed her head against the table, whimpering moans coming from her as her eyes rolled from the pain.

"Yaghghghghh! Oh no, no, don't! Don't hurt me again!"

Her cries were mixed with the smacking sounds of the black leather against her flesh.

Jack was beating her left leg now, purposely trying to weaken her stance and make her fall to the floor.

Cindy resisted, struggling against the wild beating, leaning against the bench while tugging crazily against her bound leg. The belt whistled through the air over her head once more.

Glancing up, the girl saw it curling down toward her as if in slow motion before it chewed into the flesh between her jutting shoulders.