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Nothing happened at first.

Then Jack slipped his fingers around the control dial, twisting it to the first white notch.

Marie jerked her ass off the bench, feeling a dull throbbing pulse bite into her nipples and cunt. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling at all. She twisted her face into an expression of intense concentration, her breathing becoming shallow, rapid. The weight of the rings added to the sensation throbbing around her tits and pussy while her asshole puckered in fear.

"She likes it," Jack noted, twisting the dial. Marie panted, sweat beading on her forehead while her fingers curled and bit into her sweaty damp palms. Eke licked at her thighs, an unholy fire that made her excited as well as fearful of what was to follow.

Twisting the dial once more, Jack smiled.

"Uh!" she gasped.

It was more voltage than before, the electricity this time making her skin shiver while her nipples swelled up against the biting rings. She rocked her hips again, feeling the slippery rub of her cuntlips against one another while her head began to throb. Her nipples were prickling with the electricity while her cuntlips tingled deliciously. She breathed with raspy breaths, the perspiration adding to the conductivity of her flesh.

Turning her head, she looked at the machine, at the brightly lit dials. The needles were pulsing with the current, bobbing back and forth, indicating how much amperage was flowing through the wires into her body.

Jack turned the dial up another notch.

She shuddered, her ass jerking off the table as her muscles spasmed uncontrollably. She was twitching and jerking. Her thighs rippled while her arms and legs jerked against their bonds.

Moaning through the gag, Marie bit down onto the rubber, swallowing the foul mixture of awful-tasting spit. It washed down her throat, making her swallow more while the janitor turned the dial up yet another notch.

Arching her spine, Marie jerked her head from side to side. The rings felt like razor-sharp teeth tearing at her nipples and cuntlips. A dull ache throbbed through her belly while her asshole winked open and blew out a series of loud farts.

The woman cried again and again, her long blonde hair whipping across the floor while her ass bounced on the bench. She wanted to tear the rings off, wanted to be free of the killing pain that made her skull feel as if it were going to shatter.


Another jolt, this one blasting through her body like a firebomb!

Her hair whipped from side to side while a horrible pain streaked through her belly. It was as if the men were tearing her stomach open and yanking out fistfuls of her guts.

She could smell something – the pungent aroma of her cunt juices frying in the heat of the voltage! Her cuntlips winked open and shut, the rings moving up and down while her cunt muscles clamped. Her tits swelled, nipples bloated and turning purple.

Marie screamed and shouted, then chomped down on the rubber wedge.

She thought her spine would shatter. Her bones ached and throbbed while her joints felt as if they were being pulled apart. Her body was bouncing and jerking hard against the bench, moving it inches on the hard floor as the wires bobbed and jerked against one another.


Jack twisted the dial up all the way, watching her closely as she shuddered like a runaway train.

Marie thought she would die from the agony throbbing through her body. Her mind shattered, bright lights exploding all around her while her eyelids fluttered. She had no control over her body now. The voltage had taken over. Her muscles shivered and tightened while her toes curled.

Prancing her ass like a wild woman, Marie jerked and writhed, her body frying under the electricity.

"Man, she's good, real good," Jack said, looking at the way her pussy juice fried under the voltage.

"Go ahead, man, fuck the bitch! She's gonna be crazy now with all that voltage going through her!"

Jack swept his hand over the dial, shutting down the machine suddenly.

Marie still jerked and yelped.

He strode up to her, yanking off the cuntal rings, then unzipping his filthy Levi's and pushing them from his legs. She saw his prick through a haze of pain and lust. When he took the wedge from between her teeth, she screamed at him, wanting to tear his face off, yet, at the same time, wanting him to fuck her senseless. He knocked her back against the bench with a backhanded blow, climbing onto the groaning small stool and tugging her head back by the hair.

"No, uhhhh, no, no!"

He rubbed his prickhead into her winking pussy.

Marie felt more heavy juices flowing from her cunt. She was confused, stunned, while he rolled his hips and shoved his prick against the top of her cunt-mound.

Marie groaned at the pain, jerking her hips toward him.

"Uhhhh!" she sighed.

His prick pressed right over her clit.

Marie cried out, her body arching up from the small bench. She could feel her own electric charge seeping from the hot button of her clit to her pussy. She rocked her ass from side to side, feeling him gouging her pussy open.

She groaned again, pulling at the bonds, laughing and weeping as he sucked and bit at her neck. Every tearing bite sent shivers down her throat. It was as if the wires were still hooked up to her. And then he tugged at the wires holding her tits up, watching as the rings bit more savagely into her nipples.

"Eaghghhghghh!" Marie shrieked, fearing he would rip her tit-tips off.

Jack slid his prick into her greasy cunt-crack, pushing it hard while staring down at her at the same time. His eyes bored down into her soul, making her shiver.

The woman pulled and yanked at the ropes cutting into her flesh. It felt good, shamelessly good. She watched his lips working against one another, his eyes blazing while he reached up and tugged violently at the wires attached to her tit rings.

Marie broke her fingernails against the bench as she felt him sliding that thick tower of prickmeat into her. She wanted that prick, needed it. The more those rings cut into her nipples, the more stinging became the delight in her cunt.

Jack shoved down hard, his hipbones rubbing against hers. That was all the woman needed.

When the wide-flared cockhead pressed against her cunt sphincter, Marie felt the steamy, belly-filling tension starting up in her crotch. She moved her hips from side to side, pressing her cunt onto his prick.

The janitor grunted, shoving in, a greasy, slippery slide that sent her cunt into tremors of delight. Marie felt herself flying off the bench as he dropped down and sealed his mouth onto hers. The electricity, the amperage, everything that seared her body, drove her higher and higher into delight.

She felt his prick swelling in her cunt, jerking around, as the woman surrendered to the sweaty ecstasy of being fucked while being bound.

Marie groaned again, feeling his cock-knob slide deeper into her cunt. She contracted her cunt muscles, milking his cock without moving her hips.

Jack grunted, shaking the sweat from his head while puffing from her mouth. He fucked down hard again, jerking his hips from left to right, making the rising heat in her cunt steam through her belly.

His cock was plowing through her packed pussy meat. She swiveled as much as she could, feeling the stabbing sensation of the splinters pricking her sweaty asscheeks.

Rolling her head to one side, she saw Brad and wished somehow that he could be there fucking her as well, stabbing his prick into her body. Two pricks in her at the same time! The thought drove her wild.

Marie grunted, rolling her ass up, feeling her asscheeks hanging in mid-air while flashes of joy exploded again and again from her clit. As she felt him grinding against her harder, she also felt the long bar of his prick fucking deeper.

Marie screamed, the need for release taking up all her concentration.