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"I saw her drive away. I've been watchin' you for a while. You got a good-lookin' mother. Wouldn't mind fuckin' her too."

Cindy looked at the opened window and rushed to it, keeping the phone tucked under her chin.

Quickly Cindy pulled down the shades. How she wished her mother were here!

"You know, I'm just sittin' here, workin' my meat, thinkin' about you. You wanna come over here and suck a little dick for Jack?"

Suck? Cindy was horrified. She took the receiver and started to slam it down into the cradle. But he would only call back. Worse, he might actually come over and break in. Having him here in the house would be too much to stand.

"No, get off the line. Get off or… or I'll call the police!"

He laughed, that low, throaty laugh that made her cringe.

"You ain't gonna call the cops. If you do, I'll tell 'em about you and lover boy – worse, about how you decided to take me on. They'll get me, but you'll be trash from then on. You want that?"

Cindy hesitated, biting her lower lip. "No."

"Good. Then conic on over. Your old lady won't be around for a while. And I ain't gonna take all night. You come in through the east exit on Colorado. I'll be waitin' for you."

The dial tone.

There was no chance to reason with him.

Cindy sat there on the bed, her ass sinking into the mattress while she listened to the buzzing tone in her ear. He had trapped her, purposely playing her out, then reeling her in now. She could stay here, lock the door and wait for her mother. But he would call again. And what would she say if her mother picked up the phone and heard him?

Cindy pushed that thought from her mind. It made her shiver with horror. She couldn't think about that, couldn't think about anything.

Quickly the girl slipped on her sandals, throwing her pink woolen sweater over her shoulders, then rushed down the stairs, her hair flying out behind her.

Cindy wasn't sure why she had given in this easily. Perhaps something inside her wanted her to surrender. She didn't know.

Threading her way through the dark side streets to the three-story high school looming in front of her, Cindy could think of nothing but Jack and what he was going to do to her.

She stood in front of the exit door, the only one lit in the monstrous building. The hall light was on as were the dim bulbs leading down the stairs.

Cindy hesitated again, her fingers on the doorknob, her clothes sticking uncomfortably to her body. She had to go through with this, if for no other reason than to understand her own conflicting feelings.

She pushed open the door, then slowly descended the stairs, her heart beating more loudly with each step.

Finally she was there by his office, looking around in the semi-darkness and finding no one there. Maybe this was a trick. Maybe he had left, leaving her alone here, wondering what had happened to him.

She heard something stirring in front of her.

Jack sat up from the chair after having flicked off the television. He was as big, as handsome, as threatening as ever. His eyelids were a little droopy, suggesting he had been drinking something before now.

"Yeah, just as pretty as ever," he said, his breath smelling of beer.

Cindy turned away.

"What's the matter? You don't want Jack? You're here, right?"

"I… because I was afraid you'd tell. Please, don't tell," Cindy said.

"Worried about what all your little friends would say if they found out, huh?"

He held her by her hair, tugging her head, pulling at the strands and making her wince.

Immediately Cindy realized coming here had been a mistake. He wouldn't listen to her. He would hurt her as he had before.

Curling her fingers into fists, she jabbed them into his belly, catching the janitor off-guard for the moment.

"Ooooffff! Come back here, you little bitch!"

Cindy wheeled around and ran for the stairs, hearing Jack coming up behind her.

She was on the second step, her fingers grasping the handrail tightly when she felt his hands grabbing for her dress. She screamed, falling forward, her legs shooting out behind her while her knees struck the cement stairs painfully.

Stars exploded in front of her eyes as a shattering pain flushed up and down her thighs. She couldn't run. The girl could barely move as Jack hauled her down to the floor, rolling her onto her back, kicking her several times before placing one booted foot against her throat.

Cindy froze, feeling the heel pressing against her windpipe. He was cutting off her air, pressing down hard while rubbing the dirty sole over her upper chest.

Panicked, the young blonde teen jerked her arms up, her fingers digging into his legs while she squirmed her ass against the bare floor.

Cindy's vision was blurred as his boot pressed down, working against her throat until she couldn't move any longer.

Just when Cindy thought she would surely faint from lack of oxygen, Jack kicked her savagely in the sides, making her double over in pain.

While clutching her belly, Cindy felt the big man grabbing hold of her waist and dragging her back toward his office area. She was too stunned to resist. Moaning, she was dragged over the cement floor as saliva drooled from her lips. He had her now, taking her back to his office.


He had flung her against the workbench, the nine workbench where he'd taken her cherry so cruelly.

Cindy stood there, her knees pressed together, shaking convulsively.

Jack was careful not to rip any of her clothing, giving her a slap when she tried to stop him from unbuttoning her blouse or slipping off her skirt. One hard backhanded blow nearly knocked her to the floor. She felt the stinging hot slap for minutes afterward against her cheek, every tooth in her head rattling.

She sniffed, feeling her bra loosening around her shoulders, slipping off her tits. In spite of what he'd done to her before, Cindy felt a rush of modesty, and she tried to cover her tits.

Jack laughed, shaking his head while curling his fingers around the elastic waistband of her pink panties and tugging them down to her ankles.

For a moment Cindy wanted to kick him, but Jack was back on his feet, sliding his fingers up and down her body, pawing her while examining her tits, her cunt, her ass.

"Man, good. Good and young and tight," he whispered, his eyes glazing over with animal lust.

He took her by the arm, leading her around to one end of the bench.

At fast Cindy thought it was a vise. But on closer inspection, the girl saw it was a broad clamp attached with two screws to the side of the bench. Two small metal cuffs lay opened on the top, cuffs that Jack pushed her hands through, then clamped shut.

Cindy bent over, remembering how he had pissed on her when she was bound and wondering if he was going to repeat that horror once more.

Jack bent over and grabbed her right leg, pulling it up until it was parallel to the floor. Cindy swallowed hard, feeling the pulling tension against her thigh as he brought her foot up until her toes were brushing over a wall ladder attached to the cinderblocks. It was on the eighth rung that the janitor rested her leg, producing a rope and wrapping it around her ankle and the ladder.

Cindy rested her forehead on the bench, feeling her cunt open up from the puffing pressure of that awful position. Resting her elbows on the edge of the bench, the girl bent her left knee, rolling her naked ass in the air, searching for a position that would take some strain off her right leg.

"Uh!" she gasped.

She felt Jack tightening the rope around her ankle, then bending over to check the cuffs before he stepped back, looking satisfied. She knew something awful would happen now. Her heart stopped as she watched him slip his fingers into his flannel shirt pocket, then pull out a small cigarette lighter.

Jack kept his glittering blue eyes fastened on her for some time, flipping open the top of the lighter. He was going to use that thing on her!