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“Shut up, Bronsky,” Captain Maksimenko replies without looking at his soldier. “We could use an extra rifle and this fellow looks like one who’s been around here for a while. Right, Stalker?”

“One could say that,” Skinner says.

“Do you know the way to Panjir valley?”

“Depends,” Skinner cautiously replies. “It’s a big place. Dangerous, too. Full of wolves this time of year.”

“Fuck those wolves,” a Spetsnaz groans. Both of his arms are covered with bloody bandages. “Thought they were like blind dogs, and then one just tears the AK from my hands and another bites the head off the guy next to me!”

“I wish I was still be dismantling irradiated submarines,” another soldier moans. “This job is worse than strafbat.”

“Stop whining, maggots,” Sergeant Vlasov grumbles indifferently. “You’re fucking Spetsnaz. Act like it, for God’s sake.”

The captain shows Skinner his PDA. “We are looking for an electric substation, about two day’s march from Bagram. Supposed to be in this long valley, here. You ever been there?”

Skinner is glad his gas mask hides the grin that is now coming to his face. Could it be that his bad luck is just about to turn? His heart starts pounding faster. He feels an urge to take his Orthodox cross and kiss it — right at this time of dire luck, fate is about to give him a chance to gather new followers. All he has to do is to guide these unsuspecting soldier boys into the depths and let the abandoned facility do the rest.

“Yes, I know it,” he says.

“Firsthand or just heard about the place from a drunk Stalker?” Maksimenko inquires.

“Been there myself, yes.”

“Can you guide us there? We’ll give you food rations in exchange and if you don’t do anything stupid, a rifle as well.”

“That sounds great,” Skinner says with his eyes shining. “Believe me, I know that place very well… like the back of my hand!”

Maksimenko and Vlasov share a frown. Neither of them know why he is in such a good mood all of a sudden, and even less so why his chuckle has something uncanny about it that gives them the creeps.

Food or smiters? That’s what I call a choice!

Skinner’s chuckle grows into bellowing laughter.

Welcome to the New Zone, boys!


It is late at night.

In one of the many tents erected to accommodate the Tribe’s women and children who lost their homes in the siege, Nooria and the Beghum are warming themselves at a small fire.

There is a timeless feeling over their scene: the fire casting their shadow on the canvas; the daughter resting her head on her mother’s shoulder; their dark eyes reflecting the orange flames; the soft wind stirring the tent flaps.

“Madar, man besyar khoshhal hatsam ke be khane bargashti!” The words flowing from Nooria’s lips, spoken in her native Hazaragi language, are eloquent and powerful. “I had hoped that giving my word to a robber and bandit would be like writing on water. But no matter what a scoundrel Sultan is, he did keep his promise. He lured me in a trap like a hunter would a deer, and now the harder I try to get out the tighter it keeps me. Honor binds and requires me to kill the man I love. Madar, please, tell me there is a way out of this, for my heart is bleeding and my soul is torn between love and honor!”

“How is she?”

“Very good.” Gently, Nooria puts her mother’s hands to her belly and smiles. “I can feel she is sleeping now.”

“I am glad to see that my judgment was right,” the Beghum says. “He got you with child and proved strong enough to protect you. Protect us, even. Nevertheless, the role of your man is limited, just like that of my man. What they provide are all but small steps on our long way—protection, care, seed. Ultimately, dokhtra, we won’t be needing them.”

“Maybe Leighley knows and that’s why he is no longer with you, madar.”

“What could a lonely man in the desert do when he sees the storm rising, knowing there is no way to escape?”

“Run or try to ride the storm.”

“How futile! But he still thinks he can ride it. Even if all this was just a breeze heralding the impending storm.”

“Madar, I met a wise man during my passage through the northern lands which Mikhailo calls the Zone. He believes that everything happens there by the will of that Zone. Are the Spirit and the Zone the same? Mikhailo and some Stalkers believe they are.”

“This fire lights up our tent but just a few steps away, darkness prevails. So is human wisdom — it cannot see beyond the next day. Only we have the power to see beyond. Mark my words — she will be the connection, born from parents marked by both lands. She will break the evil that has appeared here and to the north. The world will tremble when she challenges evil, and all human concerns will be like sand in the storm.” The Beghum takes a pinch of sand from the ground and blows it off her palm. “Until those days come, we are bound by honor, for honor is our compass through these dark times. It always was.”

“So I do have to kill him?”

“You know the answer, dokthra. There wouldn’t be much about honor if we kept it only till it pleases us, and without it we wouldn’t be much better than the mindless fiends who have attacked us.”

Nooria gives her mother a sad smile. “I know, but—”

A band of fighters passes by their tent, chatting and joking. Nooria looks at her mother. She cuddles closer to her and mentally continues the interrupted sentence.

But he is such a decent man, madar. What a cruel twist of fate! For so many years we have been waiting for the right one, and now I have to take his life!

Comfortingly, Beghum Madar strokes Nooria’s hair and gives her a closed-mouth smile.

Yes, dokhtra. He is quite decent. And handsome too… for a human.


Author’s Acknowledgements

First and foremost, my thanks are due to Joe Mullin at GSC Game World for his continued support. A massive thank-you goes to the whole S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community as well, especially Mary Elisabeth Klimkosz, Erica Coluccio, Alexandra Walker-Kinnear, Brigitta Virág, Víctor Ocampo, Frank A. Mosca Sr., Mehran Yousefian, Taras Ktitor, Jonathan Roos, Nikolai Hazeldine. Without their encouragement and help this book could never have been written.

I add to these acknowledgments a prayer for Andrei Tarkovsky, if such an immortal soul needs any. Parts of this book are my personal bow to ”Stalker” his masterpiece of cinematic poetry.

Balázs Pataki


“S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Northern Passage”

© 2012 Balazs Pataki. All rights reserved.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. logo and all names, characters and locations related to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series of video games: © 2011 GSC Game World and used by courtesy of GSC Game World.

No similarity between any characters and/or institutions in this publication and any pre-existing person(s), living, dead or zombified and/or institution, pre-existing and/or dissolved is intended and any similarity which may exist is purely coincidental.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are the views of the author only and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSC Game World and/or individuals affiliated or connected with GSC Game World.