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She lifted her chin. “Yes, I’d heard. Fionnula informed me.”

“Then why aren’t ye downstairs with everyone else, darlin’?” he asked much too gently.

He stood preternaturally still, his head cocked as if listening to her breathing.

Silence found herself licking her lips nervously. She reminded herself of the promise she’d made just this afternoon: she would not blindly obey this man again. Refusing to dine with Mickey O’Connor might seem like a small defiance, but it was the only one she had. “I prefer to eat in my room with Mary.”

“All those who live under me roof dine together downstairs.”

She tilted her chin. “Do they?”

“Yes, they do,” he said. “Get up.”

His tone was so commanding that she almost did just that. Silence exhaled carefully and lifted Mary from her lap. She set the toddler on the floor and Mary immediately began exploring the room, holding on to the settee seat as she went.

She met his eyes. “No.”


He’d heard her well enough so Silence merely folded her arms in answer. The posture also served to hide the trembling of her hands.

He stared at her a moment and there was anger on his handsome face, but there was also a kind of animal curiosity as well. “Why not?”

She inhaled, trying to calm the rapid beat of her heart. “Maybe I don’t want to break bread with pirates. Maybe I don’t want to dine with you. Maybe I simply prefer my quiet room. Does it matter? Whatever my reasons I will not obey you.”

He’d stilled and she found herself holding her breath, as if waiting for an attack. He stood in front of the fire, the light limning the tight fit of his breeches on muscled legs, his hands fisted by his sides, his big shoulders bunched and ready. His face was absolutely motionless, and she thought again how beautiful he was—beautiful and dangerously feral.

“Well, then, Mrs. Hollingbrook,” he finally drawled, “that’s yer choice sure enough, but ye’ll not be eatin’ at all until ye grace me supper table.”

Her mouth dropped open in outrage. “You’ll starve your own child?”

He sliced the air with the blade of his palm, his rings winking in the firelight. “I never said the babe won’t be eatin’. I’ll have enough victuals sent up for her, but not yerself, me darlin’. Feast on that fact, why don’t ye?”

And with that he stalked from the room.

Of all the absurd, autocratic commands! For a moment Silence stared at the closed door, shocked. He couldn’t just order her starved, could he? Except, of course, he could. Mickey O’Connor lived like some primitive king and like a king he was obeyed absolutely in his own home. Her gaze darted to the small tray that had been sent up earlier with Mary’s supper. A few bits of cheese, and a bowl smeared with the remains of stewed apples still sat there. Silence could nibble on that, but Mary often decided to have a snack before bedtime. Silence would never deprive the baby of her food.

She blew out a frustrated breath. Why did Mr. O’Connor care anyway where she chose to dine? If he truly was surrounded by his gang and a bevy of beautiful females, he’d hardly notice if she were there or not. The whole thing came down to controclass="underline" Mr. O’Connor wanted to have her at his supper table simply to show that he could make her do as he wished. Well, it would do such a dictatorial man good to find that he couldn’t always have his way.

Besides, he wouldn’t truly starve her, would he?

On that rather disquieting thought Silence finally roused herself to ready Mary for bed. Mary only fussed a little bit as her hands and face were washed and a clean chemise was pulled over her head. Halfway through their bedtime game of patty-cake Mary yawned and by the time she was settled in her little cot she was nearly asleep. Silence sat by the cot, quietly rubbing Mary’s back until the little girl’s knuckle crept to her mouth and her rosebud lips pursed in sleep.

Silence smiled ruefully. Mary was so angelic in sleep. One would never realize the tyrant the toddler could be when awake. And Silence had come so close to losing her today. Her breath caught on the thought and she leaned down to carefully brush a kiss against the tiny flushed cheek.

She rose then, and went to look at the tray before the fireplace. The last bits of cheese had been eaten before the game of patty-cake, but there was still a puddle of stewed apples in the bowl. Silence rubbed her stomach. She’d missed luncheon in the frantic search for Mary and now her stand against Mr. O’Connor’s despotic ways seemed a bit… shortsighted.

She was reaching for the bowl when the door to the room opened. Silence snatched back her hand guiltily and whirled to find Fionnula creeping into the room.

“Oh!” the maid said, gasping softly at Silence’s sudden movement. “I didn’t mean to startle ye, ma’am.”

“That’s all right.” Silence exhaled. “I was just preparing for bed.”

“Of course, ma’am,” the maid said shyly. “I’ll just tidy up, shall I?”

Silence watched wistfully as Fionnula picked up the tray and brought it to the door, handing it to a servant outside.

“Thank you,” Silence murmured.

“Not at all,” Fionnula replied. “Will ye be needin’ anythin’ else tonight?”

“I don’t think so,” Silence began.

But Fionnula hastily answered. “Oh, but I fetched ye a fresh cloth with which to refresh yerself. I knew ye’d use the one here to wash the wee babe.”

The maid had come closer as she said this and she now handed Silence a bundled cloth. Silence took it and immediately realized that something was hidden in the folds. Her gaze darted to Fionnula’s face in question. The maid’s eyes widened in warning as she glanced significantly toward the still-cracked door.

“If that’s all, I’ll just be biddin’ ye good night.”

“Yes.” Silence hastily set the bundle on a table. “Thank you, Fionnula.”

The maid went into her own bedroom and Silence crossed to the outer door. Bert was sitting in a chair against the wall on the opposite side of the hall.

Silence nodded to him. “Good night, Mr…. er, Mr. Bert.”

Bert scowled, but nodded grudgingly.

Silence closed her bedroom door very firmly. Goodness! She was beginning to wonder if the guards were there to ensure her and Mary’s safety or to keep them from wandering. Shaking her head, she went to the bundle on the table and carefully unwrapped it. There lying on the pristine cloth was a slice of seedcake and a bit of roasted beef. Her stomach growled at the sight. What would Mr. O’Connor do if he learned of Fionnula’s disobedience? Silence would have to talk to the maid tomorrow—tell Fionnula that she must not risk herself on Silence’s behalf. But for now…

Well, right now she was very grateful for the supper.

She ate the cake and meat and washed it down with water from a pitcher on the table by the bed. Then she bathed as best she could. She doused the candles and removed her clothes in the dark. Clad only in her chemise, she climbed into the big canopied bed.

For long moments Silence lay, staring sightlessly in the dark. This morning she’d woken to a usual, chaotic day at the home. Tonight she lay cut off from all her family and friends. As she listened to the soft whisper of Mary Darling’s breathing she made this vow: she would endure whatever she must for the baby’s sake.

And whatever happened, she would not break under Mickey O’Connor’s rule.

MICK WOKE IN the darkest part of night, the time when men forgot their bravery of the day and wonder if their souls still lived upon this lonely earth. He stared into the blackness, listening to the breathing of the wenches in his bed, thinking about the dream that had disturbed his sleep.