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He had a huge prick.

It was one of those tapering cocks, thick at the base and narrowing up to a pointed tip, that seemed to have been designed for prying into tight pussies. The knob was elongated and the stalk was as gnarled as the root of an olive tree, sprouting out above a set of balls that could fire four or five times without pausing to reload.

Claude didn't have a great imagination, but he was not totally devoid of one, and he thought about lots of depraved things when he was jacking his pounding prick.

He thought about fucking, of course.

He thought about having his cock sucked, a thing he had never experienced. This intrigued him. But most of all he thought about fucking a woman up the ass.

One reason why this was his pet perversion was the physical shape of his prick. Tapered the way it was, his cock seemed to have been fashioned expressly for such a task, the pointed cock-knob leading the way for the thick shaft, casing the entry. If a man had a tool designed for a certain job, it seemed only proper that he use it for that job.

But there was another reason for his inclination towards the nether entrance to a girl's loins.

Claude had ass fucked his sister when they were teenagers.

It had been the best sex that he had ever had, far better than either of the ugly women who had provided him with pussy and Claude had longed for another chance to bugger a girl. He had been in junior high when his older sister had suggested it.

His sister had not been perverted or depraved, however. Quite the opposite, in fact! She was a wholesome, chaste sort of girl who wanted to retain her virginity for marriage and who would never have dreamed of committing the unspeakable sin of incest by letting her brother fuck her cunt. She was also a fastidious girl who found the thought of sucking on a mouthful of cock most distasteful. Thus, because of her purity, there was only one thing left for them to do and she invited Claude to bugger her.

They had both enjoyed it enormously.

She would kneel before him, clawing at her cunt, while he plunged his prick up her ass and filled her bowels with ball juice. They fell into the habit of fucking this way, and then did it several times a week for a year or so. But then his sister found herself a boyfriend and lost her cherry and even became indelicate enough to take it in the mouth, and poor Claude was left without a single asshole to bugger.

He had yearned for some ever since.

He liked to look at the nubile schoolgirls as they strolled through the corridors between classes. He admired their tits and bellies and legs, too, but most of all he adored their asses.

Jennifer Hastings, in particular, turned him on.

Claude had not pulled his prick yet today.

He was looking forward to it at the moment, and he was trying to decide if he wanted to use the broom closet, the furnace room or the library. He had already decided what he was going to think about, however. He was going to think about Jennifer's splendid asshole.

Because he intended to use his imagination, he would not require a book to browse through and so there wasn't any particular reason for choosing the library. It was a whim of fate that he did so.

Claude's cock was iron hard and gorged, stuffing the front of his overalls out in a great, bloated lump. He carried a mop before him, to hide that incriminating bulge, as he sneaked through the school halls toward the, back entrance to the library. He encountered no one. He went in and closed the door quietly behind him.

He moved into the maze of the bookshelves.

Then he halted, puzzled.

Strange, moist, muffled sounds could be heard from the front of the library. It sounded just like a fat cock sliding in and out of a hot cunt, he thought. He figured that his imagination must have run amuck. It wasn't possible that there was fucking afoot in a library.

He advanced with caution.

He opened his fly and took his prick out and, as he stalked through the bookshelves, he looked like a big-game hunter warily pursuing a wounded man eating tiger, his heavy caliber gun thrust out before him. He peered around a corner and almost fainted.

The librarian was sprawled across her desk and the gym teacher was stuffing his cock up her ass!

Claude could hardly believe his good fortune.

He crouched down and watched, fascinated. He saw that Hammond was alternating his strokes, feeding it up her ass and then up her pussy, but it was the ass strokes that truly thrilled the janitor. He began to pump his prick.

He had arrived towards the end of the fucking and he had only given his meat a few strokes when Hammond began to pour the spunk into Miss Childress' creaming cunt. Claude was kind of sorry that Hammond hadn't come up her ass, but still, he couldn't very well complain – that sight had been a rare treat.

They slowed and then halted.

Claude slipped back cut of sight, figured they were finished now and not wanting them to see him peeking around the shelves. Now he bought seclusion for his own prick draining.

He moved down a row of bookshelves. He came to a junction and glanced around it and Claude received another shock.

Jennifer Hastings, that gorgeous redhead with that sexy ass, was standing there, looking through a gap in the books; watching Hammond fuck the librarian!

Her dress was raised. Her panties were off. She was fingering her pussy with one hand, and to his absolute joy he saw that she was also pushing a finger up her asshole!

Why, the girl must be depraved!

She was a voyeur! She was a finger fucker! And she was giving herself some up the ass, to boot! Visions of delight danced like sugar-plum fairies in Claude's mind. Did he dare approach her? He couldn't decide.

She was obviously horny or she wouldn't be giving herself a hand job, and what horny girl would rather have a finger than a cock? Claude was not sightly, of course, and he didn't suppose she would fancy him, and yet if he let her get a look at his massive cock, it might be a different matter. She was staring in rapture at the gym teacher's prick, and Claude figured that his own prick was every bit as big, even if it had a different configuration. Oh, if only he could bury it up that sweet asshole!

He was trembling with lust and indecision.

He made up his mind. He stepped out into full view, his loins thrust forward so that when Jennifer looked around she would see how huge his cock was, standing rampant before him, the tapered tip extending all the way up to his breastbone.

He stood there, waiting for her to notice him.

But Jennifer did not look around.

She was still staring through the gap in the bookshelves, and she seemed as interested as ever.

And she was.

Because Hammond and Miss Childress had not finished yet!


Hammond had recovered enough of his vitality by this time so that he could make the effort of uncoupling from Miss Childress, who was still sprawled out, belly down, on the desk, her pussy impaled upon his emptied, but still hard, cock. Being a gym teacher, Hammond kept himself in shape, and, although his coming had been as strength sapping as the librarian's, he had recuperated first.

He placed his hands on the up-thrust mound of her ass, holding her down on the desk as he began to slowly draw his fat prick out of her cunt. It was obvious that he had to hold her down, because even from where Jennifer was watching this, she could see that Miss Childress' cunt was not willing to be vacated.

The librarian squirmed around, as if trying to help Hammond unlink from her loins, but her pussy was not being helpful at all. Her cunt hole sucked and dragged and pulled on his retreating cock meat. The circular muscles that worked so well when she was getting fucked were still working, clamping closed in a series of concentric rings, loath to be empty of cock. The thick root dragged out inch by inch. More and more of his fat cock came into sight, but his long prick seemed almost endless.