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He arrived on a commercial star ship along with six hundred other applicants from the worlds of the Realm and was teleported to a huge parade ground where everyone was told they were going to meet the Queen of the Stars Realm in person. He could still remember his excitement at the prospect of actually seeing her and when she arrived and welcomed everyone he felt that even if he wasn’t accepted into the academy that the opportunity to actually see her was worth all the headaches and worries that the exams had given him.

Then the Queen surprised the assembled applicants and stepped down into their ranks after her welcoming speech. She then started walking down the lines shaking each person’s hand. She had finally arrived in front of him and took his hand and said, “Thank you for wanting to be a part of our service.” He felt like a nervous child at that moment and as she touched him he felt a small shock. As she started moving away she looked back at the Admiral following her and quickly nodded at him. The Admiral handed him a red coin with the Queen’s picture on one side and Castle Gardner on the other. He stared at the coin as the Queen and her attendants continued down the lines of recruits. He looked around and noticed that everyone was given a coin and they were all looking at it as the Queen continued her walk. He noticed that the two recruits on each side of him had been given a gold colored coin and he wondered why his was different. She finally finished and waved to everyone and boarded a shuttle that flew her in the direction of the huge castle in the distance.

The admiral that has followed her through the ranks then moved in front of them and yelled in a loud voice, “Those of you that were given red coins will remain where you are; everyone else, please pick up your bags and move to the ship at the north end of the field and board for a short flight to the Academy.”

He felt his heart fall into his stomach. He had failed and was not going to be chosen. The applicants with gold coins smiled and ran to the end of the field and lined up to board the huge transport. The admiral waited until everyone had left and watched as the transport lifted with the ones that received the gold coins; then he turned and said, “I’m sure you’re wondering about the red coin.” There were only about a hundred people remaining and they all looked at each other nodding. “You have passed the first of two tests. We will now take you to see if you pass the second.” The hundred remaining applicants were shocked speechless. The admiral smiled and said, “You should all know that rose is more valuable than gold in this Realm. Please board the ship at the other end of the field and wait there for your instructions.”

He grabbed his bag and ran to the ship with the others and entered to find an Ensign assigning each of them seats. Once they were all boarded, the ship lifted into orbit and then everyone heard, “Teleport in five seconds.” They all looked out through the forward glass and saw a silver field forming in front of their ship; the ship moved forward and reappeared above a planet.

“Everyone, please move to the field in the landing bay immediately,” a voice said over the intercom and they grabbed their bags and moved out of the main cabin and entered the shuttle’s landing bay. The silver field was glowing brightly in the rear of the bay and the recruits followed the admiral through it. The group exited the field to find themselves on the surface of a planet that was remarkably barren. Off in the distance were buildings that had fallen into decay. Most were missing walls and some were little more than piles of rubble; but there lined up in front of them was row after row of small, silver, ships. Matt immediately recognized them as those used by Searchers to perform the work of the Realm. They were beautiful. Their smooth lines and gleaming silver surfaces reflecting the sun’s rays were awe inspiring.

“They’re beautiful aren’t they?”

Everyone turned and saw an Algean standing next to the admiral. The Algean was more than fifteen feet tall and had blooms that smelled wonderful. “I’m sure you’re trying to figure out why we brought you here. The reason our Queen took the time to walk through your ranks was that she wanted to touch each one of you to see if you possessed the necessary psychic ability to be able to bond with one of these ships. She can sense those abilities and you are here because she determined that you possess psychic ability in a measure that is above normal. What skill you have was increased when she touched you and in the coming days some of the things you’ll be able to do will surprise you. However, only those that can bond with a ship will be accepted as a Searcher into the Stars Realm’s Navy. The others that were at the initial gathering have all demonstrated on their tests that they have outstanding abilities and they will be offered positions in our support fleets as will those of you who are not successful here.”

The Algean walked around to stand between the recruits and the silver ships, “You are here to see if you can raise a ship. Each one of you will step forward one at a time and look out at these ships and command the ships “to rise”.” The Algean then pointed to one of the recruits and said, “You will go first followed by you.”

Matt thought, “Oh no. I don’t want to go second. I want to watch others go before I try.”

The first recruit stepped forward and everyone watched as he stared at the ships for thirty seconds but nothing happened. The Algean said, “Step back to the end of the line and you will be given another chance after everyone has tried.” He then said to Matt, “It’s your turn.”

Matt stepped forward and nervously looked out at the ships. His heart was pounding a mile a minute but as he stared at the ships he once more marveled at how beautiful they were. He forgot his nervousness as he stared at those beautiful works of technology and thought about how wonderful it must be to be able to fly a ship like those in front of him. He then smiled and thought, “Rise.”

For a moment nothing happened, then in the back row one of the ships rose and hovered ten feet above the others. The Algean and admiral looked at each other surprised. Then they looked at him and saw his smile. “What is your name,” the Admiral asked?

He blushed and answered, “Matthew Gardner, sir but my friends call me Magic.”

The Admiral looked at him and asked, “Are you related to the Royal Family?”

“No sir. I was raised in a state institution after my parents were killed in a ship accident when I was a baby. My name was given to me by the state to honor our royal family.

“How did you come to be called Magic?”

Matt shrugged, “As a kid I liked doing magic tricks. The name stuck.”

“Well, Magic, you are accepted into the Fleet Academy and that ship will be yours when you graduate. You might be interested to know that only the ships on the back row have all of the advanced systems the Algeans build into our ships. They will respond only to those that have the requisite psychic ability to fly them. Only ten other recruits in the last year have raised an Alpha Ship. You should be proud.”

The alarm went off and he was brought back to the present. His ship had found a planet with intelligent life and has dropped out of star drive. It looked like the planet was the center of a huge space battle. Thousands of ships were attacking the planet and large numbers of the defender’s ships were being destroyed. Matt looked at his display and saw the attackers would prevail if things continued as they were going. He thought a moment and then he sent a thought, “This is the Stars Realm Searcher Aladdin. I am requesting all ships to stop their attacks immediately and hold their current position. I will stop any ship that does not follow my instructions.”