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The crowd erupted into cheering. Everyone knew the role Matt had played in the war. Danielle held up her arms and the crowd slowly became silent. “We will continue to support him in any way he deems necessary. May I present to you King Matthew Gardner.

The roar was deafening not only on Ross but on every member planet of the Realm. Melanie stood next to Matt on the viewing stand with her ever present hat, which had become famous in the Realm, and waved at the cheering millions. The Realm began celebrating.

Melanie looked up at Matt and smiled. Her pride of him was obvious. Matt looked at Melanie and said, “Make sure you clean your hat.”

Melanie looked at the cheering crowd and said, “I’m giving my hat away.”

Matt furrowed his brow and Melanie said, “I am going to place it in Angels Tomb to thank her for what she sacrificed to save us.”

Matt embraced her and felt the tears. He closed his eyes and heard Angel say, “Love her, Magic. I can rest now.” Matt felt her go and knew she would always be in his heart. He looked at Melanie and knew he was going to marry her soon.

She said, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, My Love; I’m finally happy again.”

Melanie held him tight and felt him in her heart.


Edison and Newton watched a rebroadcast of the final battle and felt the excitement of the moment. Finally Edison looked at Newton and said, “Did you tell him?”

“Yeah, I told him.”

Edison continued staring at Newton and the small spider squirmed and said, “Well, I kinda told him.”

“What did you say?”

“I gave him the device and told him that I wanted him to live to see me grow up.”

“That’s not telling him!”

“He knows I’ll live millions of years, Edison.”

Edison thought a moment and asked, “What about his mate?”

“She was in the ship the first time he used it so she was also affected.”

Edison thought for a moment and said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right; humans are much smarter than we are.”

Edison looked at Newton and shrugged, “I’m sure he didn’t thank you because he’s just so busy. He’ll probably tell you in a thousand years.”

“Or sooner,” Newton said with a smile.

“I guess our next task is to remove the threat of our species to these good people and all the other universes.”

“Destiny insists it is our responsibility and is the only way to start to atone for all the universes we killed. He says it is a moral imperative.”

Edison was quiet and then shook his head, “We at our core are also good.”

Newton looked at the screen, “Perhaps.”

The End