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Of course, since she had come to the tiny town of Lincoln, all that had changed. While the people of the town were nice, most of them were as straight as a summer day in the desert is long, and she had been forced to use her fingers on her cunt every night since she had arrived. From the short, simple conversations she had with the available men in the town, she learned that all of them wanted to get married and settle down to raise a family. Maybe in ten years she would be ready for something like that, but for now, she wanted to be as free with herself as she could be.

Her thoughts were suddenly broken as the bell rang, and she could feel her heart fluttering at the thought that she was about to begin her first day as a teacher. Although she had been a student teacher before, it was not the same as having her very own class room. She took her position behind her desk, and could not help but smile as she watched the children filter into her room. Clearly none of them had been told that they would have a woman teacher. Some of them stopped and looked at her as though she had just landed from another planet, and, to her surprise and delight, there were even a few whistles. She could tell that her ideas about not having members of the opposite sex around had been correct. Most of her children had no ideas how to react to the presence of a woman.

Well-l-l… this was very interesting! She could see that she had her work cut out for her.

"Class, please come to order," she said as the children took random seats. "My name is Karen Heller, and I can see that some of you are a little surprised that I'm a woman. I hope you'll get over that initial shock. I have some rather different ideas about education than you're probably used to, and one of them concerns seating. For the rest of the year, you can sit where ever you want."

With that, there was a mad scramble to get as close to the front by the children as they could. Some of the smaller ones were pushed aside, and one of them was actually thrown to the floor, hitting his head. Karen could see that she was more correct than she had first realized. They wanted to be as close to her as possible. The wailing cry of the boy who had hit his head filled the room, and Karen went over to him, picking him up and holding him against her to comfort him. She could feel a warm, seeping wetness beginning to flow from her previously aching pussy, and she decided that she would start her new education with this boy who had wanted to be so close to her, and who had been so rudely pushed away. While she was holding him to help him stop crying, the class remained quiet. She patted the boy on the head, told him to take a seat at the rear of the room, and then went to the head of the class. "I want today to be as short as possible," she told her students. "I know how nice it is outside, and I don't want to be in this class room any more than you do. So I'll just call the roll, get to know you a little, and then you can go home early."

There was a unanimous cheer from all the students except the boy who had hit his head. He was sulking, and Karen couldn't tell if it was because he was really hurt or felt bad because he was so far away from her. As she called out the names of the students, she found that he was Alan Ribner. After half an hour of calling names and general talking about what the students expected for the year, she told them that they could go home… all except Alan. She wanted him to stay after. There were the usual jeers about how he was in trouble. Karen could see that the smaller boy had few, if any, friends. No one told him that he would wait until Alan was let out, and there was a look of fear on Alan's face, as thought he was going to be punished for something he had done.

When the class room was empty, and with Alan sitting in his seat in the back of the room, Karen closed and locked the door to her classroom. It looked as thought this small boy could really use a friend, and if there was anything Karen had learned in college, it was how to be a friend to men. Turning around and leaning against the door, she canted to Alan to come to her. The frightened boy slowly rose from his seat and walked to her, his head lowered as though he was accepting his punishment without question. He was still sobbing slightly, and Karen could feel her heart melting as she thought of how unhappy he must be feeling right now. He looked so miserable and lonely… When he got to within arm's reach of the lovely red-headed teacher, she gently put her hand out and drew him to her waist, gently running her fingers over the area of his head that had been hurt. She sensed that tears were once again welling up in his eyes, and she wanted to end whatever torment he was going through as soon as possible.

"Now… now, you couldn't have been hurt all that much," she soothed, stroking his lovely, childish head. "You should have stood up against the boys who pushed you out of your seat."

With his head resting lightly against her chest, Alan spoke through his sobs. "I'm too little," he said, his voice carrying all the sadness of a boy who was used to being picked on all his life. "I can't wait until I get bigger… Then I'll show them."

In spite of herself, Karen smiled at the boy's threats for the future. She could see that he would never become the physical giant he wanted to be. He would probably become only average in size, which would be all right if he had self-confidence. Well, Karen, she thought to herself, why don't you instill a little confidence in him right now? She put her arms on his shoulders and knelt down to look at him face to face. "I think you're a bigger man than any of the other boys in the class," she said to him, looking straight to his forehead from his tears, and she brushed it away, running her hand lightly over his face to wipe away the tear stains. "In fact, I think you're the biggest man I've met in this whole town since I've been here."

She could see by Alan's expression that he thought she was merely saying those thing. He must have heard them before, and there had to have been a point where the words alone were meaningless. She was determined to show him that she really meant what she said, though. She was going to back up her statement with action.

"Do the other boys talk very much about sex?" she asked soothingly. Alan looked as though he was trying to think of what his new teacher was getting at, and she decided that she would take the pressure off him. After all, this was going to be his first time, and she wanted to make it as easy for him as she could. He had enough trouble with his life as it was. "I'll bet they do, Alan, and I'll bet they think you don't know anything at all about. Am I right?"

The boy nodded his head, and the curvaceous woman was delighted to see that he had stopped crying. Then she noticed that he was not looking her in the eye, but rather was gazing at the sensual jutting of her breasts. She drew him against her again, pressing his face tightly into the full mounds, all the while feeling her nipples harden and her cunt juices beginning to flow at the thought of what was about to follow, "Well, Alan, as a teacher, I feel that I should teach you a little something about what the other kids talk about. Would you like that?"

The boy mumbled something, but his voice was muffled by the firm fleshy mounds of her breasts. She could feel him nodding his head, though, and she knew that she was making the right decision. Still kneeling, she continued to hold him snuggled against her rising and falling breasts. His smooth young head felt warm and his hair was soft against her hand. She allowed her hand to slide down over his youthful back and downward to cup the firm pants-covered mounds of his boyish buttocks as she held him tightly to the ever increasing rhythm of her breathing. "Would you like me to suck your little cock?" she asked in as soothing a voice as she could. Already her mind was swirling with the excitement she knew she would experience by swirling his boyish cock around in her warm, wet mouth while sensations of obvious sensual desire raced uncontrollably through her tingling belly. She could feel the young boy stiffen at her words. Clearly, he had never heard such language, and he must be trying to think of what she was talking about. She pulled him gently away from her and began hungrily kissing his smooth, boyish cheek… and then her lips found their way to his mouth while his hands continued to caress and knead the cheeks of his ass through his pants. She dropped to her knees to get more comfortable, and she opened her eyes to look at his crotch. She had thought all along that an eight-year-old could get an erection, and now she knew that she had been right. She could see a swelling in his crotch, and she raced her hands around from his ass to that swelling, gently kneading and squeezing it while her lips continued to press against his. The throbbing boyish hardness of his small penis thrilled her, and a wantonly abandoned sensation charged wildly through Karen's experienced, voluptuous body as she clutched Alan tighter to her with the one hand on his shoulder. Her brain reeled with emotion and pure sensualism sweeping over her, and she opened her mouth, sending her tiny tongue between the sweet-tasting boyish lips of this, her first student.