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"Uuuunnnhhh… Miss… Miss Heller… what…?" the boy garbled in surprise against her openly breathing mouth. "I… we… oooooohhhhhh…" he tried to find the words for his feelings, but what was happening to him was so new and strange that he didn't know where to begin… or what he should say. He had heard the other boys making jokes about what was happening to him right now, but he never thought such things actually could happen. From all the things he had heard, though, he was expecting something dirty to happen. But this wonderful woman was anything but dirty. She was nice, and he somehow sensed that she was trying to help him. He got those feelings even more when she thrust her tongue once again into his openly surprised mouth! In fact, she drove her tongue so deeply into his mouth that he almost found it hard to breathe. And all the while her soft hands were stroking his buttocks and crotch in a way his mother had never done. For the first few moments, he was totally frightened, but then, as he became accustomed to the touch of her hands, he noticed that it was feeling very good, and he found that he did not mind at all. She was so gentle and kind… and her tongue tasted so good and wet and warm… He never thought another person's tongue in his mouth would make him feel this way!

"Now, Alan," Karen whispered in a husky voice that betrayed her ever-mounting lust, "I'm going to take off your pants. After all, if I'm going to suck your tiny little penis, I have to see it."

What she was about to do to him went against everything he had been taught. His mother especially had told him that he should never let another person play with his "pee-pee", as she called it. But what this new teacher was doing held him totally spellbound, and he was already feeling so good with her fingers "down there" that he didn't want her to stop, ho matter how wrong it was.

The beautiful red-headed teacher slipped his pants down over his slim hips, letting them puddle at his feet on the floor. She noticed with glee that his penis, although small, was nevertheless erect, and she knew it meant he would be able to cum in her mouth. That was exactly what she wanted him to do. Now that his cock was exposed to her gaze, she now longer kneaded his buttocks, but rather brought her hands around to his penis and began stroking the hard, small cock.

Alan was getting more and more excited. First she had been soothing him… but this! This was something else. He had seen his mother and father kiss several times, and he had seen people in the movies kiss as well, but he had never seen anything like what was happening to him now. Alan was amazed at the fact that his penis was hard and pointing straight up. He had never had an erection before, being just a little too young to begin masturbating. He had thought several times about what it might be like to have a woman touch him there, but he had never paid all that much attention to those thoughts. Now he was, though. This was a real woman touching him!

Karen could feel her moistened lips quivering with her own excitement. She had been for a full two weeks without a man's penis in her cunt, her ass or her mouth, and she was looking forward to again experiencing the sensations she had found so pleasureful in college. Smoothing her hands up over the boyish hips again, she fixed her eyes on the throbbing hardness of his tiny penis. In a way, it reminded her of a dog-cock she had sucked once… so small yet so hard and pleasureful and wonderful. Not that Alan was a dog, though. He was a boy about to become a man, and the sexually free teacher wanted to make sure that his loss of virginity did not destroy his mind.

Her mind reeling with licentious thoughts, Karen bent forward to place a kiss lightly on his quivering young ass-cheek, and she felt the boy stiffen with excitement.

"Do you like that?" she asked.

"Uuuhhhh… y… yes…" he stammered, his eyes almost touching the swelling rise of Karen's full breasts. She avoided stroking his cock for a while, moving her hands warmly over his chest and belly in small circles, teasing him into greater hardness as she came closer and closer to touching his now achingly, throbbing penis once again. Visions of what his father and mother would do to him if they knew what was happening entered his mind. They would kill him if they could see him now. But even though he felt a little guilty about letting this woman touch his cock, the sensations were so blissfully overwhelming that he didn't really care what his parents thought at the moment.

He looked down at himself to his groin and the way her soft, slender hands were gently flowing over him. He felt delightfully strange because his pants were at his feet. God! His cock just kept getting harder and bigger… and there was a funny feeling in his belly… And then he sensed that she was going to touch it again, this time differently than she had the first time!

Karen could hardly breathe she was so emotionally strung up and tense that it was all she could to do remember that she was trying to teach this sweet boy something new. But there was no denying the fact that she wanted his cock in her mouth more than she wanted to give him a lesson in sex. Her sexual appetite had been highly sharpened by the fact that she had been using her fingers in her cunt for two weeks, and if the Superintendent were to come into the room, and catch her, she wouldn't be able to stop what she was doing. Christ, she would fuck him as well. Se would take the two of them on at once. She had to have this sweet, innocent, loving boy. She held him between her full spread thighs, his naked back and buttocks pressed warmly to her electrified body, her hand quivering with excitement as she found once again the throbbing rod of his hardened penis.

With her other hand tenderly spread out over his belly and chest, the erotically aroused teacher felt the reflexive lurch of his boyish form as her feverish hand encircled the jutting rod of his blood-swollen hardness. Eagerly, she looked down to see the bright red-tipped young cock resting in the soft palm of her warm hand, the outline of its mushroom shaped head visible through the covering sheath of its foreskin. Her mouth went dry at the wild lust provoking excitement the sight and feel of it sent racing through her. It had been so long… Experimentally she took it between her thumb and forefinger to gently draw the outer layer of skin back, revealing its moistened purplish head. Again she could feel the eight-year-old boy lurch back, and she kissed him quickly on the forehead. "Don't be frightened, darling," she whispered. "I'm going to do something to you that none of the other boys have had happen to them, and I know you'll love it as much as I will."

"I… I… don't know…" the wildly excited young boy gasped, totally unable to understand the strange sensations searing in his belly, watching her hand move back and forth with his "pee-pee" right between her thumb and forefinger. This time she slid the skin over and then back off its head, and the more she did it, the stronger those feelings became. And the they were added to with another strange feeling… this time in his tiny, hard balls… feelings he had never experienced before. Oooooh…