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"Yyyyeesssss… suck it… suck it… teacher…!" Alan had never felt anything like this before, and the words just seemed to come from deep in his brain, words he had heard some of the older boys use. Until now, he had not known what they meant, but now that he did know, he was not adverse to using them. He never thought that a woman would want to take his thing into her mouth. After all, he had used it only for pissing. But it was obvious that Karen loved what she was doing to him… just as much as he loved having her do it! It was the most wonderful thing in the whole world, and he felt as though his mind was about to split into a million pieces.

Growing more adventurous, Karen ravished her warm tongue around Alan's hard young penis. She brushed and grazed along its underside, licking the thick base, and gradually lapping up to the thin coroneal ridge, protruding thickly from the foreskin. Then she flicked her tongue back and forth rapidly across the sperm-filled cord on the underside, playing it like a banjo string, sending the young boy totally wild. His boyish hips heaved forward, hands clenched in her light red hair, and she could feel the muscles in his eight-year-old body tense and stretch tautly.

"Ggggooddd… ooooohhhhh…!"

Her tongue swirled around the bloated cock-head to slit the tiny hole in the tip with the end of her tongue. She could feel him lift closer to her as she knelt over him, his hands pulling her face to his pleasure-mad young cock.

Karen's voracious mouth returned to the hairless sac of her virgin student's balls and the strong young base where his long hard cock jutted up. She slicked them all over with saliva from her wildly working mouth, coating his balls entirely with sweeps of her hungry warm mouth as he lay moaning on the class-room floor.

"God… Oh, God… Miss Heller!"

Her tongue ran up and down the rigid cock-shaft from base to tip, licking the young vibrant flesh as though it were an ice cream cone. Quickly, she trailed her mouth and tongue back over his churning balls, along the shining, almost purple shaft at its pulsating head, and then slipped her lips down over it again.

The wildly aroused young teacher no longer thought about anything but the tiny, hard cock in her mouth. Her body was wallowing in the familiar sensations she thought she would never have again when she first moved to this small town, and the waves of licentious pleasure blotted out every other consideration from her mind.

The young boy's hips lunged upward hard as he fucked the entire throbbing, jerking length of his excitedly jerking young cock into the warmly welcoming cavern of her mouth. Oh God! He was going crazy with sheer rapture. So close now… not long… he could sense that he was going to shoot something into her mouth. Just what it was he didn't know, but it felt as though there would be a lot of it. She was using her mouth like a vacuum cleaner, sucking and pressing her lips so hard as she withdrew slowly that the jolts of frenzied pleasure that raced through Alan almost set him off!

"Ooooohhhh… Uuuhhhh…"

Then closing in sensual tension, Karen was aware that her own aroused body was seeping copious vaginal moisture. Her own erotic juices were seeping out from deep within her burning cunt! God! Oh, God! How she wanted him… needed him. She wanted his sweet, young cock fucking into her aching pussy. In Alan's frenzy his hands were all over her… smoothing her face, stroking her arms as he lunged again and again up into the deep wet chamber of her slaving mouth. Wild little electrical shocks were coursing through her with each brush of her sensually swaying breasts against his youthful thighs, and those shocks sent currents straight through her tremulously aroused body to clench and create a drawing-in sensation in her needing pussy.

"Ooohhhhh… uuuhhhh… ooohhhhh something's happening… Something's happening to me… don't stop… keep sucking me…!" Young Alan Ribner was raving, arching his hips wildly up into her mouth, hands growing tight on her tender flesh in his frantic reaching for his first release. The moans and groans spilling from his mouth measured the degree of his rising pleasure that threatened to carry him into complete delirium. Karen would never have guessed that an eight-year-old could get so utterly carried away with the throes of sexual pleasure.

"Don't stop… suck me… suck me harder… suck it… hard… hard… suck me harder…!" He was shaking her shoulders, then clamping his fingers around her lips to close them again on his throbbing, nearly bursting penis. "That's it… God… GOD… yesssssssss… ooooohhhhhhhhh…"

He was almost there. The sight of his beautiful teacher's renewed sucking, drawing with lustfully contorted lips on his almost exploding cock set the pre-climatic mechanism into action inside his churning belly. Alan ground harder and harder, fucking deeper and deeper into her pinkly ovalled mouth and working throat into that blissful sanctuary. He could feel the boiling cauldron in his balls as he fucked into her mouth as hard and as deep as his young virgin hips would allow. CHRIST!

The long column of rigid flesh that nearly filled Karen's mouth began to swell even more, and she tried to increase the moist sucking around it as the hard bulbous head rammed into her throat, expanding even more with every hard thrust. All that mattered was the sweet, innocent shaft of flesh that was instinctively fucking faster and faster into her mouth. Saliva dribbled down from the corner of her lips, coating her chin.

The lust-crazed eight-year-old was watching her, his face wrenched with sheer animal passion. Holding the sides of her head in a vise-like grip, he pulled her lips downward, even closer to the base of his cock, pushing her into his totally smooth, hairless groin. A thundering roar beat through his brain and he knew he could hold back no longer… What ever was going to happen would happen very soon…

Pressing his fingers into her cheeks to make the warm moist cavern of her mouth even tighter, he fucked his pulsing distended cock deep up into her face and forced his hips upward. His blood-filled penis throbbed and expanded in the channel between the softness of her tongue and the firm slippery roof of her mouth as he speared into her with amazingly long and powerful strokes until he felt as if a thousand volts of electricity were shooting through his body…

And then… all at once, he felt the eruption take place, felt the first stream of white-hot fire leap along the passage of his fucking penis. He gasped, his lips pulling back across his teeth as though he were going through some sort of agony. His cock began a sudden wild convulsive jerking that flooded without advance warning Karen's madly sucking mouth with rush after rush of burning semen, bloating her cheeks outward with each youthful spurt until she was forced to swallow frantically to keep from choking. Mewling and cooing her approval, she tickled his emptying balls with the tips of her fingernails. She would never have thought that an eight-year-old could produce so much cum, and she was more than pleasantly surprised at the amount of boyish sperm flooding her mouth and throat.

"Keep sucking… sucking…" Alan cried. His hands were working wildly in her hair now, ramming her head down harder on his burgeoning cock, burying it deep in her gulping throat. And then, with one last mighty groan as his lovely teacher sucked wildly at the juices of his young passion, he emptied the final drops of his sperm into her mouth!

But Karen was not quite finished, for at that moment her finger was working furiously at the tiny spasming bud of her clitoris. She fucked her hand deeper between her spread thighs from the top of her pants into the wetness of her passion-flushed cunt, tweaking and stroking the palpitating nerve center while she continued to nibble on his young penis long after it had softened in her mouth. With one hand jab of her frantic fingers her own climax erupted and bathed her in blissful spasms.