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“There we go,” Dena said. Sasha held up a mirror for her inspection. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but her neck looked longer and conspicuously bare.

“Thank you.” She gave Dena a hug, and glanced at the larger mirror over the dresser. She wore a simple cotton dress of white, with nothing underneath per Daniel’s request. Vaguely, she remembered their first date and smiled at how much had changed between them since then.

Though she didn’t live with him, she spent a good number of nights at his house each week. Since her return to him three months ago, their relationship had strengthened, both in his playroom and out of it.

“I love your nails,” Dena said.

“Thanks,” she said, admiring her new manicure. “Daniel treated me to a spa day yesterday and he insisted I get them done.”

It was a small extravagance and wouldn’t last a day at work, but for now, she had girlie nails. Silly how such a little thing made her feel pretty, but even more so, it made her feel loved and cared for. He’d remembered her comment about wanting girlie nails from the night at the benefit and gave that to her.

So much better than flowers.

“I’d better be going.” Sasha picked up her purse and glanced around, looking to make sure she hadn’t dropped anything.

Julie grabbed her in a hug. “It made my day that you came to help me. Thank you.”

Sasha still fought her submissive side and while she never said as much, it was obvious she had misgivings about the step Julie was taking tonight. Yet she’d put that aside to stand beside her as she prepared.

When she pulled back, Sasha had tears in her eyes. “Daniel’s a great man. I’m truly happy for you.”

Julie knew what the admission cost her and choked back her own tears. “Thank you. See you Monday.”

Someday, she knew, Sasha would find her own great man.

Sasha left after saying good-bye to Dena, and then Julie took a few seconds to take several deep breaths. Once calm, she took the barely opened white rose from Dena and headed outside where Daniel and Master Parks waited. While discussing the evening, one of the points she and Daniel had debated was whom to invite. Eventually, they agreed to invite only Dena and Master Parks.

Daniel stood on the deck overlooking the expanse of his backyard, the warm evening breeze ruffling his hair. He wore dark tailored pants and his white shirt was unbuttoned around his throat. An almost completely opened red rose sat in a vase on a nearby table.

Julie barely noticed Master Parks standing behind him. As she made her way to where Daniel stood, she found she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. His eyes burned with a restrained intensity, though he gave her a warm smile when she made it to his side.

She drank in the sight of him, trying to take in every detail, knowing her time to do so for the next while would be short. He gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Julie,” he said in the voice that always made her knees weak. “Do you come here today of your own free will and desire?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Kneel before me.”

She gladly dropped to her knees on the pillow he had waiting. In the last few months, she’d come to look forward to the times she surrendered to him. Those precious moments she yielded and allowed him to take over. Yet it felt even more intense in that moment.

Something rustled above her.

Daniel spoke low and rough. “I offer this as a representation of my dominance over you. I promise to love and respect you. To guide and to teach you. I will push you to help you become the best submissive you can be, but I will never betray or violate your trust. I will protect you with my life and hold you above all. Julie, will you accept my collar? Wear it always as a symbol of your submission to me?”

His words warmed her, wrapped around her in a promise she knew he’d never break. With all her heart, she answered with the words she’d prepared specifically for him and painstakingly memorized.

“Yes, sir, I will accept and wear your collar, acknowledging your dominance over me. I will serve you gladly and with my whole being, striving to be the best submissive possible. I will obey and honor your command, knowing you act only for my betterment. I offer my body for your use, your wish, your will, and my love and desire will be for you alone.”

His hands were on her, slipping warm metal around her neck, and fastening it with the click of a key. It took all her strength not to reach up and touch it. There would be plenty of time for that later. She still wondered what it looked like.

“Thank you, kitten,” he whispered for her ears alone.

“Thank you,” she said, then added for the first time, “Master.”

Saying the word made her shiver. She’d said it out loud alone in her house and in her head, but never to him. It seemed to magnify in power as she spoke it.

“Stand for me,” he said, and his voice was heavy with emotion.

She stood as gracefully as possible and when he lifted her chin, she saw his eyes overflowing with emotion. Standing before him, seeing what she meant to him reflected in his gaze, she couldn’t remember what she’d been afraid of.

Then he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her with a ferocity that left her needy and wanting. She moved closer to him and his arms tightened around her. Their witnesses were forgotten until Master Parks discreetly coughed.

Daniel pulled back and she felt his smile against her lips. “I think it’s time our guests left.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” she whispered.

They reluctantly separated just long enough to accept Dena’s and Master Parks’s congratulations. Dena hugged her close and whispered how happy she was for her. Julie wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard a hint of longing in her voice. She wished she could assure Dena that everything would work out between her and Master Parks, but Dena had never shared their history. It didn’t feel right to say anything other than she wished Dena every happiness.

Daniel turned to her when they were finally alone, his gaze heated. “It’s time for me to fully claim my collared submissive so there’s no doubt to whom she belongs. Hurry on to the playroom, I’ll be there in less than five.”

One of Daniel’s requirements was that she be naked in his playroom. As she entered that night, she saw he had a hanger out for her dress. She slipped out of the white cotton and hung it up, excitement building with every second.

In the middle of the room stood something covered by a black cloth. Interesting, but she needed to mentally prepare, so she turned her attention inward, kneeling and calming her breathing the way Daniel had taught her. It wasn’t long before she heard his footsteps coming down the stairs.

By the time he made it to where she waited, the room nearly buzzed with anticipation. And still he made her wait.

After what seemed like forever, he spoke. “You have no idea what it means to me, having you here, wearing nothing but my collar.” He took a few steps away. “Just the very sight of you . . .”

The air around her moved, and all at once, she was covered by the black cloth she’d noticed earlier.

“Stand for me,” he commanded.

She stood up and as she rose, he draped the cloth around her like a shawl. Because he was in front of her, she wasn’t able to see exactly what the cloth had covered. But when he moved behind her, she noticed it was a mirror. Her eyes were immediately drawn to her neck and she gasped. The collar was more than anything she’d imagined.

He trailed a finger along its length. “You like it?”

“I love it, Master.”

“The strand with the diamonds represents you.” He stepped closer and she felt his warmth on her neck. “The beauty of your submission to me.”