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The teacher didn't mind. In fact, she hardly noticed. She wanted as much of that four inches as she could get.

But it wasn't quite enough. When Linda had sucked away the last drop of jizz, she was still unsatisfied. Her insides felt hollow. Her entire body longed for something long and hard.

A man's cock.

Her reverie was broken by the sound of a car door slamming. For a moment, she couldn't figure out what was happening. Then it hit her like a blow to the stomach.

Jerry Tesser was returning home earlier than planned.

"Quick, Kenny, zip up your pants! Your father's coming in."

Linda managed to smooth out her skirt and stuff her panties into her purse before Jerry got into the room. When the man walked into the living room, all looked normal. Kenny was sitting at the kitchen table looking like he was sweating over a hard problem. Linda was lounging back in a chair, her legs crossed.

"How's it going?" Jerry asked, dropping a sack of groceries on the kitchen table.

"Great, Dad, just great!" the boy said enthusiastically.

"Glad to hear it. Your grades seem to be going up since Miss Blake started giving you a little extra-curricular tutoring." The man turned to the teacher and said, "I'd like to thank you. Ken's a good kid. He just needed some help over the hard stuff, I guess."

Linda's eyes were devouring Jerry's stolid bulk. Well-muscled arms looked like they could crush her. His stomach was flat and hard as a slab of granite. The man's entire appearance was one of confidence and sexuality.

Linda wondered if she could ever make it with him. It could be sensational having his dick powerfully ramming into her, she quickly stopped thinking such thoughts. She felt her cunt beginning to water again and now she didn't have any underwear on. It wouldn't do to ooze all over the furniture in a fantasy lust for the man.

"Yes," she said, trying to keep her voice level, "Kenny's work has improved quite a bit. I'd like to keep on coming, though. To make sure he doesn't start sluffing off on his homework."

Jerry sat down on the sofa, his arms, extended along the top. Linda's eyes fleetingly glanced at the man's crotch but she couldn't see anything. The angle was wrong. She uncomfortably uncrossed her legs and re-crossed them in the opposite direction.

As the woman did so, she had the sudden chilly feeling that Jerry had seen all the way up to her bush. And knew she was completely naked and helpless under her thin skirt.

In a way, it frightened her and in a way, it made her heart race faster in anticipation. But anticipation of what? What could she really expect from him?

"Ken, why don't you forget your lessons for a white and run out and play? I'd like to talk with Miss Blake alone for an hour or so."

The boy slammed his book and was heading for the door as he shouted back, "I'll be over at Mike's!"

The door closed and suddenly Linda felt alone and isolated. She was with a man she lusted after and yet she felt adrift. She wasn't sure how to handle the situation. Her cunt was feeling prickly like millions of tiny ants were crawling inside her. She knew that a thin trickle of cunt juice would soon betray her unless something was done soon. It only remained for her to figure out what.

"I've been wondering exactly what type of lessons you've been giving my kid," Jerry said.

"History. A little arithmetic since he…" Her gaze locked firmly on the man's bright blue eyes. She wasn't kidding him for a second. Without being told, Linda knew that Jerry Tesser had figured out her little game with Kenny. She began to feel even more frightened at the prospect of what he might do to her.

"Yeah. I know," he said. "And you know I know. I've got a question to ask, though, and I'd like an honest answer."

She mutely nodded.

"Why the kid? When you could have me just as easy?"

For a moment, the full impact of what Jerry said didn't penetrate. Linda was still too confused to respond. When she sorted it all out, her eyes flashed back to Jerry's trousers. He'd unzipped his fly and standing like a soldier at attention was an eight-inch cock. The big knobby head was the color of a plum. The meaty shaft was big, very big and a fierce red color. The very sight of that manly spire of pleasure made her cunt drool and slobber.

"I…" Linda's lips moved but no sound came out. She was stunned. Here was the very thing she'd been looking for and had been worrying about for so long!

"Don't bother with a long, drawn out explanation. Just get down on the floor. On your hands and knees. I'm going to fuck you like a dog!"

The words electrically zinged through her body. She felt a small quivery sensation deep down inside. Then, as if she were a puppet on a string, she fell to her hands and knees in instant obedience to Jerry's command. It was as if all volition had left her. She was his to command. He could tell her to do anything and she'd do it without question.

Jerry stood, his prick dancing around in front of his body like a stallion. In a quick movement, he was out of his trousers. Another and he stood naked behind Linda.

The woman didn't turn. Remaining on her hands and knees, she looked behind and up at the towering man. Somehow, all she could see was the monstrous prick jutting proudly from his groin. The huge glans gleamed a dull purple in the light of the room. The sight made her shiver and shake inside. Her ass began to tingle as if someone was sticking pins into it. Just the thought of haying Jerry's huge dick shoved into her from behind was enough to make the teacher's cunt slobber.

Linda flinched when Jerry jerked off her skirt. "Can't have that in the way of business." She heard the man drop to his knees, then say, "Good thing you're not wearing any panties. I'd rip them off, otherwise!"

Just as he said that, the woman felt powerful hands grip the twin globes of ass flesh and begin pulling them apart. For a brief instant, she thought he meant to rip her in half. Then the sensations began to soak into her body. Jerry kept rotating the warm, smoothly skinned buttocks until every nerve in Linda's body was fixing and ready to fuck.

She gasped and moaned as his hands explored her ass. Waves of delight flooded her body as Jerry shoved his hand between the thick slabs of ass flesh. Linda cried out once when Jerry's finger rubbed against her asshole.

For an eternity it seemed as if his thick finger was going to shove all the way up into her guts. Her tight asshole clamped down around his finger with grim determination. It didn't intend to let anything up her ass.

"Not now," was all Jerry said.

Linda waited. She knew from the feel of Jerry's strong hands gripping her waist what was to come. He didn't intend playing around with her asshole any longer. He was going to start what he'd said he was intending to do.

Jerry was going to fuck her like a bitch in heat. Linda felt his hairy thighs rubbing against her satiny rear. The next instant, she screamed out, "Ooooohhhhh! Shiitit!" as his mighty battering ram of cock drove hard and fast into her cunt. One instant, her cunt was empty, yearning for cock. The next instant, she felt the entire eight inches of that telephone-pole-thick dong shoved into her guts. Her inner membrane was pulled and stretched out of shape. Linda knew that Jerry's huge prick had ripped her apart. He was going to drive that spike of cock all the way up to her chin. Jerry grunted, his voice deep. Then, as he began to slowly pull his dick out of her cunt, he muttered, "Damn, woman, but you've got a pussy like a vise!", certain whether she liked it or not Linda wasn't when Jerry managed to withdraw all but the hooded end of his cock from her snatch. The sudden pain had receded and left only warmth and good feelings. And that emptiness she'd felt so often. In spite of thinking she was being torn apart, she had to have his cock inside her!

Linda didn't have long to wait. She felt Jerry's hands tenser then her cunt lips were compressed by the forceful rush of Jerry's cock deep into her interior once more. This time, once the blond giant had buried his dong balls-deep in her, he began to move his hips in a maddeningly slow spiral.