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Paul's face twisted as he started ramming his bloated rod in and out, of Helen's unresponding cunt. But it wasn't lust contorting his features. It was bitterness and hatred. Not for the woman who lay unmoving under him. But for the whole ghastly world of fear and tension he moved in from day to day. Helen barely existed for him at that moment.

The panting man tried to concentrate on the feel of his cock up inside his wife's cunt. God damn! He could feel his rod swelling larger and larger. He was going to shoot off soon! No point in making it last any longer than necessary. Neither he nor Helen was enjoying it that much. The important thing was getting rid of the horrible pressure that had been building up in his sex-starved balls for so long.

"Uunnnh… uuuggghhh!" Paul grunted. He was starting to cum. His balls tightened drawing up towards the base of his cock, ready to spew their hot liquid load.

Helen felt her husband's cock begin to twitch and jerk up inside her pain-racked cunt. Disgust warred with relief. She hated the mess his jizz made as it dripped back out her snatch. But at least Paul's sperm would make her slippery inside and she wouldn't hurt so much. And this unwanted fuck would be over.

Paul grabbed big handfuls of sheet in his hands as the first hot bursts of sperm shot along the length of his shuddering cock. God damn, it felt good! He buried every inch of the spouting rod up inside Helen's snatch. She instantly became slick inside. Now he could really fuck!

Grunting and straining, Paul plowed his gushing shaft up into Helen's unresisting cunt. His teeth gritted, his eyes screwed up in concentration. All for himself. It was hard, at that moment, for Paul to even admit Helen existed.

Helen did her wifely duty, lying quietly, her face blank as her husband poured the last of his unwanted sperm up into her numb cunt. She felt him gradually run down. Finally, he collapsed limply on top of her, panting. Now it was her turn.

"Are you finished?" she asked coldly.

Paul grunted something unintelligible. She didn't care whether it was yes or no.

"Then get off me," she said.

Tiredly Paul rolled from his wife's still body. His cock trailed cum across her inner thigh. While Paul lay beside her, Helen grabbed a handful of tissues from the bedstand and began carefully, loathingly, cleaning every vestige of her husband's cum from her cuntal area.

Paul lay staring up at the ceiling. Now that it was over, he hated himself for the way he had used his wife. But he didn't have enough fight left in him to make amends. Instead, he closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep. He'd make it right in his dreams.

Helen let the last sticky tissue flutter down onto the floor next to the bed. Too numb to move, she lay staring up at the same spot on the ceiling that had so fascinated Paul. He slept on beside her, a million miles away. Helen made a half-hearted attempt to pull down her nightgown, but gave up, leaving her still-sticky cunt gaping nakedly.

Dot was horrified. She'd seen the whole ugly, loveless scene between her parents. Coming home early, with Sue still at Emma's, she apparently hadn't made enough noise to alert her parents they weren't alone in the house. Their bedroom door was half ajar.

Dot had been on the way to her room, which took her past that half-open door. There was enough light in her parents' bedroom for her to see what was happening. The total lack of passion between the fucking couple made her feel sick. She began by feeling sorry for her mother, because of the way she'd been used.

But Dot was a sensitive, intelligent girl. She knew about the strain her father was under at work. How impotent he felt. She began to appreciate some of the factors that might force him into such loveless behavior.

"Poor Mom… poor Dad," she whispered to herself as she tiptoed to her room. Dot loved both her parents. Cold toward one another, they were as loving to their three daughters as their crippled emotional state permitted.

"What can I do to help?" Dot wondered aloud. How strange it would be to lecture her own mother on the joys of sex! She knew what the reaction would be – stony silence or horrified outrage. No… not much she could do for her mother.

Then Dot remembered what she had said to Emma earlier. That she'd be willing to sleep with her own father if it would help free his frozen emotions!

An icy feeling stole over the girl. God, what a weird thought! Easy to say something like that casually, but now, after seeing just how bad it was between her father and mother, the idea took on immediacy.

She might actually have to do it! Fuck her own father!

But could she? Dot, nineteen years old and very sexy, forced her mind to dwell on the idea of fucking her father. He sure was good-looking enough. Trim and muscular even at fifty. And the glimpse she had got of his cock before it slipped into her mother's cunt was pretty impressive.

The longer Dot let this forbidden idea simmer in her mind, the more excited she got. The forbidden always turned her on. Like the time she had fucked the choir boy behind the altar at church. One of the reasons she had gotten so excited over Jack was that he was her big sister's boy friend. Technically, forbidden territory.

But could anything be more forbidden than fucking her own father? Earlier in the day, Dot would have been unable to seriously consider the idea. But after the incestuous lesbian scene between herself and her sisters, nothing really seemed too far out any longer.

Dot's cunt simmered with excitement. She suddenly realized that she'd had a crush on her father ever since she was a little girl. She remembered seeing his cock once, years ago, only half-hard. But she'd never forgotten. Now there was the chance she might have that well-remembered fatherly cock buried up inside her horny little twat.

Dot fought with her conscience. It was wrong! But on the other hand, it might save her mother and father's marriage. Having seen the grim fuck in her parents' dimly lit bedroom, Dot couldn't imagine how two people so turned off to one another could go on living together, not realizing that her parents were not all that abnormal a couple.

Slowly, the girl convinced herself that she owed it to her parents to give it a try. To make an attempt at seducing her own father.

But how? She couldn't just walk up and say, "Dad… I think it's time we fucked. I've been thinking about it for years."

No… she'd kind of have to sneak up on him. Find a way to seduce the obviously horny man. That shouldn't be too hard, judging from the frantic way he'd fucked her mother. Unless his fear of incest was greater than her own.

Dot knew she couldn't do much tonight. She slowly undressed and got into bed naked. Her hand stole down towards her cunt. Tonight, when she masturbated, she was going to have a new fantasy – the thought of her father's big cock sliding up into her horny little cunt.


Dot got her chance a few days later. Paul was ordered by his company to check a job in a small mountain community about two hundred miles north. "Damn… I'll have to be away overnight," he grumbled.

"Take me with you, Daddy," Dot said excitedly. "It's supposed to be so beautiful up there."

"Oh… I can't do that…"

"Why not?" Dot replied. "Oh, Daddy, it's been so long since you took me anywhere. Do you remember, when I was a little girl…"

But Dot wasn't a little girl any more. Paul looked at his daughter's lush figure, her solid tits and sleek, rounded ass. He felt a slow stirring in his loins.

Stop! his mind shrieked. But Paul wasn't listening. Something primitive surged in him. He decided to take Dot, convincing himself it was because he hadn't spent much time with any of his daughters lately.

Dot prepared carefully for the trip. When they started out in the morning, she was dressed modestly enough, wearing a neat little jacket and a skirt. Her mother, who had mixed feelings about Dot going with Paul, nodded approvingly to herself. Dot usually dressed in a way that seared her mother's frustrated soul.