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Clark edged his fingers in, his sightless gaze steady on the television screen. Tannsy inched her legs apart, her own blind stare as rigid as her brother's, and finally all four fingers were pressed into the crotch of the filmy green nightie bottoms. As Clark was putting the cigarette into the ash tray, using the movement as an excuse to slide his fingers hard up her cunt, the feeling of sneaking on Tannsy came on too heavy. He took his hand from between her legs and openly wedged his fingertips under the top elastic of her panties. With her own shivery little sigh, Tannsy sucked her stomach in, frogging her legs frankly open to let Clark's hand cup firmly onto her soft warm bare cunt.

Clark began a gentle stroking with one finger in the sweaty-feeling slit and one on each side of the firm lobes. With each teasing movement, he pulled back far enough to luxuriate in the satin smoothness of Tannsy's silky-soft cunt hair in the cup of his hand.

Tannsy's hips came on in squirming little rolling motions, trying to follow his fingers. "God, Clarkie," she whispered.

"You like?"

"Man-n! Hey, wait-"

Shifting her slumped weight off the elbow in Clark's stomach, Tannsy slipped her hand through the opening in his pajamas. As Clark opened his legs to let his superstiff cock spring loose, Tannsy brought it boldly into the open.

"G-God," she breathed, staring in fascination at the bald-knobbed pillar of hard smooth blue-veined boy bone, "I never knew it got so bi-ig."

Clark laughed jerkily and closed Tannsy's fingers around the throbbing stem. He held her hand under his own and slid the sleeve of skin once down and once up to let Tannsy feel the cross-ridged bone inside with the palm of her own hand. Tannsy quickly picked up the movement for herself.

Twisting his body slightly, Clark replaced his awkward left hand with his more practiced right, cupping it boldly to Tannsy's pulse-thumping snatch. Dropping his middle finger to search out the line of the cleft, he began a gentle prodding, finally getting one finger started into the virgin hole. The taut rolls of flesh closed over the first knuckle of his finger and Tannsy's spastic grip abruptly became stilled on his straining cock.

The second knuckle popped in too quickly and Tannsy's body went rigid against him.

"Yeah," Clark said. "This is dumb."

"No, 't's okay," Tannsy said quickly, clapping a hand over Clark's. "It felt good when you… before you got too rough. Hey, let's pretend we're really doing it while we watch the game, okay? Like Mama'n Daddy that time, remember? That time in the den?"

"Th-they weren't pretending, hey, baby."

"Well-so we won't, either, if you don't want to."

"Hey-y, you little dum-dum. Playing around a little's okay if you want, but let's don't be thinking something dumb."

"Okay, nothing dumb, but wouldn't it be great if we really could do it together, you and me? We'd really be like married then, wouldn't we, and you wouldn't be able to do it to anybody else bu-ut me."

"…. Neither would you."

"I wouldn't want to."

Tannsy pulled her robe aside, then impatiently wriggled out of it altogether. Flipping her nightie up her back, she backed her warm behind into her brother's belly, raising one leg to reach back and bring his raging cock through. She snugged it tight against her cunt and then reached back to Clark's hip one more time to pull his belly more firmly against her bottom, ending it all with an affectionate little pat on his ass.

"Okay?" she said. "Hey, wait. I want to take my pants off so I can feel it against it. Yours, too, okay?"

"Isn't this great, Clarkie?" she said a moment later, throwing a happy grin over her shoulder. "Just like it used to be, hey?"

"N-not exactly like it used to be, hey, baby."

"No? How's it different?"

"It doesn't feel different to you? We fit a lot better for one thing. And your fanny's softer. And warmer. And bigger."


"Well, I meant nice bigger."

"I know something else got bigger, too, hey."

Tannsy grinned slyly, wrinkling her nose. Abruptly she spun within the circle of her brother's arms, reaching one hand between their bodies to recapture his stick between her warm thighs and then hugging her tiny body tight against him. The stiff points of her hard young breasts burned tiny round holes through his pajama top.

"I want to watch your face while we do it," she whispered huskily. "It's… like beautiful."

Clark burst into laughter. "Beautiful!!"

"Well, whatever you say for a guy's face. Handsome?? Y-Yluck. To me, it's beautiful. All red-like but not embarrassed red, you know? And all softlike?"

"Yours is like that, too."

"It prob'ly is. I feel like that all over. Hey, you remember how we used to do it in the bathtub when we were little? Hey, I wanna see what that would be like now it's got so big, okay?"

Tannsy scrambled to her feet to stoop astraddle of her brother's hips. Excitedly wiggling her soft bottom to part his legs, she seated herself within the circle with her heels on each side of his waist, innocently exposing the most beautiful little cunt he had ever seen to the brother's avid view. The delicate mantle of golden-auburn cunt hair emphasized rather than hid the pouting lobes. The lobes themselves blushed a dusky pink color in gentle contrast to the brilliant white of Tannsy's inner thighs, forming, even with Tannsy's legs spread so widely, a solid unbroken line from a point somewhere above the tiny brown dot of her asshole to the softly rounded ledge of her pelvic ridge where an extra little tag of flesh inserted itself.

Her eager hands shaking wildly all of a sudden, Tannsy reached for the throbbing pillar of her brother's cock, bunting the glaring red head against the pinky-tan lobes of her dainty cunt, clumsily hitting the unbroken line too far down the slit. Instinctively her hips rolled forward and the point of the big dick slid upwards to dent into a soft little cup just beneath the ledge of her pelvic ridge.

A deep flush swept over Tannsy's face and she caught her lower lip between her teeth as her tummy collapsed with the intensity of the feeling in her cunt. As her hips rolled back, the inside skin of her cunt stuck flaccidly to the dry head of Clark's dick, letting go with sharp tingling points of unendurable torture. It took all the lip-biting will power he could muster to keep from slapping his hands to the soft cheeks of his tiny sister's bottom and rolling his own hips forward to ram that throbbing sonof-a-bitch into her as far as it would go.

"G-God!" Tannsy whispered. She abruptly tipped her body forward to see but the hem of her nightgown bellied out in front of her. Impatiently, she whipped her nightgown aside but the instant she released it to get her hand back on the warm length of cock, it again fell forward to block her view.

"Darn it," she cried, and without a second thought, threw both hands behind herself to whisk the nightgown over the sexy tangle of her goldenauburn hair.

Clark gulped as Tannsy's hard little apple breasts quivered so suddenly into his sight, the tips of both straining outwards and upwards like tiny pink feelers searching for some elusive something they couldn't yet define.

Tannsy caught his surprised look as she tossed the cloud of green chiffon over the side of the bed. "What's the matter?" she asked quickly.

"Nothing. I was just… looking at your breasts. They're so much nicer than I ever thought they'd be whenever I saw you dressed."

"You think so?? I never thought I had all that much. Compared to like Gayle Jennings's or Virginia Compton's? Or even Carmie Reiner's?"

"Well, hell, none of them are sweet and tiny all over like you are. I've never seen anybody's-s-like f-fit so perfect to their bodies like yours do. Everything about you fits everything else so-It's like fantastic, you know? You're like a perfect woman all over except you're tiny."