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Tannsy stared like mesmerized at Roger's wet gargoyle of a cock that had fallen back on his hair covered stomach, exposing the huge hairy sac of balls. She dropped into a squat to peer more closely. Under her wide-eyed stare the limp wad of crumbly hamburger firmed itself and then began rising in rapid jerky pulsings to a huge curving stand of horsecock baloney. Involuntarily, it seemed, Tannsy reached to close a tiny inquiring hand on the massive roll of bone that was easily as big around as her own wrist, circling her fingers around the high rearing purple-red neck. The tips of her thumb and finger barely met beneath the girth of it.

As if remembering all of a sudden, Tannsy jerked her hand from Roger's cock, throwing an apologetic look at her brother, deeply shocked, herself, that she would want, even to touch any other cock but his.

Clark suppressed a sudden chuckle. He winked at Tannsy, giving her their "okay" grimace and shrug of shoulders.

Tannsy hesitated still, then flashed him a bright happy grin and rolled to her back, tugging Superdick Boehm over on top of herself. From between her raised legs, Clark saw the point of Boehm's enormous cock press against his tiny sister's wet-shiny pink cunt. Instead of opening to take it inside, the lips of Tannsy's cunt rolled in ahead of the massive dome, pulling goldenauburn hairs in with it. Tannsy squeaked, twisting her hips away. Roger tried clumsily to close in on her but his ponderous body was no least match for Tannsy's lithe quickness.

"W-Wait a minute, Clark-kie-Rog-ger," she barked sharply. "'Let me-e do it!"

Holding Boehm away with both hands on his bat until he quieted down and let her take over, Tannsy opened the mouth of her tiny cunt with thumb and finger of one hand and led the raging stallion up to it with the other. She rubbed the head up and down in her flooding slit until she had it completely lubricated with her own slippery cunt juice and then brought the dimple of her cunt to the point of the huge thing, squeezing the foreskin over the big knob as her own brother had taught her. She began rolling her hips in little grinding bumpings then, and the reddened lips of her cunt began slowly to spread… and spread and spread and spread.

The fist-size knob finally inside her cunt, Tannsy released a pent-up sigh and moved her hands to Boehm's hips. As her little ass resumed its slow grindings, the huge railroad-tie cock began slowly to disappear into the taut-stretched mustache of golden-auburn angel hair. A look of pure animal pleasure washed over Tannsy's innocent pixie face as she relaxed and began moving her sinuous body in slow, voluptuous ripples around the big twig.

Clark watched the beauty of his tiny sister's body, all but hidden from sight now under the huge hairy mass of the Royal Oak Country Club's ex-number two athlete. Sweet, sexy-wild little broad. Three beautiful years, almost, he'd had her to himself but, loving fucking as she did, it was inevitable that her insatiable curiosity would make her want to try it on with other cocks eventually.

Tannsy threw Clark a bright, happy grin from under Boehm's gigantic body and the great hollow sense of loss vanished. Shit, he wasn't losing her anymore than she was losing him by turning him loose to fuck anybody he wanted. They'd each be first favorites with the other for the rest of their lives, probably. Meanwhile he had a whole big bunch of broads to fuck right here in their pad.

Clark cast a glance to Virginia Compton's silver-blonde miracle. Even as it registered on him that the silver-blonde miracle was now nothing more than a soggy, matted, mess, he thought of Tannsy's unending aversion to that particular one and lost all desire he might have had for her.

His eyes caught the enviously long-winded Jerry Shipley still plugging like crazy into Cissie's white ass though her upper body had collapsed deathlike into Carmella Reiner's flopped out legs.

Rolling quickly to his hands and knees, Clark scuttled rapidly across the carpet to touch Jerry's hip, motioning him to take Cissie to her side as he pushed the exhausted Carmella out of the way. Cissie awoke with a contented little grunt as he pushed his rigid cock into her black-maned cunt, sandwiching her lush body between himself and his best friend still fucking her in the ass.

Bobbi Denton walked by, searching for something new after defeating her man in the daisy chain. Clark twisted to his back and grabbed her ankle. Grinning widely, Bobbi sat on his chest and swiveled her curly black mat to his mouth. With her own two chocolate cream hands, she spread the lips of her cunt to let his tongue dart easily to the glistening purple meat inside.

As he flopped his arms out, Clark's hand fell on Carmella's soft hip. He pulled her closer and by feel ran the hand across the sweat-moistened globe of her ass to find her crotch and worked four bunched fingers into her cunt, pushing his thumb base-deep into her asshole. Carmella's leg cocked open directly in front of Cissie's face. Cissie hunched her neck to nuzzle at the stiffening clitoris above her brother's fingers.