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"You might as well go ahead and go off," Reiner panted. "Nobody can ever make her come that way.

"I… did."

"Great this time, hey? Hey, let's go in the old man's work-out gym. He's got a big couch in there where we can really get it on. All three of us."

"Nah, I can't. I've gotta split."

"Aw, come on, Fletcher. Carmie loves it with two guys at once. I'll tell ya what, I'll make her give it to you in a way I'll bet you never had it yet while I give it to her in the front."

"No, thanks, I've really gotta go." Clark suddenly couldn't wait to get all the way home to get rid of the creepy feeling inundating his body. "Where can I take a shower?" he asked.

"There's one in the gym but I still think you oughta try fucking Carmie in the ass once while I fuck her in the cunt. It really blows your mind, ya know? You can actually feel your dongs touch."

When Clark came out of the shower, Tommie and Carmella were already greedily sucking each other on the old man's lounging couch. They barely looked up to tell him good-bye, and again Clark had trouble hiding the revulsion boiling in his gut.

This was the sordid, pukey, kind of mess he could have been letting his own sweet little sister in for.


The instant he walked into the ex-chauffeur's pad at the rear of the big house on Fletcher Drive, Clark knew his grand resolve was in big trouble. But the sick feeling in his stomach brightened rapidly to a quickening in his breathing and a gulpy dryness in his throat.

Fresh, clean, innocent, tiny Tannsy, the ends of her bright goldenauburn hair still damp from a shower, sat with her back against the Hollywood headboard of the bed, a book on her raised knees, the snug-fitting underpants of her shortie nightgown cutting a startling slash of yellow across the golden-tan globes of her bottom.

"Hi," she grinned. "Long practice, hey, baby?"

"Damn short w-weekend, hey, baby. Last I heard, you were cutting out for Lorene Wilson's."

"Pee on Lorene Wilson, I'd rather be with you. Where you been?"

"Got awarded an extra hour of practice for goofing off, as if you didn't know."

"That'll teach you to watch my routine instead of doing your own thing," Tannsy giggled. "I saw you watching."

She slouched down in the bed to talk, stretching long and luxuriously, tucking her hands comfortably behind her head. The book slid from her tummy and Clark noticed it was the marriage manual (illustrated) from Mother's bedroom. The blue light from the ceiling beamed directly onto Tannsy's body with the book gone, emphasizing the gentle curve of her hips and the neat little patch of darkness topping the vee of her beautiful legs. The same odd shadowing gave a whole new dimension to her hard little apple breasts, each tiny ring of areola standing out of itself, accenting its own minimountain of fluorescent-white flesh… Each tiny nipple suddenly pinpointing the center of each little mountain, even as he watched.

Tannsy followed her brother's gaze down her front. "What in the world you staring at?" she asked.

"Hunh? Oh. Nothing." Clark quickly fumbled the control knob on the wall to the regular light.

"That blue light do-o make it all s-sex-xy in here, doesn't it, baby," Tannsy teased. "You going to just stand there or might you kiss me hello sometime tonight."

Clark touched his mouth lightly to Tannsy's and then nuzzled his nose into her neck, biting as Tannsy scrunched her shoulder against his cheek. "Mm, you smell so go-od, sweet thing," he said. "I could eat you up right here and now."

"I'm glad you think so," Tannsy laughed. "I snitched Mama's best sexy perfume on purpose but I didn't get the chance to put any on yet. I just barely made it out of the shower and got sat down here before you came in."

"You never need anything on anyway. It's you always smells so good. Man, you sure did a neat job cleaning this joint up. That coffee done?"

"Yup. I made that first thing because I knew you'd want some first thing. Sit down with me, why don't you, and I'll fix us some."

Tannsy lighted a cigarette to share while she was up and let Clark have first drag with his coffee. "Hey," she said, "I thought for sure you'd go to Debbie Leonard's par-rty after she guar-un-teed you'd have so much fun-n."

"Aah, I did go over but-"

"You did!! How come you're home so early then? I heard those groupie things of hers go on all night. 'Specially when her parents are out of town."

"Well I'll tell-l ya, hey, baby. I had this here feeling, see, that some little monster was going to pull a sneaky on me and be home here all by herself and I couldn't work up any big deal for anybody there. I don't dig those groupie scenes all that much anyway."

"Oh, hey, just for that you can kiss me again. Put your arm around me, Clarkie, how come I hafta ask for everything tonight? -You mad because I came home instead of Lorrie's? I thought that's what you meant for me to do when you made that crack in front of everybody in the cafeteria about having to spend the weekend with that aunt we don't even have in San Francisco."

"Aah, that was just that I get sick of everybody coming around all the time. I'm glad you're here, Tann, it's just… well… if we do this anymore we're going to end up doing the same thing we did this morning. Once you've done it, it's too easy to do it again."

"Wull…so what if we do? You don't want to anymore? You didn't like it with me, after all?"

"Oh, honey, of course I liked it with you. It was the most beautiful thing ever happened to me, but-"

"Oh, Clarkie, that's so dumb that a brother and sister can't do it together just because they're brother and sister. I want to with you. I can't think of even one single other guy I would want to with but you."

"Aw, Tannsy, don't get mad. Huh? I can't help it it's the way it is."

"I'm not mad. It's just dumb when we both want to, that's all. We've always done everything together, you and me, and I think it's silly this can't be you and me, too. It should be you and me. Everything's always been you and me."

"I know, I know!"

"I know, I know!"

"And who would be better for you than some girl who'd be around all the time anytime you wanted it? I could even live out here with you all the time when nobody's home like now."

"Aw, Tann- Honey, You know how the guys smirk when anybody mentions about Carmella Reiner even when they don't mean to, and I'll bet you girls do, too."

"Not all that much. It's Carmie's and Tommie's own business, but even so, how does that have anything to do with us? I'm not about to tell anybody and I know you're not going to be bragging it around and there's nobody else here, so how's anybody ever going to know?"

"Well… we could stay together for this weekend, I suppose, but that's it. We are n-not going to do that again, and that's a promise."

"Hah. Some promise."

"Knock it off now, dammit, Tannsy. God, whaddaya think I am, made of iron or something?"

Tannsy snickered a deep down dirty little grin, rolling her eyes lasciviously to the unrelenting hump in her brother's trousers. "Okay," she said brightly, "you call some other girl to come over and I'll watch while you stick that in her-r and I'll call Jerry Shipley or somebody and you can watch while he sticks his in me-e, okay?"

"Jerry Shlipley!! Hey-y, have you been-…?"

Tannsy grinned. "Ri-ight, dummy. I was a cherry, remember?"

"Man, do I ever remember. Hey, hon-"

"No! Now don't start up with that dumb worrying again, okay? I told you before we went to practice and at least twenny times at the club, there wasn't anymore blood and there isn't anymore blood and there hasn't been anymore blood. I looked every time I went to the toilet."


"Oh, for God's sakes, Clarkie, all that happened was that you popped my cherry real good. God's sake, you've had a hundred cherries, you should know about the blood. I'm a girl just like any girl and we didn't do anything girls weren't made for."