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"We did what older girls were made for, baby, and with you there was just plain-ass too much-"

"You know darn well I never in my whole entire life lied to you, Clark Fletcher, but I don't know how to prove anything so you'll just have to-" Tannsy popped a sudden sly grin. "Unless you want to look and see for yourself that I'm okay. You wanna, huh? You wanna, ya wanna, ya wanna?"

"Well… I suppose if you can kid about it like that you must be okay."

"Ye Gods; who's ki-iddin'? Lo-ok already… Or did you see enough with your dirty ol' blue light?"

"Good God, you've got that nightgown on on purpose, too?? You knew about the fluorescent on a yellow nightgown?"

"Natch, dummy. Why else would every girl in this whole lousy town have a yellow chiffon nightgown? I heard how they disappear under that dirty old light of yours. I even tried it for myself before you came home."

"…. Oh, wow."

"Hey-y, brilliant observation from my Senior Superbrain broth-th- huzz-band. After all the dumb fuss you made this morning just because you got carried away and made it with your own-n little-ba-by-sis-s-ter, I knew I had to do something to make you know it was okay. I wasn't about to give up being together with you just for a silly little booboo like that."

"But that's just the point, Tann. It wasn't-"

"Oh no-o, Clar-kie. You're not going to start in on that again, are you? You said okay for the weekend, right? Okay then, for this weekend let's just be a husband and wife, okay? Except without the f-f-fucking, of course."


Tannsy burst into a fit of giggles. "Kinda thought that might shock you out of it, hey, baby. Okay, so we quit worrying about it now, right? My cherry's gone and you got it and I'm glad it was you got it and we can't put it back, right? Even if I wanted it back. Which I don't. And you're getting me all twitchy talking about it, so knock it off or I just might rape you right now."


"That is, unless you'll do it to me of your own free will so I don't have to rape you, hey, hey, hey?"

"… You wouldn't be trying to psych me out, would you, little smartass?"

"More like I'm trying to psych you in-n, hey husband."

Clark burst into laughter. "Keep it up, you smart little brat," he warned. "You're going to get it."

"What, hey baby? What'll I get?" Tannsy slyly bumped her soft hip against Clark's. "You mean you'd stick that big old hard thing in poor li'l ol' me again? Hey, dirty old man with the dirty blue light, what w-would happen to me, you think, if I was to take my pants clear off instead of just letting you see through 'em with your dirty old blue light?"

"Oh wow. You talk about dirty old men; how about nasty little girls? I'd smack your smart little bare ass and kick you the hell outa here, that's what would happen to you."

"Oh-h, ri-ight on-n, Big Noise, I wanna see the day you could kick me out of anyplace I didn't wanna go. By the way, Big Brother Husband, if you don't want to do it to me anymore, why ha-ave you got Big Peepee so big and hard all hidden away in your pants so sneaky like that? And why ha-ave you been rubbing my rear end so sexy-like all this time?"

Clark guiltily snatched his hand away and Tannsy burst into squeals of laughter. She reached across herself to poke a tiny fist into her brother's belly, forgetting the cup and saucer she was holding in her lap. The half empty cup flipped, splashing lukewarm coffee from her neck to her lap. She rolled from the bed, fisting her nightie from its tight molding around her breasts and tummy.

"Aw, y-yluck!" she fretted, "this is all ick-ky! Now I've got to go take a shower all over again."

"Told you we should have sat at the table to drink it," Clark jeered smugly. He sat up abruptly and pulled Tannsy between his legs as she leaned across his face to drop the soggy cigarette stub into the ashtray, fastidiously wiping her fingers on the hip of her nightgown. Tucking his head under her nightie, he began licking the sticky coffee from her body, cupping one hand to her bottom and tickling the fingertips of the other up and down the backs of her thighs.

Tannsy sucked in a huge breath of air and clapped both arms around him, hugging his face into her girl-soft tummy. Clark caught the aroma of clean young turned-on cunt again. Hesitating no more than a fraction of a second, he peeled Tannsy's panties over her hips to grovel his face into the goldenauburn powder puff at the top of her trembling legs.

Tannsy's hips lurched and Clark tilted his face under her pelvic ridge to search out the rapidly moistening slit of her cunt with his lapping tongue that seemed suddenly to know just exactly how to do this thing, now holding Tannsy's soft-firm behind with both hands. The tip of his nose accidentally ticked across the hard little nubbin of her clitoris. Tannsy's breath caught in a squeaky little gasp, her legs frogging open as if from a massive jolt of electricity. Her pelvis rolled heavily against his face and, as her knees sagged, Clark pulled her onto his lap.

"God, honey," Tannsy moaned. "The things you do-o to a girl. No wonder everybody wants to make out with you."

"Well, hey, now," Clark laughed jerkily. "I sure as hell never had my face th-there on a girl before."

He pulled the neck of Tannsy's nightie down and kissed at the straining tip on each breast. Tannsy kicked, suddenly, sending her panties flying half across the room. She pushed out of Clark's embrace and rolled to the middle of the bed, spreading her legs wide, brazenly pulling the front of her nightgown up to her chin.

"I am-m a n-nahs-sty little girl," she simpered. "You can get on top of me if you wanna'n do sump'n dirty to me. Like you used to… Take your pants clear off, dum-mee. What's the matter, can'tcha w-wait??"

Supporting himself with arms on each side of Tannsy's head, Clark scrunched his hips, scraping the shoulder rim of his super stiff dick up and down the slippery velvet puffs of her cunt lips.

"God, Clarkie-" Tannsy caught Clark grinning. "Do it or don't do it, damn you. Stop teasing."

"I'm only trying to do what you said. Like we used to, you said. You want anything more than this you've got to beg for it."

"D-Drop dead, you big shit, I'm not about to beg you for anything. I'm… taking it!" Tannsy snapped her hips up as Clark was beginning one of his torturing down strokes. With a tight squishy sound, the head of his dick plocked neatly into her little cunt hole.

"0-kay, Big Lover," she jeered. "Now you-u beg for it and I m-might let you have a little m-more."

Clark pushed easily through the grip of Tannsy's hands on his hips but Tannsy gave a sudden squealing grunt, her hips rolling violently downwards. Clark's ramrod cock plowked out of her cunt and went clobbering down between the sweat moist cheeks of her ass, almost wiping him out right then.

"That hurt you again," he accused, rolling free of Tannsy and glaring.

"I-I'm sorry, Clarkie, I didn't know it would. Honest. I thought it was only once."

"Aah, 't's okay. I didn't mean to sound cross. Playing around with each other'll be enough anyway, hey?"

"…. Not do it, you mean? Hey, no, Clarkie, we don't have to not do-o it."

"Well, we're sure as hell not going to do it if it's gonna hurt you every time. What fun would that be for you?"

"Aah, it didn't really-well, yes, it did, but only because we tried too fast, I think."

"I don't know, Tannsy. You're awful tiny. I don't want to hurt you-uyou know, like bad or something."

"I am n-not too 1-little, god-dammit! God's sakes; I'm not some dumb little kid you're trying it to, I'm a girl just like-… Aw, look, honey. If we do it like it says in the book for a first time, I know it won't- Hey-y. Is it that you don't want to hurt me, Clarkie, or is it that you don't really want it? With me."

"God's sakes, of course I want it, Tann-zie. God, can't you s-see how much I want it?"

"Well, okay then. Let's try it again then, only this time let me do it and if it hurts again, then we'll stop, okay?"

Clark allowed himself to be tugged over atop Tannsy. Again he supported himself on his arms while Tannsy reached eagerly between their bodies. As both tiny warm fists closed around his rigid staff, Clark couldn't help comparing this eager little helpmeet with most other girls-or even some of his grown-up women-who wanted his stiff cock in their hot greedy cunts but who would never even look directly at it hardly, much less touch it, and certainly never put it in for themselves.