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It was open. With the way clear, Bert crept into the house. The record player was blaring out a Linda Ronstadt album. Bert would have stayed to listen to the dulcet, melodic tones of "Love Has No Pride" but he had bigger things on his mind… and in his crotch.

The hissing of water from the bathroom indicated that Robin was busily taking a shower. Bert quickly checked through the house, just on general principles. He didn't want to get caught with this little act, not that it mattered that much to him. To his future with Carole, yes, it did matter, but otherwise, he had nothing to lose.

He opened the bathroom door slightly and looked into the steamy interior. The mirrors were fogged from the high humidity in the small room. Perfect He quickly discarded his clothes and dumped them in the hall, then slipped quietly through the door. The heat and water droplets suspended in the air assailed the youth instantly. The subtle fragrances of the shampoo Robin used took a few seconds to insinuate themselves into his overloaded queue of sensory inputs. But the teenager didn't mind having to wait for the full impact

He was too busy studying the trim form of Robin van der Hoff in the shower stall. The translucent door prevented Bert from a good, clear view, but the partially obscured view was far more exciting. It left a lot to his imagination, and he let that run rampant. The plastic in the door was a ripply sea green duplicating the ocean waves thundering against the beach. Bert could picture the scene; the color was perfect the sound of the water hissing inside the stall fitted beautifully.

But that wasn't the beautiful fit Bert truly desired." He wanted the fit of Robin's man trap around his cock. The only way he could get that flashing figure wrapped around his was to climb into the stall with her. Standing in the moist atmosphere of the room and just looking wouldn't do it for him.

He yanked the door open and jumped inside before much of the water jetting down from the nozzle could find its way onto the floor outside the shower. Robin was gloriously naked and totally wet. She appeared to Bert as some form of water nymph come alive from the dry, dusty mythology books.

"BERT!" she shrieked. "What are you… I mean… wha…?" The woman was confused and tried to back away, an impossibility in the narrow confines of the stall. With an ages old reflex, she tried to cover her snatch with one hand, her glistening boobs with the other.

"Hi, Robin. Fancy meeting you here. I was just passing by and thought I'd drop in."

"Get the hell out of here!" The woman's initial shock was replaced with fury.

"Why? I thought you might like some company. Terribly lonely in these tropical countries. No one speaks the language, and all you have to eat are bananas."

"Bert!" she snapped. "Get out of my shower."

"Sure, Robin. Eventually." His hands had reached out and grasped her around the waist Slippery with soap, his caresses became liquid and lightning fast Bert applied more pressure to offset the lack of friction. He liked the feel of naked skin under his fingers, even wet skin as long as it was female.

He edged closer and pressed his body to hers. Robin attempted to shove him away but rapidly discovered what the boy already had. Wet skin is incredibly slippery. She succeeded in wrapping her arms about his body and nothing else.

Bert had availed himself of two convenient handholds. He had reached behind Robin and inserted his fingers in the deep crease of her ass. Fingers firmly ensconced in the humid valley between her buttocks, he could use his superior strength to good advantage. The youth pulled the older woman to his body, then deeply kissed her.

Robin's protests died instantly. She felt the inch by inch rise of his prick between her damp legs as his excitement grew. Bert's tongue supped between her lips and began frolicking in her mouth, teasing and taunting her tongue, playing hide and seek, drawing it out. Her lassitude began to evaporate and, in spite of herself, she found that her crotch was becoming wet. Not from the stinging rain hammering down from the showerhead but from her own lust.

Prick sticking up into her loins, nudging gently at her portals, tongue lolling inside her mouth and a wiggly finger insistently moving up her anus, Robin found herself impaled three different ways. She couldn't escape if she wanted to do such a silly thing. Why pass up such an erotically interesting encounter?

The woman began to respond to the deep, long lass that Bert had been lavishing on her. Robin's slender oral digit of taste chased Bert's back into his mouth and the hide-and-seek game continued, in both mouths this time instead of just one.

Holding the woman close to his body, Bert felt the twin points of her jugs begin to poke harder and harder into his naked chest. As Robin's need for him flourished, the tiny cherry red beacons mounted on her snow white breasts hardened into tiny pebbles.

The photographer pulled Robin even closer, using his fleshy handholds to good effect. He tried to get a second finger up her ass-hole but failed. He had to be content with the one already reposing there, wiggling and tickling the woman's interior tissue.

Robin's feet slipped apart slightly on the wet tile floor and exposed her golden matted snatch. Bert twisted slightly on the wet tile, bent his knees and leaned against the wall, the nozzle squirting out water over his shoulder. The feel of drizzle of warm liquid was sensuous, made his skin tingle and feel more alive than it ever had. He saw instantly that between his threefold ministrations and the spray of water, Robin was really getting turned on.

Bert slid his feet between Robin's legs, checked to make sure he was firmly braced and them strapped the woman on like an article of clothing. Guiding her with the finger he had embedded in her ass, he moved her forward and lifted. Carole's mother spread slightly wider and impaled herself on Bert's already wet spike of flesh jutting upward from his loins. As she settled down with a contented sigh, Bert felt the intense pressure against his legs and shoulders.

He had to support the weight of both their bodies, not that he minded in the least! At first, Robin's twitching and bouncing on his man-stalk was uncomfortable. The water deprived her natural lubricants of their oily properties, but Robin was so lost in the throes of fucking that her cunt fountained out almost as much liquid as did the raging showerhead.

She was soon properly greased and sliding up and down Bert's pole. With the water tumbling around them, drenching them and making their naked skin gleam and glisten, Bert was hard pressed to think of a more erotic picture. He wished he had his camera.

What a shot this would make!

The warm waterfalls trickled down his body and seemed to return him to a prenatal condition. He was buried in a woman's belly attempting to shove his dick all the way to her womb, he was surrounded by warm, amniotic fluid, and he was sensually rocked on the waves of passion that flooded his body.

Bert was content to remain propped in the stall, wiggle his finger in its tight glove-like slot, feel the friction mount on his staff and just let the water engulf him.

It was a peaceful, yet paradoxically exciting situation.

For Robin, it was totally arousing. The finger in her rectum was driving her wild. She pumped furiously up and down on Bert's manly cock, taking as much into her hungering interior as she could. All she had to do was lift slightly on her toes and then drop full force into his groin. And the warm water needling into her breast was a complete and total turn on.

The woman needed stimulation in several erogenous zones. She had never before had it occur in three all at the same time. Her innards felt like the flaming heart of a crucible in a blast furnace. The belly she so desperately attempted to fill with Bert's huge cock cried for satiation. Acid seared her nerves throughout her hind quarters every time the boy repositioned his finger. And it seemed as if electrodes had been attached to her nipples.