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She smoothed out the thin material of the shorts to make sure he had an unrestricted view of her ass. Carole worried slightly about the bulge of her pubic mound. If she started to really think about Bert as she had been doing several nights during the week, the telltale wet spot might erupt and betray her. Masturbating four times during the week had primed her for the encounter with Bert Perhaps he would see she was turned on and do something about it. Just flunking about the youth so unconcernedly deploying the food was making her hot!

"Everything's ready, I guess." Bert bit into a sandwich and took a drink of Dr. Pepper as he allowed his eyes to roam over the girl's body. He was acutely aware of the position she assumed when she sat down. Not cross-legged but rather with her legs tucked under her. In this position, Bert could imagine that he could see the pubic hairs of her twat outlined in the material of her shorts. The thing that immediately impinged on his mind was that she hadn't wom any underwear. What he saw was it. The very nearness of her, the subtle fragrance of her perfume, the curvaceous body, all made him want to throw down the ham sandwich, grab her, rip her clothes off and take her on the spot

The youth managed to lift one leg and hide the bulge in his jeans. It wouldn't do to allow Carole to know what effect she had on him. As long as he appeared aloof and resistant to her multitudinous charms, he stood a good chance of getting everything he wanted. She was a cock-teaser, and he had to break her of that

He had to make her so hot for him she'd do anything.

The scene was one which any number of movie producers would have loved to capture on film. Bert, trying to appear nonchalant and only slightly interested. Carole, her tongue slipping out of her mouth and carefully licking his in the most sensuous manner she could. The flow and positioning of their bodies as they ate. Carole, thrusting her chest out to strain the twin cones of her tits against the thin red silk. Bert, shifting his weight to alleviate the strain of his erect cock against his trousers. Carole, sitting back with her creamy white legs spread the most minute amount more than was natural in obvious invitation to Bert

And the boy, elbows on the ground trying to think of the sky or the weather or just about anything else to keep from ejaculating.

Carole deliberately licked her lips one more time, then gently dabbed at them with a napkin. The food wasn't too bad, was it, Bert?"

"Not really. I've eaten better."

Carole smiled slightly. "I ate a lot better one night about a week ago. In a car." The reference to her sucking him off was a blatant come-on. Bert refused to acknowledge it

"Oh? Which drive-in? I've never found one that was very good." Before Carole could say anything further, Bert hastened on, "Let's get down to the real reason we came out here. The food was okay, but we both know what we want to do. Right?"

Carole could hardly believe her ears. So simple! And she had been fantasizing difficultly in getting him to fuck her. Perhaps he wasn't such a worthy subject after all. Just like the other men that wanted nothing but her body and an instant's pleasure.

"I suppose we could…" She no longer sounded enthused.

Bert reached behind him and grabbed his camera. "If you'll go over by that tree stump I can get a few right readings, and we can start taking the pictures."

Pictures? Pictures! Carole couldn't believe it. The rotten bastard wasn't going to fuck her! He wanted the pictures for that silly photo contest of his!

"All right Bert, whatever you say." The thin edge of enthusiasm began to creep back into her voice. He was still slightly remote and not a pushover. She'd have to do her damnedest to seduce him. She knew that now.

Pictures, indeed. She'd give him pictures he'd never forget!

Carole didn't walk to the indicated spot, she swayed and made sure her ass swung in as delightful and seductive manner as possible. Bert watched the girl and almost bit his tongue in reaction. Carole could really turn on the sex appeal when she wanted, and it was all too obvious to the boy that she was running full blast, maximum efficiency.

The cheerleader knew the feel of men's eyes on her. It was an old feeling from early in her cock-teasing career. Carole knew instantly that she was reaching Bert, in spite of his overt insouciance to her appearance.

"Is this all right?" she asked, her voice sultry.

Bert gulped, then managed to croak out, "Fine!" He began snapping pictures.

"Move around, Carole. Some action. Swing your head and have your hair flow around." Bert continued snapping the pictures as Carole moved with easy grace, the background changing from gently green to harsh brown to breathtaking orange as Bert altered his angle of view.

But always in dead center of his viewfinder was a sexy, seductive girl swathed in flimsy red silk. He concentrated on her but was inexorably being forced to admit his control of the situation was slipping. The young photographer would have to force Carole into some position where she begged him again, or he would break down and beg to fuck her.

Carole tired of the chase and fell into Bert's trap. She unfastened the knot holding her silk halter together. Bert's cock did a flip flop and his balls began to tingle and churn at the sight. He continued shooting his pictures as the red silk fell to each side of her slender neck to expose the firmly fleshed breasts. From one angle, he caught a profile.

Her nipples were outlined against the cerulean blue of the sky. Carole turned and Bert took a picture looking up toward the sky, and the youth felt an instant of vertigo. Twin mountains of flesh towered over him, both topped with cherries of aroused nipple. Carole thrust her chest out and made her breasts stand out in even greater relief.

This was exactly what Bert had wanted for so long. Carole posing nude!

He made the most of the opportunity. "Great stuff, gal. Off with the shorts, too!"

She reached down and carefully inserted her fingers inside the waistband. Her movements were deliberate, the tightly stretched material seemed to inch off of its own accord as Carol swayed back and forth, her hips freeing themselves from their cloth prison. Bert held his breath as more and more of the smooth stomach was exposed. His heart trip hammered and cold sweat beaded his forehead.

He tried to prevent Carole from seeing his arousal. The flames in his groin burned with renewed vigor, and he wanted nothing more than to be stroking and thrusting into her tight, hot pussy and screaming out his passions for her. A true dream come true, and he was being offered it!

The bulges of Carole's ass impeded the progress of her escape. Slender arms straightened slightly and forced the balky material down another inch. Revealed was the top of the humid crease between her buttocks. Carole spun around and when she again faced Bert, the corn silk fine hairs from her Mound of Venus peeked over the rim of her shorts.

"How'm I doing, Bert, dear?"

"Fine," he muttered, "Just fine!" He was really hot, but he noticed that the striptease was turning Carole into a frenzied beast intent on satiation also. Liquescent spots formed on the crotch of her red shorts betraying her passion.

She pirouetted again and kicked free of the skimpy, shorts. The afternoon sunlight caught and reflected rainbows off the crystal droplets of cunt juice that had lingered in her pubic forest Bert captured it all on film.

"Got it, Bert? How's this?" She spread her alabaster legs wide, and her cunt opened slightly. From his position, the photographer was looking directly up into her belly. Bert snapped several open beaver pictures.

Those would be his private collection's premier pieces.

Carole might just be his blue ribbon piece!