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The girl reached down and stroked his hair as he zoomed in for a tight in shot of her snatch. Another upturn of the camera outlined her face and tits against the sky, only slightly occluded by the tangled forest of her pubic regions.

After that, Bert gave up all pretense of photographing the naked and totally willing girl

"Bert, Bert!" she moaned, as she pulled him to her, "Fuck me. Fuck me as hard and fast as you can!" The sharp points of her pebble-hard nipples poked into Bert's chest as Carole dragged him close to her.

He was rapidly stripping off his clothing, but slowed as he thought that if he relented in his actions, he could fuck her this time, but maybe never again. She would have conquered him as she had so many other males, then tire of him, discard him and go on to others.

"Shut up, bitch. Suck me off first!"

Carole dropped to her knees like she had been hit with a sap behind the ear. Her eager mouth enclosed itself around the youth's quivering member. This time Carole's sucking was far more expert. Bert idly wondered as the world spun crazily by if she had been studying, taking lessons in fellatio. The wet oral digit warmly licked his cock and sent a prickly sensation knifing into his groin. His balls had contracted to a tight sphere. When Carole noticed this, she immediately began to play and tweak at the hairy little sac.

Bert's control had improved immensely. He was able to prevent himself from jetting off into her mouth and blowing everything out in one creamy white fountain of desire. His moaning held special meaning for Carole, however.

She knew he was desiring her. And desiring the sexy cheerleader was an improvement over the way he had been mistreating her.

Bert could not differentiate between the sweat on his body caused by the warm sun and the warm lust growing in his loins. It was a moot point because he knew that, as Carole thrust a finger into his ass-hole, he would soon come if he did not change position.

The boy wiggled back and pulled free. "On your side!" he commanded. Carole looked bewildered at having the tasty tidbit yanked from her mouth but obeyed instantly. Whatever was in store might be more than she had hoped for.

Bert quickly slipped beside the prone girl, his head descending between the wondrous marble-veined pillars of her thighs. His tongue leaped out with lightning speed and slurped and lapped up the secretion from her innermost glands wetting her sex. A shiver of pure carnal thrill rocketed through Carole's body.

She wasn't going to get fucked by his piston of pleasure, but the girl had to admit that this was almost as good. Bert's tongue slithered in and out, up and down her slit. Light, feathery touches excited her more than heavy, ponderous blows would have. It was such sweet torment to feel the rough, liquid tongue sliding along her sexual organs. When Bert prodded gently inside her outer, blood-gorged labia, Carole screamed.

The scream was one of sexual pleasure, not pain. She had never before felt anything so wonderful! Masturbating with the handle of her hairbrush was nothing like this!

A man's mouth closed and sucking over her sex lips was indescribable to the cheerleader. Bert's mouth engulfed her, and he began sucking on her clamshell shaped Bps as if he were drinking from a straw. The suction he applied seemed to rip and tear every drop of her oily internal lubricant free and force it to rush out in a huge tsunami of fluid.

The cunt juice being pulled from her vagina thrilled her and made her think her belly was on fire. When Bert's mouth found the meek little clit oozing up from its hood of protective flesh, Carole momentarily blacked out.

Her brain was so powerfully assaulted with erotic energy from the powerhouse of her pleasure button, she was unable to handle it. In a few years, after many more sexual encounters, the girl would be able to control it. But not now. Not this time. It was new and different, overwhelming. She thought of electricity zinging along her nerves, charring every synapse and neural circuit in her body. Carole-likened the feeling to an icicle jabbed into her belly with brutal force. Liquid iron poured up her cunt couldn't have felt much different.

And yet it was a tickly feeling, not overwhelming at all. Subtle, gently and easy. The odd mixture of the sensations confused her. The cheerleader had never allowed a boy to suck on her clit before. She had led them along, sometimes giving them a blowjob to cool their passions, then had dropped them. But Bert was different. He wanted something more from her than her body. Otherwise he would have responded to the first overture she'd made instead of acting so sophisticated, so nonchalant and cool and collected.

If she could have seen his face buried in her pussy she would have had second thoughts about that appraisal. Unadulterated lust marked Bert's features. His tongue swirled and dived into the salty, briny depths of Carole's cunt. To say he didn't groove on her Red River Valley would have been a total lie. He could not have named a place he would have rather been.

His ears rubbed against the soft, tender inner thighs he loved so. Bert's nose rubbed along Carole's sensitive perineum and gave her an added element of pleasurable stimulation. But his biggest treat was licking and tonguing and sucking her clit The cheerleader's body seemed to be enthralled, gripped in one perpetual cheer from which only he could free her.

And Bert Ellis was not going to free the woman of his dreams. No sir!

His tongue dived long and deep into her vermicular tunnel tracing out the wrinkles and snaky turnings and twistings of the crumpled internal tissue. Surprisingly, his oral organ impinged against a barrier not an inch inside the delicate, scalloped inner labia. He had licked off the tasty cunt juice and plunged forward from that post But his forward progress into her inner fastness was completely halted by the slightly yielding wall of hymen.

Carole van der Hoff, man chaser and cock tease first class was still a virgin!

That discovery thrilled Bert more than any other thing about his captive. And captive she was locked by the slender spike of his tongue.

A VIRGIN! Bert could hardly believe ft. He'd been a virgin only two weeks… two months… an eternity!… ago. But he hadn't played around and had been ultra-shy with chicks. Carole was the reverse. She had been outgoing and could and supposedly had had every guy in the school she desired.

Bert almost laughed, in spite of having a mouthful of frothing, foaming pussy. He would certainly know how to get her to do what he desired now. Carole would be at his command, his slave. Turning the tables so neatly by one thrust of his tongue pleased the boy inordinately.

He came up for air and cried out, "Dammit! My cock's getting cold! Get it into your mouth!"

It was the work of only a microsecond before Carole worked the piece of man-meat into her wet, dank oral cavern. She shivered at the sensuous feel of the quivering organ inside her mouth again. Her tongue looped out and around the photographer's staff of lust, then licked directly down to the base. When the cheerleader encountered the hair of Bert's tangled groin, she immediately reversed her path and lavished great, longing care on the trip back to the blood-red head of the trapped cock.

The teenager bit down the tiniest amount and felt Bert shake in reaction. When his tongue snapped inside her, then languorously rolled around the trembling inner lips of her cunt, she felt an orgasm flood her body. Carole managed to refrain from biting down on Bert's cock in her mouth, but the suction she applied drew forth a loud, heartfelt groan from the back.

The finger wiggling inside her ass-hole tightened her muscles again in preparation for another orgasm. Her untrained and untried body could not quite follow the first so quickly. Carole felt the incredible electric tension surge inside her body, eddy currents searching out a pole to disappear into.

Her body preparing to betray her intense passion for Bert once again, Carole's hands groped out and found the boy's hairy ass. The girl began kneading and twisting the tightly muscled mounds of flesh, pulling his pelvis closer to her mouth in order to more fully take the tangy cock further into her mouth. His seven inches almost made her gag, but the taste was too succulent for her to complain. And with her saliva trickily and slippery on his dick, the teenager was not about to try to yank out of his moist berth in Carole's face.