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Her hands drop quickly and with sure movements and some rocking of my own hips, she gets my belt and fly opened and the material pushed down enough to free my cock. And fuck… she looks down at it where I can feel it’s already leaking with need and actually licks her lips like she wants to swallow me whole.

Christ… I can’t wait. I haul her closer to me while she grips the base of my dick with one hand and the other slips into the crotch of her panties to jerk them to the side, baring her gorgeously slick pussy to me.

“Fuck,” I say as I lower her… my face slanted downward so I don’t miss a second of my cock as it slides up into her.

We both groan in ecstasy once I become fully lodged inside, her legs naturally wrapping around my waist with her boots resting on Whiskey’s backside.

“Hold on to my shoulders, baby,” I tell her as my hands go to the reins. “And hang on tight, okay?”

Her eyes are glazed but I know she understands me because she does exactly as I tell her to, and then goes one step further by wrapping her arms all the way around my neck and placing her cheek against mine.

With a soft cluck of my tongue and a tiny tap of my heels into Whiskey’s flanks, I urge him forward with only enough rein so that he maintains a slow walk. I use the opportunity to let Casey get the feel of the motion and within moments, she rocking counter to Whiskey’s gait. My cock isn’t getting much friction at this pace, other than a gentle massage of her walls against mine as she grinds against me. This is fine though, because this is so fucking hot right now, I’m afraid I might bust a quick nut if I don’t get some control first.

Casey’s little gasps and moans though turn me on like nothing I’ve ever experienced with her before and with sharper kick of my boots, I urge Whiskey into a soft canter, causing both of us to gasp and moan.

With the first loping stride, Casey slides up my cock and then back down in a fluid motion and my eyes practically roll into the back of my head because nothing should ever feel this good. Casey moans loudly as Whiskey provides us with all the motion we need by which we can fuck each other.

The sound of hooves punching into the ground and the slap of our flesh against each other rings hard in my ears and then starts to fade as I begin to get overwhelmed by Casey sliding up and down on me. Tiny whimpers fall from her lips but what I really need is to hear her scream out to the Wyoming skyline.

I tighten the lead on the reins just a fraction and Whiskey immediately responds, slowing into a trot that almost has me coming immediately as Casey’s body starts slamming hard on my dick. My balls ache because every crash down on me also crushes my poor nuts against the saddle, but the feeling of her bouncing up and down on my cock feels way better than the pain of it.

Casey and I have absolutely no control over our bodies. This is all Whiskey’s choppy pace that has Casey fucking me harder than I’ve ever been ridden before, and when she starts grunting with every downward thrust, I feel my bruised balls start to tighten.

Pressing her face into my neck, I feel wetness there as Casey mutters against me, “So good. So good,” and then her fingers grab my hair and she jerks my head hard as she screams my name while she starts coming all around me.

My own explosion bursts forth, and I pull hard on the reins so Whiskey comes to an immediate halt. Casey sags as I straighten my legs in the stirrups and thrust up into her one more time while I start to unload, grunting out my pleasure like a fucking caveman. My entire body shudders, and I look up to the sky to see it looks impossibly bluer. The clouds miraculously fluffier.

My heart definitely feels infinitely fuller.

I grasp onto the back of Casey’s neck and pull her away from me. She looks at me with muddled eyes and cheeks flushed a lovely pink.

“You okay?” I pant hard, stroking my thumb up the side of her throat.

Her lips curl and then part, rewarding me with a beautiful smile. She nods and murmurs in a shaky voice, “I insist we have sex like that more often. It’s a damn good reason for me to move here to be with you.”

I laugh, pull her into me, and squeeze her tight, then just as quickly tug on her so I can see her face again. My lips find hers and I take her mouth sweetly, pouring every bit of my heart into it. She sighs in contentment and murmurs my name against my tongue.

Casey pulls back marginally and smiles… as bright as the Wyoming sky. “I love you, Tenn.”

My heart squeezes in pleasure and equal parts sadness. It’s because I love her and know now that she loves me that I need to do something that she might not quite understand.

“Casey… baby,” I say quietly, holding her neck firmly so she looks at me. “I love you too. But you can’t stay here with me.”

Chapter 27


“Are you still pissed at Tenn?” Brody asks as he dries the pot I just washed. Alyssa is wiping down the dining room table while Mom and Dad sit out on the back deck and sip at their glasses of wine.

I’ve been back from Wyoming for almost two weeks now and things aren’t going well. And even though my preference in times such as these are to hide away with my thumb stuck firmly in my sucking mouth, I’ve decided to come out of hiding and join the real world again. My first order of business was accepting Mom’s dinner invitation tonight because honestly… there wasn’t anything that my mom’s cooking usually couldn’t cure, and my bad mood was in need of some fixing.

Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “I’m definitely fucking cranky with him.”

Brody laughs and nudges me with his shoulder. “Have you heard from him lately?”

“No,” I say sullenly and viciously scrub at the spatula. “It’s been three days.”

Three long miserable days without any word from Tenn. Three days that I have thought the worst… that he’s moved on with his new life in Wyoming and what I thought was true love was apparently nothing more than just some overworked hormones when we were together.

Now that we’re apart, he’s drifted away, and I’m so thoroughly confused and depressed, I’m doubting every single emotion the man had once made me feel.

Two weeks ago, he packed me onto a plane and told me that he needed time to figure out what to do with the mess that had been dealt to him. He told me that I couldn’t stay there with him because I would only be a distraction, but then he did say something unbearably sweet and which provided me with a small measure of hope.

“I need you back in North Carolina, Goldie, so I have something to work for. I need you there to make me bust my ass to get back to you.”

So, I accepted that and with my heart sad over leaving him but hopeful that we would be together again, I left.

And at first, it was fine. I missed him terribly both body and soul, but I was sustained with nightly phone calls. Random texts during the day fueled me on.

I love you.

I miss you.

Can’t wait to be balls deep inside of you again.

He was romantic and utterly filthy in turns, and that first week wasn’t so bad.

Tenn kept me updated as to what was going on. Both he and Woolf had meetings upon meetings with the estate attorneys, the corporate attorneys, financial advisors, the various ranch and oil well foremen, as well as some other family members that were involved in some of the ventures.

At first, I was buoyed by the fact that Woolf seemed to have finally stepped up to the plate. He assured Tenn that he was ready to take over the family businesses and give up his partying lifestyle. I remember Tenn had called me in the middle of the day, and he sounded so excited about it that I had the biggest smile on my face for hours afterward. I dreamed of the day he would come back and open up his custom bike shop and we would start our life together. Tenn assured me this was still his goal, and even told me that Nix was still on board and was content to wait until he got his shit sorted out.