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“Has anyone talked to him?” When they shook their heads, Halina turned her gaze on Alyssa and pressed a hand to the sudden roll of nausea in her belly. “He’s . . . he’s okay, right? Nothing could happen to him. Owen was with him. The police and the FBI were there, right?”

“He’s fine.” Alyssa wrapped her in a hug. “Just long-winded. You know him.”

Kai pulled his phone from the pocket of his slacks, set his stance wide. “I’ll call—”

The door opened and Mitch sauntered in, followed by Chief Justice McMillan, who’d introduced himself earlier. Then another couple—Owen Young and the FBI agent from the night before? Owen wore a handsome navy suit, Agent Seville a deep eggplant-colored dress.

Mitch spoke to the judge for a moment in a low voice, and once Halina’s gaze strayed back to him, she couldn’t tear it away. He wore a black tuxedo, with a white shirt, cummerbund, and tie, and when he shut the door behind the judge and turned toward the group, all Halina’s air slipped from her lungs.

His black hair shone, and the few hours’ worth of stubble on his jaw gave an edge to that polish that made her heart beat quicker. And then he met her eyes, his filled with life and love and so much excitement, they shone liquid gold.

She let her gaze slide down his lean body and took in the perfect way the tux fit every inch.

“About damn time,” Kai muttered. “Figures he’d be late to his own wedding.”

Mitch either didn’t hear Kai or didn’t care. He didn’t take his gaze from Halina. And she’d never felt more beautiful. Or more loved. He conveyed it all with one look.

He put a hand over his heart and groaned. “Thank God there’s a doctor on-site.” Without taking his sweeping gaze from her, he said, “Judge, we should hurry. I don’t think I’ll able to stand much longer.”

Halina crossed to him and took his hands, searching his gaze. “Are you all right? Are we . . . all right?”

He slid his arms around her waist and slowly pulled her against him. Oh, he smelled amazing and her lids went heavy as she breathed him in and instantly calmed.

“Never better,” he murmured, low and sexy. “And you’ve never looked more beautiful. I’m the luckiest man on earth.”

He lowered his head to kiss her.

“Ah-ah.” The judge drew their attention. “None of that just yet.”

Mitch pulled back and beamed down at her. Halina’s heart overflowed with more love and happiness than she’d believed possible.

“You clean up pretty good, brother.” Teague stepped up next to Mitch, acting as his best man, and pushed him away from Halina. “Put your eyes and your tongue back in your head, dude. You’ve still got a few words to say.”

Alyssa came up beside Halina and handed her the flowers she’d set down twenty minutes ago. Keira took Brady from Alyssa’s arms and gave her a bouquet of her own.

Halina went a little hazy for the next several minutes, floating through the formalities of a ceremony she’d convinced herself she’d never experience, to the man of her dreams she’d believed could never love her with equal depth. The whole thing was such a fantasy, she was sure her feet didn’t touch the ground.

“Halina,” Alyssa whispered behind her, tapping her arm.

She was lost in Mitch’s warm eyes, his bright, lively smile, thinking she couldn’t ever remember seeing him so happy. “Hmm?”

“Your flowers.” Alyssa was grinning at her as if Halina had missed something, then leaned close and even more quietly said, “Do you remember your vows?”

“Oh.” Halina’s stomach did a triple flip. “Yes.”

As soon as Alyssa took her bouquet, Mitch’s hands slipped over hers and she was absorbed in that golden gaze again.

“It is my honor,” Judge McMillan’s smooth, confident voice filled the room, “to be with you all today to unite Mitch Foster and Halina Beloi in the blessed union of marriage. Mitch, are you here of your own free will to join your heart and soul with Halina’s in the eyes of our Lord and the law?”

His gaze never left hers, but his fingers tightened and his grin grew. “I am.”

“Halina, are you here of your own free will to join your heart and soul with Mitch’s in the eyes of our Lord and the law?”

She swallowed, licked her lips, held his gaze. And sighed out a “Yes.”

“Mitch,” Judge McMillan said, “I understand you and Halina have your own vows.”

His gaze darted to the man between them for a split second as he made a quick nod, then looked back at Halina. He repositioned her hands in his and held on tight. Took a breath that raised his shoulders and blew it out quick. The first flash of nerves lit his eyes, but he went very quiet and still. The way he sometimes did before he delivered an important closing argument.

“I choose you,” he said, low and smooth, “Halina Heather Raiden Sintrovsky Dubrovsky Beloi—”

She burst out laughing, dipping her head as her face flushed with embarrassment. But everyone else was laughing along with her and Mitch’s eyes twinkled with pleasure.

He waited until the room quieted to continue, serious, sincere, painfully sweet. “—to be my wife, my partner, my best friend, my soul mate,” he paused and squeezed her hands, “above all others.”

Halina’s heart swelled to painful proportions. Tears glazed her eyes.

“When you need encouragement,” he said, “turn to me. When you need a helping hand, let it be mine. When you need someone to trust, look to me. When you long for love, know it will always be here.” He lifted one of their joined hands to his chest.

“I believe in you. I believe in us,” he continued with so much conviction, Halina was lost in his words. “Together, we are strong. Together, we are eternal. You are the only woman I have ever loved, the only woman I have ever needed, the only woman I have ever truly wanted. And I promise you . . . all of me . . . from this day forward.”

The tears spilled over. Her air stuttered into her lungs. The judge allowed a moment of silence to linger before he murmured, “Halina.”

She swallowed, held on to his hands tight for reassurance. For a second, she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she couldn’t fathom the depth of love she saw gazing back at her. And as always, he gave her the strength to push the words forward.

“Mitchell Raiden Foster,” she said, “you are everything I’ve ever wanted or ever needed, and at this moment I know all my prayers have been answered, all of my dreams have come true. I promise to always be truthful with you. I promise never to run from you, never to hide from you, always to believe in you and to never, ever, take another false name.”

His grin broke into a laugh. Wetness glistened in his eyes.

“In sickness,” she continued, “I will nurse you back to health. In health, I will encourage you on your path. In sadness, I will help you to remember. In happiness, I will be with you to make memories. In poverty, I will do all that I can to make our love rich. And in wealth, I will never let our love grow poor. I vow to share with you everything I have and everything I am. You are the only man I have ever loved and forever will.”

Emotion washed over Mitch’s face, so potent, so rich it gripped her heart and squeezed hard.

They exchanged rings with simple vows and Mitch pulled her hand to his lips to kiss it before he threaded his fingers with hers and lowered them again.

“Halina and Mitch,” the judge said, “with quite possibly the most eloquent expression of love and commitment I’ve ever witnessed here in front of God, friends and family, by the power vested in me by the District of Columbia, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Halina broke into a giddy smile. Her heart floated in her chest.

“Mitch,” the judge said, “kiss your beautiful bride.”