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“The lost ones wander about in the woods until they find something interesting, and then at that point someone dies, either us or them. They seem to be like simple predators, no more intelligent than wolves, maybe less so. The seekers are a bit more intelligent and head on a path of destruction until destroyed. But there is another sort-the worst of all.”

I sat down again. His news was grim, but I kept my face as impassive as I could. Unlike Vance, I never liked to be the panicked one in the room. I liked to stay cool, no matter what I was feeling inside. So I waited.

“I think there are changelings living amongst us. I think they are only partly shifted, and hiding it. Or, perhaps, they are waiting for the right moment to strike, or are engineering the deaths of the strongest among us. In any regard, these are the most dangerous of all, I believe in the end.”

“Wonderful,” I said, standing up again. “You’ve given me a lot to worry about, sir.”

He nodded. “Sorry to burden you, but there are only so many of us left. The time for secrets and happy fictions are long past. I would have you know that I still have hope for these victims in our midst, these shadows. I think they can still be redeemed. At least, I still pray for them.”

I went to the door. “I’ve got to get moving.”

We went out, watching carefully in case something was to spring down upon us from the top of the roof. Whatever had been up there, however, was now gone.

The Preacher strode across his yard toward the trees. He took out his Bible as he went and held it high overhead, as to ward off evil or to block the rays of the dying sun. “Enough nonsense,” he told the trees. “Come out and face justice, children of the dark.”

I’m not sure if it was his words, his gestures or his proximity to the tree line, but they charged.

There were three of them, and they looked like mutant spiders with at least four extra legs each and hairless, human-like, gray-pink skin. They had circular mouths like loaches and something else on their hindquarters that looked like a stinger.

One of them giggled like a preteen girl as she charged. I wondered who she was, and if I had met her parents in town.

I was wrong about the stingers, they were spinnerets. These organs were those used by spiders to make their deadly webs, but formed in proportion to these grotesque bodies. They each shot out a loop of silver-gray spider silk at us. I dodged the one that came at me, and it hissed through the air over my head. A second thread touched the Preacher’s cloak but found nothing to attach to there. The third hit the Preacher on his Bible hand. I saw it loop around his wrist and in a second it was stuck fast.

They had more than eight eyes as well. They wore skirts of eyes, like a fleshy mass of fish-egg jelly. Each eye rolled wetly and independently.

The Preacher bared his teeth in determination, and readied his axe with one hand by dropping it and catching the handle at the last instant. He stubbornly refused to drop his Bible despite the spider creature, which tugged at the line excitedly.

I took a step forward and slashed, severing the silvery web and freeing his hand. It left a glistening shine on the tip of my blade. The Preacher had time to wipe a sticky mass from his skin and nod thanks to me before they all charged in unison.

They were not very big or bright and we had had a lot of practice with these moments. We chopped the first two to pieces, but the third got under my guard and sank venomous fangs into my boot. The steel tip held, however, and after a moment’s frustration, I felt those pumping feet climbing my legs to my mid-section. I knew the thing could smell my terror and the hot blood flowing in my neck. It scuttled up my torso, its loach-like mouth forming an idiot’s grin.

It was awkward, slashing at something that is clinging to your chest, but I managed to get the blade into the rippling line of legs. The most memorable sensation was when I cut through a long line of those pumping, hot dog-thick legs. There were bones in there, very thin bones, but I felt them as my saber cut through them. Normal spiders didn’t have bones, I didn’t think, at least not in their legs. Had they shifted that way from someone’s finger and toes? Had each toe thinned and stretched into the shape of a spider leg? I almost retched when we were done, just from thinking about it.

There was a scrap of red clothing on one of them with a picture of a cartoon animal on it. The Preacher identified it with a nod. “The Krenzer girls,” he confirmed evenly. “They’ve been missing for days.”

I was further sickened to learn another family had gone bad.

“Weren’t they junior high girls?” I asked, disturbed. Families often turned as a group, which made things worse. Distantly, I wondered why that happened.

“The youngest, perhaps. The older two were in high school this year, I believe.”

It was horrifying, but we talked about it calmly. Somehow, doing that helped keep your sanity going.

The Preacher insisted on a service right then and there. We buried them under heaps of dirt in the stony yard. It was my second service today, and I was just glad that I didn’t have to mumble the words this time. He talked about final peace and blessings. He did not sound like he was just going through the motions, either. He meant every word of it, you could tell. He meant to send those souls to heaven, if there was any possible route by which they could get there, which I strongly doubted. But I bowed my head and mumbled with him in pray anyway. I was surprised he could keep his faith so tightly after all that had happened. I admired him for it.

“Gannon,” he said as I left his hilltop. I turned back to him. He stood there in the middle of a makeshift graveyard that would have seemed pathetic even to the first settlers who came centuries ago to farm this land. There were fresh mounds everywhere, and I knew that before he slept tonight, he would fashion ratty crosses out of sticks and twine for the newest three graves, just as he had for all the others.

He hesitated, and for a moment, I thought I saw a tiny tremble at his mouth. It must have been the dim light, however; the Preacher never wavered.

“There is something else out there,” he said at last. “Something is sending these things to us.”

He paused, and then said, “Watch your back.”


Visiting the Preacher had not made me any less nervous. I moved quietly, with all the woods craft a dozen years of deer hunting in these hills with my dad had taught me. My saber never left my hand, and even though my throat tickled horribly, I never coughed. I avoided dry patches that might cause my boots to crunch unduly.

In any case, the hike down to Redmoor was relatively uneventful. Along the way I paused to eat some sardines and hard biscuits the Preacher had provided me. I took the opportunity to examine the Preacher’s map as I chewed.

I spent a bit of time running my fingers along the map lines and calculating distances. I marked a tiny blue box where my cabin was with a pen. The natural route from there to town didn’t cross any of the colored lines the Preacher had added, nor did our usual route out to SR 446. But on the way from my cabin to the Preacher’s there was indeed a thready blue pencil line in the vicinity. Had I crossed it on the way there this morning? My mix of following the logging road and weaving through the woods might or might not have caused me to cross that vague line scratched on an old map. It wasn’t like a street map. It only showed major roadways.

Perhaps that is where I had picked up the lost ones, the Krenzer girls. I shuddered. How close had I come, perhaps a dozen times, to walking into that line and-shifting into something? If the Preacher’s map was correctly done, it was vital information. Everyone should have a copy.

There was another line, blue pencil or felt tip, I think this time, placed between me and town. It took an extra half-mile, but I gave it a wide berth. One thing the map did is give me an extra sense of confidence as I arrived in town. It felt good to think you might have in your hands a way to prevent your random demise. It might all be a comforting illusion, like a newspaper horoscope, but it felt good, regardless.