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I sputtered in a halfhearted attempt to pass for a wise older brother, and inwardly hitting myself for passing up the chance to do it with Emily.

Emily did not buy my arguments at all and did not give in that easily., and said, 'Yeah, yeah, bla, bla, yadda, yadda. How often do I have to tell you, and how can I get through that thick skull of yours, that we don't have those and are not likely to get any anytime soon. I for one, am sick and tired of running around with a hungry and constantly drooling pussy without even the slightest chance of some pleasant frolicking around with someone that I might want to do it with myself. If you believe all the stories about it, sex is about the best thing before and after sliced bread and the way it looks like right now you and I have nothing else to look forward to. Please, please, pretty please… for once be nice to your darling little sister.'

She hotly whispered this in my ear while she seductively nibbled on one of my earlobes and pressed her softly firm little nipples of her deliciously soft and firm breasts against me. Now, there's only so much I can take, and the fact that our grinding groins definitely sent me a message that conveyed great eagerness and ultimate pressure combined with hot conditions and elevated humidity. I lay back and closed my eyes in an attempt to get a handle on myself and dedicate a couple of moments to careful and serious contemplation.

Softly, I said, 'And, of course we don't immediately have to jump off the deep end. I can come up with several other highly satisfying and pleasant activities without going into full penetration mode, assuming that we'll ever get to that point.'

All things being equal, the conclusion was reached, we would go ahead with it.

'Dear horny and ultimately attractive darling little sister. I love you, but I care for you way too much to mercilessly whip my dick into your sweet little plum, quickly pump out a squirt or ten, and after that rally behind the flag and hope for the best. Assuming that you really, really, really want to do it with me. We also have to at least maintain a modicum of practicality before we go off doing things that we may or may never regret. I think that we first have to line things up properly and commit ourselves to a couple of rules of engagement. Let's talk about that first and please quit riding on my poor dipstick. If you go on like that I'll soon make a mess of things and I would mightily abhor that.'

Emily giggled and gave me a final suggestive and very nice rub with her groin and put the tip of my dick in the warm and wet entrance of her young and still virgin femininity. She said, 'Boy, am I glad that that you finally see the light. Now I don't have to tickle you to death after all.” Emily chuckled and rolled over next to me and tried to pull me over her.

'Wait a moment, sister dear. Easy does it and we're not in any hurry. We still have a couple things to pass review, remember?'

“We don't have to do it right now. I think that we should find a better time for it so that we can do things at our leisure. I think that in order to make the most out of it, we have to take it real easy, but first a couple of things must be completely clear.”

Emily eyed me a bit apprehensively and said, 'You're not chickening out on me, now are you? 'with an undertone of disappointment, but I shook my head and started with what I thought that had to be said.

'No, I'm not chickening out on you. I wouldn't dream of making the stupid same mistake of letting you out in the cold ever again, but I'm also not about making a new and maybe even bigger mistake by blindly blundering headlong into something without carefully looking out first. Too much is at stake, both for you and for myself. Number one, and that's the first of five points that I'd like to put forward while number six has to remain patient.' I pointed to my groin. 'That's number six down there, in case you missed that one.'

My darling sister replied, 'We are both still virgins. Let's learn fast, by doing it slowly. I know for certain that if I would do it now with you, that I would almost immediately come and squirt your belly full of me. That would be very disappointing for both of us and of no use to either one of us, so I don't think we want to do it that way. Not that it would take me very long to reload and re-cock, so to speak, but I think that we want our first time to be really special for both of us.'

Emily impatiently opened her mouth to immediately serve her commentary, but I was not done yet. 'No, no no, sweetheart, let me finish. I'm not done yet, but I promise you that I will let you have your say and that I will listen to you without interrupting you. Secondly; I love you dearly, but if anyone had asked me yesterday whether I expected that this would happen I most probably would have most violently and unceremoniously belted him or her in the gob. You know me well enough that although I often clown around and am given to strange and sometimes maybe irresponsible behavior, I can also be very elaborate and cautious. I really and deeply care about you, and I want to have it clear to myself that I will not experience this as some kind of ego-trip. With that I mean to say that you come first, your well being has my highest priority. As I see it now, it is a decision with which we will influence both our lives, and it has its consequences. I do not want to end up like Mom and Dad, who apparently went completely haywire and despite the consequences continue to left and right fuck their way through life with every loser that crosses their path. Always sharing the loss and never gaining anything. If we do it together, I want you to know that to me that will be binding for as long as you'll have me, and then some.' Emily seriously looked at me, and for a moment it appeared as if she was going to say something, but instead of that she nodded deeply and approvingly.

'Point number three?Please do yourself a favor and be honest to yourself. Have things clear for yourself. I love you with and without sex, although I want you to know that by now I would love to have it with you. On the other hand I don't want you to ever feel that I put you under pressure of any kind, played mind-games with you in order to use and abuse you, or that I betrayed you just to satisfy my lust with you, because that's not how I feel it. While I was droning away, Emily had become heavily agitated. She looked as if she almost burst with the urge to put in her two cent's worth and bounced up an down, but she mastered herself, pressed her lips firmly together, and let me finish and continue. Number four, and it won't take long after this. I promise you. Whatever happens further down the road, you will have to fully understand that this is not really something that the average 'Joe Blow' will see as normal or even remotely will understand. Let alone accept it. Now, I don't see myself as the average Joe Blow, but you know perfectly well what my initial reaction was. It took you some hard and fast talking to convince me, but don't expect others to give in that easily. For me there's the beautiful and exiting possibility of sharing with you something that I hardly dared fantasizing about. Others don't necessarily have the same incentive, but it will give them something to accuse you of and judge you on. Incest, and that what we are talking about, is still seen as just about the filthiest and most depraved thing you can come up with, and should it ever be found out than we will have to pretty strong to be able to stand our ground and survive. If for example Mom or Dad would find out about it then we'll have to be prepared that they will mobilize the whole hypocritical shebang to get us apart and keep us separated.'