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American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 42, 54, 131, 145, 159

American Friends Service Committee, 120

American Javerts, 16–17

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), 128–30, 144, 145

American Psychiatric Association, 6

American Valjeans, 7

Anderson, Steve, 49

Andrade, Leonardo, 71

Angeles, Felipe Gonzalez, 32

Annan, Kofi, 39

Anthony, Obie, 32–33

antipoverty programs, 16, 200–201

Arizona, 7, 133, 143–45

Arnold, Mark S., 168

arrests, drug, 46, 49

assaults in prison, 120–21, 130–31, 166–67, 173–75

Atlanta Police Department, 48–49

auctions of convicts, 173, 203

audit of Federal Reserve, 152

Ayala, Sergio, 52–53, 79

Baca, Lee, 166–68

bail amounts, 12

Baldwin, Jason, 99–100

Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, 151–52

Barrasso, John, 153

Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood, 189

Belt, James, 74

Benavidez, Robert, 65

Benjamin Cardozo School of Law, 12

Bernard, Thomas J., 131

Beyler, Craig, 89

Bicycle Thief, The, 68

Bien, Michael, 112

Blackburn, Jeffrey, 84

blacks, 56, 189, 190, 191, 193

Blackstone, William, 84–85

Blackstone ratio, 85

Bloomberg, Michael R., 25

Blow, Charles M., 189

BMJ (British Medical Journal), 202

Boas, Paul, 12

Border Patrol, 53–54

Borenstein, Isaac, 41

Boulle, Pierre, 96

Bowers, Josh, 13

Bowles, Samuel, 148

BoxingInsider.com, 30

Bozella, Dewey, 91

Bradshaw, Deneilo, 63, 64

Brady v. Maryland, 76

Branson, Sam, 42

Bratton, William J., 189–90

Breaking the Taboo, 42

Breckenridge, Wilmer, 59–60, 196

Brennan Center for Justice, 159–60

Brevard, Keziah Goodwyn Hopkins, 19–20

Brewer, Jan, 145

Breyer, Stephen, 196

Bridge over the River Kwai, The (Boulle), 96

broken windows policing, 189–90

Brown, Jerry, 20, 107, 108–9, 110–11

Budnick, Scott, 167

Bulger, James “Whitey,” 33–34

Bureau of Justice, U.S., 171

Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S., 19, 23, 172

Burge, Gerald, 95

Burke, Edmund, 187

Bush, George H.W., 11, 153

Bush, George W., 151, 175

Bush, Jeb, 153


bail, 12

higher education system, 108, 126, 198

incarceration costs and state budget, 11, 125–26, 134

less harsh sentencing, 198

prison guard union, 6, 73, 105–9, 111, 112–13

prisoner release, 19, 20, 198

prisons, 109–11, 112–13, 126, 134

prosecutor misconduct, 76

Riverside County, 160–61

three-strikes laws, 6, 16, 65, 68, 71–74, 107, 198

California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA), 105–9, 111, 112–13

call centers, convict, 136

Campbell, Chad, 133

Campos, Romy, 145

Canada, 24

Cardozo School of Law, 12, 86

carjacking, 79

Carrillo, Francisco, 88

Carter, Jimmy, 40, 41, 42

cash-register justice, 38

Cassell, Paul, 10–11

Cassidy, Robert, 30

Cate, Matthew, 110

Cato Institute, 202

CBP (Customs and Border Protection), 47–48

CCA (Corrections Corporation of America), 125–27, 131–34, 144, 146

CCPOA (California Correctional Peace Officers Association), 105–9, 111, 112–13

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture, 135–36

Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, British, 47

Centre for Research on Globalization, 138–39

Chavez, Jesus, 165–66

Chettiar, Inimai, 42

Chicago Public Schools, 21

Chicago Tribune, 21, 28, 99

child molesters, 164

child pornography, 10–11

children of prisoners, 18, 187

Christie, Chris, 58

Christopher, Vaughn, 27–28, 29–30

Citizens United ruling, 152, 170

civil immunity for prosecutors, 76, 92, 95, 203

Clement, Paul D., 95

Cline, Phillip, 75–76, 77

Clinton, Bill, 4, 42, 55, 152, 153

Clinton, Hillary, 4, 144

Cohen, Leonard, 195

Cole, Reggie, 32–33

Cole, Timothy, 83–84

collection agencies, 9

collective punishment, 55, 153

Collette, Michelle, 41

Collins, Scott, 33

Colorado, 58

Commodity Futures Modernization Act, 152

community-domain supervision and rehabilitation, 199

Community Mental Health Act, 177

Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, 80

confessions, false, 76, 86, 100–101

confidential informants, 62–64

Connick, Harry, Sr., 93

Connolly, John, 33–34

“Consequences of Neglect” (Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy), 198

convict-manufactured goods, 138–39

conviction-integrity units, 86

conviction rates, 6, 7, 11, 19, 25, 134

convictions, wrongful, 12–13, 28, 33, 86–88


aging of, 11, 196–97

assaults on, 120–21, 130–31, 166–67, 173–75

counting of in federal systems, 170–71

gangs, 165–66, 168–70, 175

labor, 18, 135–39, 146

life of (see prisons, life in)

lifers, 165

literacy, 111–12

paperwork, 163–64

Cook County Jail, 179

Cooley, Steve, 110

Correctional Officer Academy, 106

Correctional Privatization Commission, 132

Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), 125–27, 131–34, 144, 146

Corrections USA, 112


prosecutors, 8–9, 28, 30, 33, 75–76, 92–95, 203

war on drugs, 47–49

Cosma, Sofia, 135

costs of incarceration, 11, 134, 197

county jails, 12, 124

California, 20, 110–11, 160, 166–67, 179

court-appointed attorneys, 79–80

court-ordered payments, 158

crack-cocaine, 23, 47, 56–57

Crapser, Emma, 91

crime, redefining the meaning of, 203

Crime and Delinquency, 132

Crime Victims United, 73, 106

criminal justice system. See also specific aspects of

background, 4–7, 8–13, 15–18

failure of and effects on society, 198–99

needed reform, 197–98, 201–4

crystal meth, 44–45

Cunningham, Kevin, 188

Cuomo, Andrew, 8

Cuomo, Mario, 14

Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S., 47–48

Cutler, Dale, 66–67

Davey, Joseph Dillon, 149–50

Davis, Gray, 107, 109

Davis, Joe, 72–73

Davis, Lois, 110–11

Davis, Miles, 44

Davis, Richard, 73–74

Davis, Troy, 90

Dayan, Colin, 171–72

De Sica, Vittorio, 68

DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), 10, 31, 46

dealers as informants, drug, 31–32, 38, 40

death row inmate exonerations, 12, 28, 87, 93–94

DeBruin, Nick, 50

debtors, 9, 151, 158–60

decriminalization of drugs, 45, 48

Demuth, Stephen, 193

Departed, The, 33–34

deportation detainees, 143, 145

Deukmejian, George, 107

Devereux, Sheila, 49–51