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“I come from haunts of coot and hern,” said a solemn voice behind her.

Elizabeth turned around to see what was obviously a Chandler. He was in his early twenties, and he had the look of a faun in country tweeds.

“You must be Geoffrey,” she said, after a moment’s study.

“I know. I must. I once thought of being Caligula, but when Alban came back from Europe as Ludwig of Bavaria I gave it up.”

“Alban? Aunt Louisa’s son? I haven’t heard of him since she sent him off to William and Mary to become a ‘suthen’ gentleman.”

“My dear, you are quite out of it,” Geoffrey assured her. “After he graduated-KA with a B.A.-Aunt Louisa took him on the grand tour. The castles and churches of Ye Olde Worlde. Unfortunately, they visited Bavaria, and Alban became smitten with that fairy-tale thing that looks like the Disneyland castle. Built by King Ludwig, who was crazy.”


“You’ll know soon.” He sighed theatrically. “Far too soon. Is this blue suitcase yours? Shall I carry it for you and further impress you with my good breeding?”

Elizabeth stood up. “I’m so glad to be rescued, I don’t care who carries it.”

Geoffrey raised one expressive eyebrow. “The prospect of going to Long Meadow strikes you as a rescue?”

There didn’t seem to be an answer to this one. After all, Geoffrey was Aunt Amanda’s son, so it wouldn’t do to tell him the truth-but he seemed to have no illusions about the place. They walked out to the car. Elizabeth decided to change the subject.

“We’ve been so out of touch for the past couple of years that I’m afraid I don’t know what you’ve been up to,” she said brightly.

“People are always afraid they don’t know what I’ve been up to,” Geoffrey replied.

“I mean, are you in school?”

“Hardly. I do have a degree. I hear you’ve just acquired one from the family alma mater.”

“Yes. I majored in sociology.”

“Of course you did. Are you about to ask me what I do?”

“I guess I was.”

“Well… one has one’s hobbies-the theater and so forth. But my main function is that of critic.”

“Of drama?”

“Of life.”

They had passed through Chandler Grove’s downtown, a dozen shabby storefronts, several minutes before, and were now speeding along the county blacktop, which curled through rolling hills, dividing Hereford pastures from Holstein. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do either, Elizabeth thought. But the Chandlers have so much money it doesn’t matter. I, on the other hand, will need either a job or a husband by the end of the summer. The only other alternative is to go to graduate school, which will postpone the whole issue for another couple of years.

“Of course, Captain Grandfather keeps insisting that I join the navy. He says it would make a new man of me. ‘Not unless you believe in reincarnation,’ I told him.”

Elizabeth laughed, filing the military away for further consideration.

“You’re not by any chance an actress, are you?” asked Geoffrey.

“Me? No. I’m too self-conscious. But Bill played in the Shakespeare Festival on campus last year. Why?”

“We have quite a decent little theater group in Chandler Grove. Our director actually had a bit of Broadway experience ages ago, but he’s retired now, and only does this to keep busy. We did Camelot last winter, and I was Mordred. I just thought you might be interested.”

“What are you doing this summer?”

“Sinclair has got it into his head that we must do a classic, though I assure you it will be wasted on the audience in Chandler Grove, who think that Madame Bovary is a type of dairy cow.”

“Are you doing Shakespeare?”

“No. Even more obscure. The Duchess of Malfi. I am to play Ferdinand. It’s very handy, really. Our Camelot costumes can be reworked and used again this time. I am beginning to feel quite at home in a sweeping black cloak.”

“I’d love to see your production,” said Elizabeth politely. “When will it be?”

“Well, we’re not sure. It was going to be in three weeks, but we’ll have to postpone it. With all the uproar at home, I haven’t been able to learn all my lines. We’ve had to cancel a few rehearsals, and Mother has commandeered the only local seamstress, so instead of altering costumes, she is turning out unspeakable yellow dresses!” He shuddered.

“I guess things must be pretty hectic with the ceremony so near…”

“Well, they are for Mother, of course,” Geoffrey replied. “She’s ringmaster of this show. Father confines himself to his study and pretends to be writing his book on colonial medicine; Captain Grandfather affects a masculine disdain for women’s matters; and Eileen is mooning about like a Vogue Ophelia, working on a painting. I myself am bearing up remarkably well.”

“And Charles? Did he come home for the wedding?”

“Yes, dear brother Charles is on exhibit. Fresh from his commune. You know, I used to think that a commune was sort of a twentieth-century version of a monastery, but if Charles is any example, I think it must be a twentieth century version of a leper colony.”

“Well, he’s always been a changeling, hasn’t he?” asked Elizabeth.

“Always,” Geoffrey agreed. “When we played Civil War as kids, he always wanted to be Harriet Tubman.”

“I know,” said Elizabeth. “Bill always says that Charles is either going to be famous or notorious before he’s thirty.”

“Sorry Bill couldn’t come. He would have made a nice change.”

“Oh, I know, but he had these tests in law school…”

“Spare me,” said Geoffrey. “I am not a cretin. I have made enough excuses to know one when I hear it.”

“How is Eileen?” Elizabeth blurted out. She had wanted to change the subject, but the subject of Eileen didn’t seem safe either.

“Eileen is vague,” Geoffrey said thoughtfully. “She moons about, and doesn’t say anything significant. She’s lucid, of course, but you can have a conversation with her and come away not knowing anything about what she thinks or feels.”

Elizabeth considered this. “You know, there’s somebody you haven’t mentioned.”

“Captain Grandfather? I told you-”

“The groom,” said Elizabeth.


“Well? Don’t you like him?”

Geoffrey was quiet for a few moments. To keep from staring at him, Elizabeth turned to look out her window at the sweep of pine forest and pasture. Wild mustard flashed yellow against the red clay ditches, and dark wooded hills framed the sky.

Finally Geoffrey broke the silence. “What do you want to know? Whether he’ll fit in? Doubtful. He doesn’t have our particular brand of insanity.”

“Could you manage a description?” prompted Elizabeth.

“He is the sort of liberal who affects an Afro. He has a New Jersey accent, and he is a graduate student in English literature-specializing in quotation without analyzation, I think.”

“That sounds just like you,” Elizabeth said. “You don’t dislike him because of Eileen. You dislike him for some obscure literary reason. But does he really care about her?”

“It’s hard to tell. Everybody that Eileen ever brought home proposed-we always assumed it was the house. We’d find them wandering down corridors counting the bathrooms.”

“I guess you’re not looking forward to the ceremony.”

“ ‘Such weddings may more properly be said to be executed than celebrated,’ ” Geoffrey intoned.

“Is that from your play?”

“Yes. I revel in Ferdinand. He is most apt at times.”

The car rounded the last bend in the road.

“Oh, well,” sighed Elizabeth, “I’m sure everything will-Good Lord! What is that?”

“I knew I should have warned you,” said Geoffrey sadly.