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Leo calmly picked up the gun and tucked it into his pants. He was far too comfortable with the revolver. Sam’s arms were suddenly tugging her back, and Abby found herself watching the rest of the action from behind Sam and Lucas.

“Don’t worry yourself, Jackson.” Julian nodded to the three men in pinstriped suits currently helping Slater stand up. “I believe Mr. Conti is going to take care of our friend, Mr. Slater. I was informed that they have some business to handle.”

“Indeed we do, Mr. Lodge.” The man talking was the smallest of the three men, but there was no doubt that he was in charge. Abby stared at him from behind Sam’s back. When she tried to get a better view, Lucas held her back. She frowned. Damn protective men always kept her out of the good stuff. The three newcomers looked out of place in the dungeon. They did not, however, act uncomfortable. The largest of the three had a hold of Slater’s neck from the back. He held the campaign manager like he would hold an unruly puppy.

Slater’s face flushed, his eyes had a distinct sheen of moisture coating them. His gaze was fully concentrated on the leader of the pinstriped suits. “I’ve got the money. I really do. I just need a little time.”

Mr. Conti smiled, though there was nothing humorous about it. It was the smile a shark gave his next meal. “Your time was up three days ago.” If Abby had to guess, she would say Mr. Conti was straight out of Jersey.

Slater puffed up. “I am well known. You can’t harm me. Do you know who I work for?”

The three dark-haired men laughed. Mr. Conti smoothed down his tie. “I talked to your boss not an hour ago. The senator understands business. I believe you will find yourself out of a job.”

“The senator might be annoyed with his son,” Julian interjected, “but he would never allow you to harm him.”

“He saves that for himself,” Lucas said, nodding.

“Did that man just pull a gun on my wife?” Jack’s question was ground out of his mouth.

Julian put a hand on his shoulder. “There is nothing you can do, Jackson, which will compare to what Mr. Conti has in mind. His organization has a long history of handling people like Mr. Slater.”

Conti nodded at his compatriots, and Slater was hauled off before Jack could decide to go after him. “As always, Mr. Lodge, it is good to do business with you. As for Mr. Slater assaulting the lovely lady, I will make sure to add it to his tab. Good night.” Mr. Conti nodded and followed his men.

Sam finally relented, and Abby hurried to Jack.

“That man was from the mafia, Jack,” Abby said excitedly.

Jack didn’t share her enthusiasm. “You think?”

Abby ignored him. Jack sometimes didn’t see how exciting life could be. “I do. I think Slater was planning on doing something terrible to Lucas so he could save the senator’s political career. But Julian’s a paranoid pervert and has cameras all over the building and caught him helping Jeremy when he tried to drug Lucas last night. I think they were trying to hurt him. That’s when Julian laid his trap. He found out that Slater owes money to the mafia and called them in.” Abby glared at a very amused Julian. “Your timing might have been better.” She sighed. “I was the woman in the middle of it all. I bravely faced down a killer and was rescued by the mob.”

“Damn it, Abby, this is not going on some crazy talk show,” Sam said. “Julian isn’t going to expose his ties to the mafia. Jack, did you know he had ties to the mafia?”

Julian brushed off the implication. “I do not have ties to the mafia. I merely know a few people. And I am sorry, Abigail. If I had thought for a moment that Slater would bring a gun into my establishment, I would never have permitted him to enter. In this case, I was more trying to catch my slave in the act than Slater.” When Julian turned to look at Lucas, he seemed very satisfied. “Don’t worry about him, young Lucas. He won’t be a problem anymore. He has much more to worry about now than your father’s potential presidency.”

“Why did he try to drug me?” Lucas sounded slightly horrified, like he knew the answer but didn’t want to admit it. “Do you think he had something to do with that guy who tried to run me down?”

“It doesn’t matter now, Lucas. Jackson Barnes is my family. You are his family. That means my door is always open to you.”

Jack hugged Abby to his side. “Are you all right?”

“Beyond the fact that my career in the tabloids is over before it even began, I’m fine.” She gave him a reassuring hug.

Sam ran his hand through her hair, smoothing it back. “It might not make the front of a magazine, but I promise to do some truly scandalous things to you tonight.”

“Let’s go,” Jack said, and Abby could tell he was still thinking about what had just happened. There was a tightness around his eyes that told her this wasn’t over.

Julian smiled. “Have a nice evening, Jackson. Invite me out to this ranch of yours sometime. It would be nice to get out of the city.” He nodded and walked out of the dungeon.

“So, Slater tried to roofie me. He was going to kill me. He would have killed me if Jack hadn’t come along. Maybe I shouldn’t drink?” Lucas followed along.

Abby managed to not slap him upside the head. “Yes, Lucas. You should abstain for awhile.”

* * *

Sam didn’t think about the ache in his back as the door closed behind him, and he was finally alone with Abby and Jack. The ache was a delicious distraction, but the main thought in Sam’s brain was getting that look off Jack’s face. It was haunted. Abby had tried to reach him. She’d already gotten his Scotch and sat in his lap. Jack was saying all the right things, but that look wouldn’t leave his eyes.

Sam really hoped that asshole Slater was being tortured because he’d ruined one of the best nights of Sam’s life. He remembered the moment Jack strapped him to the St. Andrew’s Cross. Sam loved the feeling of leather around his wrists and ankles. He’d pulled at the bindings, but they held him tight. They wouldn’t let him fall. He loved the crack of the whip, and he was starting to think there was absolutely nothing better that the burn of the lash. He could still feel it sizzle across his flesh. It stung, but every nerve in his body was awake in those moments. He was so alive in that place. His back was sore, but it was a good thing. Somewhere between lashes five and seven, he’d found that peaceful place. It had been perfect, better than any drug. He’d even liked the aftercare stuff. He didn’t want Jack to cuddle him or anything, but the massage was nice. The feel of Jack’s hands soothing the burn from his flesh made him feel wanted and loved. Next time it would be better because Abby could do the cuddling. He’d like to rest his head against her soft breasts while she told him how much she loved him. Sam wondered if he could get Abby to whip him, too. He would like that.

Jack stared off into space. Abby gave up. There were tears in her eyes as she walked past Sam and into the bedroom. He started to follow her. His hand was on the door. He would take her into his arms, and they could comfort each other.

It wouldn’t solve the problem. Sam had been to heaven now, and there was no way he was going back.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

It took Sam a moment to realize the words had come out of his mouth.

Jack’s head came up. He was almost irritated for a moment, then a familiar blank expression came over his face. It was the same look Sam had seen on Jack’s face almost every day for the past six months. Yesterday and today had been different, but now it was as though none of those breakthroughs had happened.

“I’m fine, Sam.” Jack’s hand tightened on the Scotch. “I’m a little tired. I had a rough night.”

Sam shook his head. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You had a rough night?”