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Sam laughed, and Jack could feel it all along his cock. He was done playing. Jack pulled out almost to the rim and thrust back in. Sam’s head came up.

“God, yes,” he yelled. He pushed back, forcing himself back onto Jack’s dick, then shoved forward into Abby.

Jack gripped Sam’s hips and set a brutal pace. He dragged his cock in and out, the heat and pressure making him crazy. Sam’s body fought to keep him inside. His tight hole sucked at Jack’s cock, tighter than anything he’d felt before. Jack heard Abby cry out as Sam got her to come. Then Sam’s head fell forward, and he was the one shouting as he filled their wife.

Jack felt his balls tighten and a tingle at the base of his spine. He pushed as far as he could into Sam’s body as the orgasm took him. The hand on Sam’s stomach tightened, and he pressed forward. He hissed as the cum shot from his body. He dragged air into his lungs as he thrust in little bursts, unwilling to leave the hot clasp of Sam’s body. He finally slipped out and let gravity pull him forward.

They landed in a heap of arms and legs.

“Are you okay?” Jack asked when he could breathe again.

He felt Sam’s hand wind around to land on his hip. “Never fucking better, man. I like being in the middle. Though not to sleep.” He got up suddenly and pulled Abby between them. “She’s softer than you and doesn’t give off as much heat. You’re like a furnace.” Sam settled back down, cuddling up to Abby, his head resting happily on her chest.

Jack went up on his elbow. He wondered what he’d been so upset about before. It didn’t seem to matter now. They were together. That mattered. Abby was looking up at him with dreamy eyes. Jack laid a little kiss on her forehead. “You okay, baby?”

“I want to watch next time. It’s like my own private movie.”

Sam’s head came up.

“No, Sam, we’re not taping it,” Jack said sternly.

Sam let his head fall back down with a pout. “You want to watch? You know what that makes you, Abby?” Sam asked with a sigh. “That makes you a pervert.”

“No, it doesn’t,” she insisted, snuggling down between them. “It just makes me Abby.”

It made her perfect, Jack thought. It made them perfect.

* * *

“Is she going to sleep all morning?” Jack asked as Sam walked into the room. Sam was wearing a pair of boxers and scratching his stomach. His hair was wet from his shower. There was a cozy intimacy between them now that hadn’t been there before. They had been friends, the closest of friends. Now they were more.

Sam yawned and stretched. “Well, she went through a lot. Can you blame her? She got whipped, and then some guy tried to kill her, and then we did the whole crazy three-way thing four times in one night.” He stopped and a grin covered his face. “Maybe we should wake her up with sex.”

Jack shook his head and laughed. “No time, buddy. I want to be out of here in two hours. We’re going home.”

“Where we can have going-home sex to relax after all the vacation sex, right?”

Jack’s laugh was cut off by the knock at the door. When he opened it, Julian himself pushed through a large elegant tray. Sally followed behind him. She was bright and fresh faced. The moment Julian had the tray where he wanted it, Sally began pouring coffee into the china cups on the table.

Julian was all polite graciousness this morning. “Good morning, Jackson, Samuel. I wanted to make sure you enjoyed your stay. Breakfast is on the house this morning.”

“Thank god,” Lucas said, walking in from the hall. “I’m starving.”

Jack shook his head. So much for his intimate morning plans. He would have to get used to it. The tight circle of people he trusted and gave a damn about was getting bigger by the moment. His younger brother looked over the food with an eager glint in his eyes. He downed the cup of coffee Sally handed him. Next month, Jack would have Lexi at the house for Easter. His heart did a little flip-flop as he thought about it. This was his family. Years he’d gone without, and now they were here.

“Hey, don’t you eat all the bacon,” Sam complained good-naturedly. “If you’re anything like your brother, we’re going to need to tell Benita to double the grocery order.”

Julian was wearing his normal daytime attire of suit and tie. His gray eyes were surprisingly warm as he looked at the younger men. “You and Sam seem fine.”

“Sam and I are very happy,” Jack corrected. “So is Abby. Don’t worry about us, Julian. We’ll be fine.”

Julian nodded. He pulled a small envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Lucas. “In case you need to blackmail your father. I know it’s a family tradition.”

Lucas’s eyes went wide as he pulled out the contents of the envelope. “Wow. These are disturbing. I don’t think I want to see my father in fetish wear. He let her spank him? Damn.” He flicked through the pictures, his face glazed with shock. Sam snuck a peek.

“Jack, your dad looks like you, but his dick isn’t anywhere close. Papa’s got a little package.”

“I must take after someone else,” Lucas murmured. Jack nearly laughed out loud when his brother flushed. Lucas stood up straight and handed the photos back to Julian. “Thank you, Mr. Lodge, but I’m out of the blackmail business. I have better things to do with my time.”

“Like punch cattle,” Sam supplied.

“I have to punch them?”

Julian handed the photos to Sally who tucked them into the pocket of her suit. Like Julian she was all business this morning.

Julian took a cup from Sally. “Very good, Lucas. I’ll keep them in case you need them later. Know you’re always welcome here. Jackson, Samuel, don’t be strangers. Sally, come to the office when you’re done serving breakfast.”

Julian shook hands with Jack and left quietly. As soon as the door closed, Abby walked out of the bedroom, looking like a rumpled kitten.

“I need coffee,” she said.

Sam already had the situation in hand. “Here you go, baby.”

“Oh, good, breakfast.”

Sally held out a hand gesturing to the tray. “I have a variety of breakfast favorites. There’s pancakes, bacon, eggs, danishes, and fruit.”

Abby looked down at the small buffet Julian had sent up. Her face went stark white, and she managed to set down the coffee mug before she darted back into the bedroom.

“Abby?” Jack ran to keep up with her. Sam was hard on his heels.

Abby sat in front of the toilet throwing up everything she had in her stomach. Her hands were trembling. Jack got down beside her and pulled her hair out of the way. He patted her back and made sure she had an anchor. She was shaking, and Jack looked back at Sam. He was pale and worried. She’d been so sick for the past month, but she’d seemed to be coming out of it.

“Baby, are you all right? Do I need to call a doctor?”

Lucas looked in. He slapped Sam on the arm. “Dude, is she pregnant?”

Abby’s head came up. “No. No. I’m almost thirty-eight. I can’t be pregnant.”

Sally stood in the doorway. “I think Lucas is right. I had a friend. The smell of bacon made her puke when she was pregnant. It was funny. Not the puking part. Sorry. She was really psycho about taking her birth control pills, but then she was on antibiotics, and they cancelled out the pills. She was pissed.”

“Oh, my god,” Sam breathed. “We’re going to have a baby? I think I’m still a baby.”

Jack shot his brother a stare. “Lucas, go with Sally and ask Julian for a pregnancy test. I’m sure he has them.”

Lucas nodded and walked out with the blonde.

“I’m too old to be pregnant,” Abby said, glassy-eyed.

“I’m too young for her to be pregnant.” Sam looked equally shocked.

“Is Sally right about the antibiotics?” Jack ran a soothing hand along Abby’s back. She’d been on three different antibiotics trying to get rid of the infection in her lungs.