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“What price will you ask?” Bregnest questioned.

“The city of Techen asks five thousand gold coins for this service,” said the magistrate coldly, a wicked smile on his face.

“Outrageous!” said Tantic from behind the magistrate.

“We accept,” said Bregnest, signing his name to the document. The rest of the company each signed his name.

Bregnest pulled out his magic bag. “But know this my fine, greedy magistrate,” he said in an ice-cold tone. “If ever I, or any of my companions, hear that you or your city have failed in this agreement, we will return. One of our company is a wizard and we all have many friends close to your city. If you fail to keep this agreement, we will know. If you choose to run, we will hunt you from here to the wall to claim our revenge.”

The magistrate’s face paled at Bregnest’s words. “Of course it will be done,” he said nervously, his upper lip trembling slightly. “No need for threats or violence. I have given my word.”

“And I’ll make sure he keeps it,” said Tantic, taking the pen and signing the agreement as witness.

Bregnest handed the magistrate a large bag full of gold and dismissed him with a wave of his hand. The others could barely control their laughter as the magistrate rushed, stumbling more than once, out of the room.

“Let us share in this expense,” Skeld laughed. “The price is small compared to the look on his sour face.”

“You already have,” replied Bregnest. “The five thousand came out of the share for expenses, and I think it was well spent. So Tantic, my friend, can you arrange for a stone?”

“Of any size and style you request,” replied Tantic. “And I’ll pin this up in the bar so the whole city will know what the magistrate has agreed to.” He held up the agreement the magistrate had left behind in his rush to leave.

“And you might have fun reminding him from time to time that we have many friends not too far from Techen,” Tayo laughed.

They spent a merry night in Techen, and Alex wished they could stay longer. Bregnest, however, wished to move on as soon as possible. After discussing the stone for Eric’s grave with Tantic, and leaving him more than enough money to pay for it, the company rode away the following morning.

They traveled northwest along the ancient road, meeting a few companies of people who were traveling east to Varlo. They tried hard not to laugh as the people told them that Slathbog was dead and that piles of gold were lying everywhere for anyone who wished to take them.

“Well, they’re half right,” laughed Skeld as they left one of the groups behind.

They met no bandits as they rode toward the White Tower, but they set a watch each night just in case. Alex, having finished reading his books, now spent his watch practicing spells from his magic book. Sometimes Andy, Thrain, Melnoch, and Nitek would sit up with him, talking about adventures, and watching Alex practice his magic.

The journey was pleasant, but Alex was beginning to worry that it soon would be over. He didn’t really want to go home, and the idea of going back to his stepfather’s tavern and his old life made him more than a little sad. He felt more like starting another adventure right away.

One morning, Alex woke to a strangely familiar dinging sound. Sitting up, he saw a bottle-necked geeb standing beside his blankets.

“Do you have a message for me?” Alex asked politely.

“Ding,” the geeb replied.

“May I have it please?”

“Ding! Ding! Ding!” answered the geeb, producing a letter for Alex.

“What’s that noise?” said Skeld, sitting up in his own blankets.

“It’s a geeb,” replied Alex as he opened the letter. “Only just arrived.”

Dear friend,

I am happy to hear of your success and your safe return. Please accept this invitation for you and your company, including your three new traveling companions, to dine with me on your arrival at the White Tower tomorrow evening.

                                  Your friend,


“It seems we’ve been invited to dinner,” said Alex happily, handing the letter to Bregnest. “I suppose you will all wish to accept the invitation,” he added, grinning at his friends.

“Good thing too,” Skeld said loudly. “Thrang’s cooking has been going downhill since he’s become so rich.”

“Shut your gob,” replied Thrang, throwing a dirty pair of socks at Skeld.

They all laughed at this exchange, and then laughed even harder when Tayo suggested that the dirty socks were what Thrang had been using to make soup.

“Indeed, yes, we will accept,” said Bregnest with a smile.

“Can you take a reply back to the Oracle?” Alex questioned the waiting geeb.

“Ding,” the geeb replied.

Alex took out his writing things and thought for a moment before he started writing.

My friend,

We are overwhelmed by your kindness, and I am happy to accept your invitation on behalf of our company and friends. We will be looking forward to our arrival, and place ourselves at your service.

                                  Your friend,


“I believe Calysto was right about you,” said Arconn, reading Alex’s note over his shoulder. “You are very much like an elf.”

“Careful,” Tayo warned. “He might take that as an insult.”

They all laughed at Tayo’s joke as Alex folded the letter and placed it in an envelope.

“Here is your payment,” Alex said to the geeb, tossing a bright blue sapphire into the air.

The geeb bounced up and caught the sapphire quickly and then left several gold and silver coins on Alex’s blanket.

“Please take this letter to the Oracle. If you require additional payment, please return,” Alex said to the geeb.

With a final ding and a slight popping sound, the geeb disappeared. Alex collected the coins from his blanket and put them in his small moneybag, then asked about breakfast.

When Thrain, Melnoch, and Nitek heard that they were included in the Oracle’s invitation, they were overcome with joy. They had been worried the Oracle wouldn’t see them right away, and had started to wonder where they would stay while they waited for her call.

“When we dine with Iownan, she is not the Oracle,” Alex explained to the three young dwarfs as they rode along that day.

“She addresses you as friend,” said Thrain in admiration.

“We are friends,” Alex replied.

“Do you think you could put in a good word for us?” Thrain asked sheepishly.

“I doubt very much that the Oracle will be influenced by anything I say,” replied Alex with a slight laugh.

It was almost noon the next day when a rider carrying a green flag with a white tower on it approached them. He asked them to follow him to the western houses, and they all happily agreed. Once again, the second house was filled with fine food when they arrived and the bathhouse now held eleven large brass tubs full of hot water. When the sun touched the western hills, a young woman appeared to lead them to Iownan’s table.

“You have traveled far, my friends,” said Iownan, beaming at them as she entered the room.

“Yes, we have,” said Bregnest, standing and bowing to Iownan.

“And now you have many new tales to tell,” said Iownan, taking her seat between Alex and Bregnest.