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Boba Fett radiated the same eerie calm as before." That's a great deal of talk for someone intent on murder."

"I didn't," said Bossk," want to miss my chance to say exactly what I thought of you. But you're right. So I've just run out of words. And now the fun starts." Bossk kept the blaster aimed at the other bounty hunter, and used his free hand to gesture toward the cargo area's exterior airlock." I don't want to hear any more words from you, either. So you're going out

where things don't make any sound. We're surrounded by vacuum now, Fett. Take a deep breath, because it'll be your last." Bossk's fang-lined smile grew wider." I'm going to enjoy turning this ship around to take a look at what's left of you, after your blood's boiled away and your body's exploded from depressurization. I've heard that the process takes just long enough for you to feel it; maybe a second or two. I bet they won't go by fast, either." This time, he motioned with the weapon." Get moving. You know the way out."

"Your thoroughness is commendable." Boba Fett took a step toward the hatchway." I've been cornered inside my own ship before-some of the hard merchandise I've carried has been very resourceful-but I've never had Slave I's internal defense systems disabled before. That's a new one." He stopped and brought his visored helmet's level gaze straight toward Bossk." It's just a shame that you didn't think of everything."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"All it takes is to overlook one small detail." Boba Fett reached up and tapped the side of his helmet." You left my comm system functioning."

Careful, Bossk warned himself. The scum's playing mind games with you." Big deal," he said aloud." Who're you going to call for help? We're alone here, and there's no other ship in this sector of the galaxy. Believe me-I checked that out as well." He pointed over his shoulder with a thumb-claw." And a knocked-out stormtrooper locked in a cage isn't going to come to your rescue anytime soon. So go on. Have enough guts to get into the airlock on your own power. You don't have any other option."

Boba Fett made no reply. Bossk thought he heard a muffled whisper, as though Fett had spoken into the comm mike concealed inside his helmet. A few seconds passed, then Bossk knew for sure that he had heard something. One of the storage lockers behind him had opened, its metal door unsealing and lifting upward.

"Nice try." Bossk didn't bother to turn around and look." If you think a simpleminded trick like that is going to get me to take my eyes and this blaster off you, then I'm really disappointed. I expected better from you than just trying to divert my attention with a little comm-triggered noise."

"Okay. Is this better?"

He was surprised to hear another voice speaking, and from right behind himself. Bossk was even more surprised when he felt the unmistakable cold pressure of a blaster pistol's muzzle placed against the back of his head.

That was when Bossk recognized the other voice." Zuckuss!"

The blaster muzzle didn't move from the base of his skull." That's right," said Zuckuss, still behind him." Now why don't you lower your weapon. I really don't like you pointing it at my partner."

"I'll take it." Boba Fett stepped forward and removed the blaster from Bossk's slackened grip. He gestured with it toward the holding cage." Stand over there."

Bossk muttered a string of guttural Trandoshan curses as he backed toward the vertical durasteel bars." Talk about dirty tricks-" His eyes narrowed into slits as he gazed at Zuckuss." You weren't dead at all."

"I try to avoid it, when I can." The blaster in Zuckuss's hand was reflected in his large, insectlike

eyes." Though for one of my species, it's pretty easy to imitate." He pulled two miniature cylinders of compressed ammonia from the dangling tubes of his breathing apparatus." When you come from a planet like Gand, where we've got both ammonia-breathers and oxygen-breathers, you have to be adaptable. In an oxygen-rich environment, I can shut down all respiration and external vital signs-usually just for a couple of minutes. But with a couple of these" -Zuckuss held up the air units-" I can go for days like that. It's actually kind of relaxing."

"And useful," said Boba Fett." I've discovered that when dealing with Trandoshans, it's good to have another partner on hand."

"You slimy-" Words failed Bossk as his clawed hands squeezed into impotent fists. He didn't know which of the two figures in front of him he despised more." How could you do this?" He snarled at Zuckuss." We've worked together; we've been real partners-"

"Business is business." Zuckuss gave a slight shrug." And Boba Fett here made me an offer I just couldn't refuse. We're talking forty percent of the bounty for the hard merchandise in the cage."

"Forty! I would've given you a straight half!"

"Yeah, but. . ." Zuckuss regretfully shook his head." You're not exactly in a bargaining position right now."

Bossk fell silent, except for the grinding of his fangs and the pulse of blood hammering inside his head. The treachery of sentient creatures was infuriating.

"And you-" Bossk turned his red-tinged gaze toward Boba Fett." This is what you were planning all along. Isn't it?"

"Just as you were making your own plans." Boba Fett tucked into his belt the blaster pistol he had taken

from Bossk. He reached his empty hand over toward Zuckuss standing beside him." Give me your blaster."

"Huh?" Zuckuss's large eyes goggled at him in puzzlement." Why?"

"Just give it to me."

Zuckuss handed the weapon over.

"Thanks." Boba Fett did a quick check of the blaster's power cell, then raised and pointed it at Zuckuss." Now stand over there with him."

"What-what're you doing-"

Boba Fett motioned with the blaster's barrel." You can go over there with Bossk, or I can kill you right where you're standing. Your pick."

"I thought. . ." Zuckuss shook his head in dismay as he joined Bossk at the side of Slave I's cargo area." I thought we were partners. . ."

"You idiot." The disgust that rose inside Bossk was enough that he struck Zuckuss's head with the flat of his palm." You don't ever hand over a weapon to somebody like that."

"How was I supposed to know?" Zuckuss rubbed the side of his head." I trusted him. . ."

"That was your first mistake." Boba Fett kept both of them covered with the blaster pistol in his gloved hand. He turned his gaze toward Bossk." Your mistake was in thinking that I would trust you. I could figure out from the beginning that you were planning on eliminating me as soon as we had the hard merchandise safely in our possession."

"All right." Bossk nodded as he spread his hands apart." That's a fair assessment. You can't blame me for trying. And I did help you catch Voss'on't. So how about if we just forget this part of my plan, and we go ahead and turn him in to Kud'ar Mub'at and split the bounty fifty-fifty, just like we were originally going to do?"

"Hey!" Zuckuss's voice squeaked in protest." What about me? What do I get?"

"Neither one of you is getting anything," said Boba Fett," except a blaster bolt between the eyes. My patience is not unlimited."

"I think Zuckuss has got a point." Having a blaster pointed at him had sent Bossk's thoughts racing." Fair's fair, after all." Bossk stepped behind Zuckuss and placed both his clawed hands on the smaller bounty hunter's shoulders." After all, we weren't trying to do anything different from you. You know-just playing to win."

"You're right." The blaster didn't waver in Boba Fett's grip." You played to win, and I played to win. The difference is. . . I won."

Bossk didn't say anything more. Instead, in one quick move, he lifted Zuckuss bodily from the floor of the cargo area and threw him at Boba Fett. Even before Zuckuss's flailing, panicked form struck Fett, Bossk was heading in a crouched-over sprint for the other side of the ship. A blaster bolt scorched past his shoulder as he dove for his one chance of escape.