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She knew she should fight it. If she enjoyed this fuck in the least, it somehow justified what they were doing. But she couldn't enjoy it. The pain was just so horrible.

"Mmmmmmm, now you've got it," Mike said, feeling her shit canal flutter around his cock. "Let's fuck together, Mom. Move your ass with [missing text]."

With great care, to avoid the return of pain, Wanda did as he asked. When he thrust his cock up her ass, she lifted it. And if she exhaled each time he fucked all the way in, her ass didn't hurt too badly.

In fact, it was beginning to feel almost as good as when he'd fucked her in the cunt. Not until now did she realize that her ass was so sensitive to pleasure.

But then it would have to be, she mused, if it was capable of experiencing so much agony. It only made sense.

"Tell me again how much you want me to fuck you," Mike said softly, kissing across her shoulder to her armpit.

"I want your cock," Wanda said, but found that she was no longer saying it just to please him.

A real part of her actually did like assfucking. Finding out that fact was shocking, but her senses were so dulled, she no longer cared.

"Yes, I want your cock bad," she repeated. "I want you to fuck me full of hot cum, you little motherfucker."

As she spoke, Mike nudged his head under her body and licked her right tit. After lapping his tongue over her silky tit mound for a few seconds, he sucked her tiny, pink nipple into his mouth. Slowly, he closed his teeth around the base and moaned, his voice vibrating against her slick tit flesh.

"Oh, that's so good," Wanda gasped, turning her body slightly to one side to give him a better angle. "Suck on my tits. Mmmmmmm, eat my nipple down. Bite my tits a little harder."

Christ, I must be going insane! she thought. Now I'm actually asking for pain!

Mike bit down, causing her lungs to explode with a fiery groan. At the same time, he lifted his ass, then crushed back down. When he did, his balls slapped noisily against the bottom of her cunt crack.

Wanda found it almost impossible to believe, but the pain his cock and teeth were creating began feeling almost as good as the pleasure they gave. It was almost as if the two emotions were the opposite sides of the same coin.

Pleasure and pain.

"Mmmmmmm, fuck me," she grunted. "Make it hurt and feel good together."

While Mike nibbled greedily on her tit, he increased the speed of his fucking. Soon, his ass was a fleshy blur, and the sounds of their bodies smacking together filled the room.

"Fuck it, whore," Mike groaned, feeling his balls thicken with a fresh load of cum. "God, take my jizz right up to your cum-sucking brains and suck my prick dry with your hot shitter."

"Faster, you bastard!" Wanda cried out, moving with him, pulling his cock deeply into her ass with her muscle contractions. "God, fuck it to me. Blow in all your hot cum and fuck me with it."

For the next several seconds, they looked like mating snakes as they molded their bodies together. Finally, Mike tensed, every muscle popping out in cords. He chewed down on her tit, almost breaking the skin.

"Unhhhhh, take it, slut!" he panted, fucking hard up her ass. "Now, you fucking cum hungry bitch!"

For a fabulous eternity, Wanda was fully aware of his cock. It pulsated, then grew rigid as steel. And as his prick tore upward, she felt the flesh of his balls tighten. An instant later, electric-like vibrations swept up the underside of his prickshaft. His cockhead ballooned, then exploded.

"Aieeeeee!" she screamed out, feeling the first, boiling load of cum splash into her ass. "Yes! Fuck me, you bull stud! Fuck me to pieces!"

Her orgasm heightened to a level she hadn't thought possible. And when it finally peaked, pleasure and pain mixed together until she couldn't tell one from the other.

"Take my jizz up here! Here! Unhhhh, here!" Mike gasped, fucking wildly in and out of her shitter.

Wanda's pleasure became so intense, she began writhing and bucking as if she were on fire. And when a final explosion of climax riddled her guts, she jerked her body up so hard, she almost threw Mike off.

"God!" she shrieked, falling limp, feeling the damp sheets cling to her body.

"Little more," Mike said, punching in the last glob of milky cum.

He squirmed his ass around, then slowly relaxed.

"There," he panted. "You got all my jizz, whore."

While Wanda lay beneath him, feeling her pleasures subside to dull throbs, reality closed in around her like darkness. My God, what have I done? she asked herself. It's one thing to be humiliated by others, but to inflict it on yourself?

But her stepsons were responsible, and that made her angry. If they hadn't done this terrible thing to her, her dark passions would have never been discovered. She could have kept on being a dutiful wife and mother, instead of craving unnatural things.

It was as if she'd ripped the flesh away from her body and seen herself in a mirror. Inside, she was riddled with disease – dark, murky filth.

"No, no, no," she murmured, closing her eyes, hating herself more than ever.

"You really liked that ass-fuck, didn't you?" Mike said sarcastically. "And here you were all the time saying you didn't. You lying bitch. I could have been in here fucking you all the time Dad was gone." He slapped her playfully on the ass. "Well, from now on when he leaves, we'll fuck like monkeys, right?"

Wanda hadn't even thought about that. If she didn't tell Stan – and she couldn't – both he and Jimmy would expect her to fuck them when their father was gone. And if Stan ever found out about that, he would probably strangle her with his bare hands.

And quite frankly, she wouldn't blame him. Everything seemed hopeless. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. She felt exactly as she had when she was a child and had taken the dare to swim across Ladder Lake. Almost totally exhausted by the time she reached the middle of the lake, she knew it would be as difficult to go back as to go on.

But could she ever go back? Already the dark urges were once more forming in her mind. She wanted to get fucked again by her stepson – to feel his hard cock spitting out all those creamy fuck juices.

She would have to tell Stan and take the consequences. If he left her, that was all there was to it. She would admit everything and take her medicine.

But she wouldn't give up without a struggle. She wasn't about to let these little pricks determine her fate. Some how, she would escape and get revenge for the horror they had inflicted on her. And the only way to do that was to keep them off guard.

"You've really made me see things in a different light," she whispered, hoping to find the words that would convince him she no longer needed to be tied up. "You're right, we could have been fucking all this time."

"You mean that?" Mike asked, suspicion in his voice.

"Of course I mean it," Wanda said, squirming beneath him. "When I first got a look at you fucking Brenda, I got so mad because she was getting your big cock and not me."

There! If he buys that, he's a bigger idiot than I think he is.

"You mean, you're not going to tell Dad?" Mike said, although he was still cautious.

"Tell him what? About us? Don't be silly. It would kill him," Wanda said. "And I love your father so much. As much as you do."

That ought to drive the point home to the little bastard, she thought.

"Mmmmm, it's getting late," Mike said, snuggling closer to her body. "Let's get some sleep now, OK?"

"OK, but can you untie me? These ropes are hurting me, and anyway, I want to suck you to sleep. Would you like that?"

"Untie you?"

"After I suck you, you can tie me back up if you want," Wanda said. "But I need my hands free to hold onto your balls while I eat your cock alive."