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technological сyber-marxism 

(STCM -2021)

(Лозунги  технологического кибер-марксизма (ЛТКМ - 2021)

Тэги (Tegi)-

#лозунгиКибер-марксизма ,  #slogansCyber-marxism  , #кибер-марксизм  ,  #кибер-марксбродит , #смартБолгария ,  #манифесткибер-марксизма , #cyber-marxism  ,  #smartBulgaria  ,  #e-government  , # inf-open_society  ,  #manifestocyber-marxism


1-General slogans TCM and IOS PHR

Общие лозунги ТКМ и ИОО ПНС

All responsible and sane working people are you and me. Humanity and technology have changed for the better, and citizen governance and interstate relations have remained neo-feudal. It's time to end this! Help us!

Governance without feedback mechanisms from citizens is flawed. Officials - "noble estates" did not live up to the hopes of mankind, having unleashed two world wars and now balancing on the brink of the third.

Today, with "digital assistance", it is possible to make the citizens themselves "supervising" the authorities. And faith in rulers must be translated into logic and control over the fulfillment of promises and changes in the quality of life of people on the territory.

Constitutionally, the state is created for a high-quality and free life for all citizens, and not only for the political, financial and power oligarchy. And if 80% of the people are destitute, then a hidden constitutional coup is taking place! So it is carried out by the enemies of the people - extremists.

With the help of the ideas of cyber-Marxism (TCM), we will turn digital state surveillance and the violation of citizens' privacy rights into reputational supervision over the political and financial elite itself, officials and state businesses.

Stop managing citizens like "feudal subjects". A new digital lifestyle is being born - the IOS PHR, where, using smart voting and a reputation register of managers, citizens themselves manage the territory where they live and work.

The person is primary, and everything else - the state, info and business are just services for a safer and better life for people!

Enough to arrange a circus on the division of territories and who to manage them. Today the main criterion is the quality of life of most people (> 80%). We live worse than our neighbors - we change the rulers for more successful managers.

The world is in danger! The rulers and the oligarchy, maddened by fake, hype, euphoria of impudent permissiveness and power, can again plunge masses of people into disaster. Smart people, we will not allow this, there is a huge power in our social network "smartphone mass" !!!

The weapon has become too powerful, because the war today is the death of civilization, the old regime foolishness of the authorities, the oligarchy and generals.

Enough to live in a besieged fortress - everyone around is not enemies, but competitors. Deployed info-hybrid wars are in many ways just a pretext for infringing on freedoms and raising taxes on citizens and businesses.

Down with fake propaganda and violent terror of citizens by the "superstructure", swindlers and bandits.

In order for the majority of people (> 80%) to live more comfortably and freer in the new digital world, it is necessary to create Information-Open Societies of Direct People's Self-Government (IOS PSG).

Decentralized crowd management in IOS PSG is a digital humanization of the ancient “Athenian agora-crowd”. It does not contradict parliamentary democracy, but it will force deputies and executive bodies to “work out their bread” more effectively, in accordance with the Constitution, election promises and approved plans.

2-Political slogans

technological сyber-marxism 

Политические лозунги

Communists, socialists and national democrats - we are with you! Only in unity with you can a more just and humane world of people be built! Help us!

If digital control cannot be avoided, then it is necessary to have time to turn it into the people's control of political and financial elites. Due to openness, smart voting (> 90%) and public Reputations of officials.

Power and resources should belong to the people, not to the polit-oligarchy and officials. They are just temporary managers hired by us - technological managers of territories!

“Power to the authorities, reputational control of the authorities to the people” - can finally be implemented from a smartphone, openly and in genuine numbers.

Constitutionally, the citizens of the country only temporarily trust officials to manage the territory, therefore they have the right to replace them with others, if the quality of life in this territory deteriorates. From the smallest village to the country.

The nationwide social network party of People's Control of Authorities and Deputies (NPCAD/NKVD) does not need power. She needs genuine digital-mechanisms of control and displacement of officials, to whom the people have temporarily delegated their administrative powers, in accordance with the Constitution.

Officials and security officials who obstruct the expression of the will of citizens are committing a personal constitutional coup and should be prosecuted as extremists.

An official today cannot enjoy class-feudal benefits, since became a routine hired budget manager, not a knight-warlord of wild antiquity!

The time has come for a more technological solution to the pressing civilization problems. Break the old management to carry out "Reputation figure" and multi-stage voting from smartphones. And by this to compel the ruling elites, to constantly improve the quality of life of citizens. No growth - out!

In IOS PHR, an official receives reputational damage for “his sins” from his fellow citizens, here and now. Clearly, in accordance with the biblicaclass="underline" "The voice of the people is the voice of God." The quality of life has fallen - they discussed, minus, the smartphone was voted and replaced.

The online NKVD party, smart voting and an open reputational register of managers are digital mechanisms for effective civilian control and forcing the permanent rulers and monopolists to comply with the Constitution and the principles of Democracy.

At IOS PHR, the citizens themselves in cities and towns agree on how to live more safely, what taxes to pay, how to build a business, what government services to create, and to use cultural and environmental traditions.

Direct power to the people, not in the sense of direct execution, but through the people's reputation control of the entire chain of executive, legislative and other powers. And the possessions of officials and oligarchs.

At IOS PHR, each citizen can safely express their opinion, create a group, analyze and discuss with like-minded people how to manage the territory. And then vote with the whole world - this is smart democracy.