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evolutionarily will result in demolition

Present « neo-feudal managements ».




and federations city agglomerates-

this our future»!  

                           The author.

It is time to recognize, that present young generation of active, hard-working and explanatory (sensible) people, already for a long time not «proletariat Marxs capitalism » and even not contemptious precariat postindustrial, and something the much greater. Sociologists ascertain, that the global informational-incorporated «-advanced mankind of  higher bible values » has already appeared, than ever was earlier.

The young generation (till 45 years) in the advanced countries has far bypassed managers in understanding and application of digital platforms, services of the Internet and in use of Appendices smart-phone. And operate such people and new Business in the old manner, «tax-power lash », as subject and former handicrafts men.

Urgently it is necessary to change this old « neo-feudalism in management » for new systems of an openness, greater freedom and democracy, with wider automation state functions, the finance, with obligatory Reputation the control of officials all citizens. Also it is required urgent «education by " digital humanism », both imperous establishments - elites, and wider broad masses.

New, so complicated and inter connected the world of people, already it is impossible to trust management to only not numerous and uncontrollable leaders, from parties in power. Especially stragglers and not always understanding a new objective reality of digital life of fellow citizens in the country and people in the global world.

It is necessary to study skilfully - technologically to resist, both to local watered-oligarchical clans, and world(global) global geopolitic hegemons. Otherwise the totalitarian - information control of people and Business, having torn down freedom and a prosperity of citizens, will transform the advanced countries in " Orwellian " digital prison.

And games - «politics without rules » for world(global) hegemonism and liberal - fascist exclusiveness, obstinately conduct the world to economic instabilities and to wars., «enrichment elites at any cost, euphoria of force and impunity », today represent the greatest danger to mankind.

But skilfully it is already possible to resist to all the secalls «watered-hegemons and elites », using digital technologies and info - social network message-unity already billions people. To prevent amplification (strengthening) of the state-control of citizens,it is necessary to have time to turn this new digitally- supervision against the imperous elites, responsible (crucial) officials and large Business.

«Elite irresponsibility » managers of territories was finished and Smart-phone votings and national reputations of its (her) officials gravediggers!!!

One of variants of such new гос-formation are, the so-called, smart-automated states -Informational-open societies of Direct National Self-management (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС)). Created for rigid Reputation the control of internal and external ruling elites and Business. It is one of branches of " digital smart-marxism ».

On example (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС)-  Smart-digital Bulgaria -SDB), some moments of national self-management and innovation-branch business here were considered on the basis of use of digital integrated platforms / trade unions. It is determined, that it is necessary to make to receive «the state of high prosperity » for the Bulgarian citizens during the nearest 10 years.

For this purpose it is necessary.

- To create a network party(set) of the National Control of Authorities and Deputies (NCAD) where the input(entrance) and oligarchy is forbidden to officials.

- To put forward from members NCAD independent -the public Prosecutor and Supreme judge, with structures on places and to assert (approve) their universal suffrage in 2/3 pro.

- To create automatic system of multistage smart-votings and referend, without opportunities markups, with use personal smart-phone where it would be visible as you have voted also real change of the sums.

- To create the open Register of Reputations of public citizens (RRPС) where everyone, once a week/month, could « like or minus » reputation of this person.

- To modernize financial and economic system of the country. For whatto proceed (pass) on full cashless payments to nationalize fin-bank system (enough five digital-banks), cellular communication, to create service of investment inspectors (InIn) and the Uniform Informational-payment system of country(UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС)) separated from the Internet. With an input (entrance) on personal smart-phone and hand to the El-passport (protected token).

- For increase of a role of citizens in self-management of territories where they live to create national Teams of protection and the control (DOCK).  

- To create free-of-charge Library Digital content(LDC), as a digital cultural - educational platform.

- To proceed (pass) to the digital-platform approach to services of public health services, formation (education), transport, entertainment and another vital state and not state. To services that will allow to personify these services. Will enable precisely monetize social support needy so, sharply having lowered taxes, will allow to involve powerful investments from the outside.

The platform on sales, a small consignment of goods (accessible to everyone), with delivery worldwide, quickly will lift the standard of living of numerous agricultur-manufacturers and will involve set of new tourists. And the platform will enable each safe driver to earn additionally «Transport services » the taxi driver that liquidates monopolism and shortage of a taxi.

Platform  Medical services  will simplify access to qualitative treatment on all country (and in the countries of EU). Will allow to differentiate payment to doctors directly, bypassing intermediaries, by results of consequences of treatment (in one month). Automates gathering real statistics, both by results of researches, and on responses of patients, having released (exempted) doctors from routine. Such platform will stop outflow of the qualified experts in other countries.

Platforms "Formation (education) and LDC will enable teachers and professors to create colourful interactive educational and educational rates. Won in competitions on nominations will receive the additional income and points in reputation. The city test centres will allow to assign the control of knowledge on artificial intelligence and completely to automate reception in HIGH SCHOOLS.

And many other things …

          Thank readers!   
