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There is a Poland which in any way cannot be reproached with sympathy to Russia, but will not argue, that Warsaw conducts an independent policy(politics), at all not being afraid of irritation of EU. There is a Hungary doing(making) that considers it necessary, and any discontent from the outside to it(her) not the decree. Eventually, there is a small rather poor Serbia which, despite of all pressure on the part of the West, refuses to renounce deep communication (connection) with Russia - and it already how many years do not attract any fatal consequences for Belgrade.

Now the situation around of the Bulgarian part of  the Turkish stream  starts to cause directly clinical interest. whether authorities of the country rarely will risk to defend national interests or will finish the grovelling before  higher structures up to the logic end, having lost and this pipe.

The representative of association «Active consumers » has declared, that the message of Agency on protection of food stuffs about infected сальмонеллой курятине from Poland was late. In his(its) opinion, the most part of infected chicken meat is already eaten with the Bulgarian consumers.

The adviser of Embassy Bulgaria in Ukraine has declared, that commodity circulation between the countries has fallen in 3 times about 3 billion dollars per one year up to 1 billion.

In the third quarter of gross national product of Bulgaria has grown on 3.7 %.

In the third quarter 2019 of gross national product of Bulgaria has made 31 764 million левов under the current prices. In 2020 all pensions will be increased Bulgaria by 6.7 %, (at инф 2.3 %, in the Russian Federation promise 6.6 % at инфл 5.5 %) the minimal salary becomes 610 левов (25 тыс.руб.)

In interrogation Expat Insider, Bulgaria has won first place on the Balkan and 11 in the world among the best directions for Expat - convenience of residing, cost of life and the finance, quality of life, employment.

Hotel business - platform.

Whether world(global) giants in sphere of online - booking of rooms and apartments for short-term rent, such as Airbnb, Booking, Expedia, social network Facebook etc. will refuse the business in Bulgaria? They have just created in the country a network from the owners offering places for accommodation, and clients as authorities have decided to settle their business and to enter rules, which to taste not all. It was offered by two Bulgarian deputies. Their idea - to legalize activity of owners about 10 000 apartments in the country which offer them for short-term accommodation by means of the mentioned online - platforms that generates a revolution at a rate of about 1.7 million euro per one year. Third of offers is concentrated in Sofia where average employment makes 56 %, and the average income of an apartment per one month reaches(achieves) 465 euros.

Buking, with the curve interface, for the not the most qualitative services to partners they cut of 15 % (вип-программа=18 %), plus of the VAT.

For this reason frequently offer clients the direct bargain at a discount 8 %. Those who is not afraid (adequate) save essential money.

The Bulgarian authorities pursue the gipsy, compulsorily moving them from habitation, badly concern to LGBT and to other minority. Switzerland has allocated more than 9.5 million левов to the aid of a gipsy community in Bulgaria. Target use of means means financing projects on training children and adults, culture.


Lecture 3.




As the new form of statehood.

Self-management, Smart-votings,

Identification and the new Law and order.

« Voice People - Voice Divine ».

The Bible.

Part 3-1.   

SDB – as the new form of statehood.

Idea (IOSM- THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС- SDB) is simple, comfortable and clear for human reason since it is conformable with conscience, spirituality and a pragmatism of the majority of people, wishing to live creatively, is stable, prosperous, free and is cheerful. In compact and fertile Bulgaria it is possible to construct really working national «morally - justified economy and more free social order of 21-st century ».

Where freedom and the law are uniform for all citizens,and the private property and business are really inviolable, as well as habitation. Where signature of the physical person to not change (biometrics etc.), documents to not forge (block chain), video-fixing to not edit (lawyer) and to not lose, where many other digital services of qualitative life of people operate also.

In IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) «Smart-digital Bulgaria » citizens in cities and settlements should learn by agreement to solve - as him(it) safely to live among themselves what to pay taxes to build business, to create public services what to use cultural and ecological traditions. Under what laws to exist, in what first of all to put investments as where to erect, where and than to trade how to supervise imperous executors, quality of the goods, services and many other things.

Not the ground and authority for officials and oligarchyа,and the ground and authority for people living on it(her), on the knowledge, experience and traditions of humanism. Discussing and agreeing in a mode an on line of conferences, creating groups of interests, choosing leaders for preparation of precise decisions and voting with smart-phone (multistage). Obviously, on bio-numbered or pseudo-anonymous but that it was visible as you and others have voted on a site of municipial electoral committee that have not tightened up to you.

3/4 or 2/3 voices have typed (collected), at 90 % voting, (from those who is registered in this territory)and let imperous officials execute these decisions of weights. Everywhere realizing a constitutional law - «people also is the Supreme authority»! Reforming old systems state administration sresidual neo-feudalismа, created «for administrative - power operation of the population » watered-financial elites.

Creating from below upwards systems of better services removed (remote) public services, work, formation (education) and trade. Doing (making) easier, simple and safe life of the majority of citizens in the new global - technological digital world.

In it there is a main difference of new digital national self-management (digital hyper democracy) from any other. Even, if the majority was mistaken with the decision or opponents have proved more effective, is short and re-vote. Smart-phone always beside, think, analyze and vote. Gradually people will get used to solve urgent questions more responsibly (crucially), become « obvious citizens », able to find compromises.