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“That is a good place for a tongue to be,” Jake said.

“The horniness was getting out of control. I was getting wet inside my panties just sitting there, watching them and thinking about what I wanted to do with you. But I couldn’t do it with you because you weren’t there. And then ... well ... I happened to glance over at Squiggle and saw he was looking at me with a smile. I knew he didn’t have a groupie that night. I knew that if I were to ask him to my room after we got back to the hotel, he’d join me. And for the briefest moment, Jake, I actually found myself considering this. Not because I wanted to cheat on you, but because I needed some relief! Can you understand that?”

Jake nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “I can understand it.”

“Anyway, I finally looked away from them and got myself under control. We went back to the hotel a little later. It was a pretty nice place in downtown La Paz. Our accommodations were a lot better in South America than they were up here. We all went to our rooms. When I got up to mine ... well ... I thought about laying down on the bed and going to town on myself. I was still wet, still horny, still needed to come, but ... I knew it wouldn’t be enough. My fingers just weren’t doing it for me anymore.”

“What did you do?” asked Jake.

“I decided to have a couple of drinks,” she said. “Most of the time there was a mini-bar in the room and Aristocrat had that deal where they pay for our drinks—Pauline negotiated that one for us. This room, however, did not have a mini-bar. So ... I went downstairs to get a few drinks in the hotel bar. The same deal was in play. I could just sign for my drinks down there and Aristocrat would pay for them.”

“I never had anything like that when I was out on the road,” Jake said sourly.

“Talk to Paulie the next time you go out,” she suggested. “Anyway, there wasn’t much going on in the bar. Only a few people there. I sat down at one end and the bartender comes over. She was a woman, maybe forty years old or so, spoke good English. She was very nice and ... she had a pretty face.”

“Really?” Jake said.

“Yeah, really,” Laura said with a sigh. “Anyway, we got to talking as I drank a couple of gin and tonics. She didn’t know who I was until I told her that I was Bobby Z’s sax player. And then she became really excited. She loved Bobby Z but hadn’t been able to go to the concert. I told her a few tales of the road and then mentioned that I was your girlfriend. She got excited about that as well. She loved Intemperance, she said. And she had just bought your last CD.”

“International fame,” Jake said. “You gotta love that. Anyway ... she was pretty?”

“Yeah,” Laura said with a sigh. “She was pretty. And she let me know after about the third gin and tonic that she was also a lesbian.”

Jake looked at her pointedly. “Are you trying to tell me that you and she ... that you...”

Laura nodded slowly. “She was my relief valve,” she said. “We started talking about ... you know ... how it was being away from a loved one. I told her about how horny I’d been, and about how I felt like I was going to explode or do something I regretted if I didn’t get some relief. And ... and ... she offered to help me get that relief.”

Jake felt mixed emotions at this revelation. Laura had had sex with another woman! The thought was intriguing, the visualization quite erotic ... but she had also had sex with someone other than him! Shouldn’t that be upsetting information? But it wasn’t a man, another part of him insisted. It wasn’t the same kind of betrayal.

“Jake?” Laura whispered. “Are you still with me?”

“I’m still with you,” he said, his mind spinning. “Are you ... bisexual, Laura?”

“No ... not really anyway,” she said. “Until that moment, I’d never really considered having any kind of ... you know ... relations with another woman, not seriously anyway. I mean, we all think about it every now and then, and the thought had never really grossed me out or anything, but ... I’ve always primarily been attracted to men.”

“Did you ... like do everything with her?” Jake asked.

Laura shook her head. “I didn’t do anything at all to her,” she said. “I didn’t even kiss her. That was the deal.”

“The deal?”

“She told me that she was off shift at 11:00,” she said. “She said if I wanted some relief, she would be happy to come up to my room and give me some. I was ... interested. The thought of having her ... you know ... go down there and do her thing was exciting. But I had no interest in ... uh ... returning the favor. I told her this, figuring that would be a deal breaker, but I just couldn’t picture myself putting my mouth ... there.”

“But it wasn’t a deal breaker?”

She shook her head. “It wasn’t. She said it would be an honor to suck an orgasm or two out of my pussy and that she expected nothing in return. She said she wouldn’t even take her clothes off if I didn’t want her to. I still wasn’t sure about the whole deal, but after another drink, all those little self-doubts went away. When eleven o’clock rolled around and the relief bartender took over, I invited her up to my room.”

“Wow,” Jake said.

“Yeah,” she said. “She accepted the invitation. We went upstairs and ... well ... she did it to me.”

“She ate your pussy out?” Jake asked, just to be clear.

“She ate my pussy out,” Laura confirmed. “Right there on the hotel bed. I was a little awkward at first, but she kind of took charge of the situation. She took off my pants and my panties, laid me down, and went to work. It didn’t take much to get that first orgasm out of me. I was on a hair trigger and the ... the naughtiness of the situation combined with the fact that it was a woman doing this combined with how flippin’ horny I was ... well, it only took me a minute or two to blast off. But she didn’t stop there. She kept licking me and sucking my clit and pretty soon, I came again. And then one more time after that.”

Jake was unsurprised to find that his manhood was now standing tall beneath the water. He reached down and gave it a stroke or two and then looked back up at Laura, seeing that her nipples were hard. “You enjoyed it?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said without hesitation, her eyes shining in a way he was familiar with. “I enjoyed it a lot. I also felt guilty about it. But another part of me knew that I wouldn’t be thinking about doing anything with Squiggle for a while, so it must’ve been a good thing, right?”

“A valid rationalization, I suppose,” Jake said.

“Yeah,” she said. “She left a few minutes after that, leaving me still laying on the bed with my pants off and my shirt still on. Like I said, she never kissed me, and I never touched anything on her except ... well ... I did grab the back of her head when I was coming. Anyway, I never saw her again.”

“And that was enough to get you through the rest of the tour?”

Laura shook her head. “No,” she said softly. “It wasn’t enough. She wasn’t the only one.”

“She ... she wasn’t?”

“She was only the first,” Laura said. “Once I figured out that this was a good way to relieve my sexual tension ... well ... I used it whenever the pressure started to build too much. On those nights, when things were getting to the point where I was starting to think about ... you know ... Squiggle, I would ask Ron to bring me back a lesbian woman when he brought the rest of the groupies.”

“You put in a request?” Jake asked, astonished.

She smiled a little. “Yeah, I did,” she said. “I’m here to tell you, that was awkward as hell the first time I did it. I felt like a teenager trying to buy condoms in the drug store the first time I asked Ron for that. But he didn’t even blink an eye, just asked me if I wanted a bull-dyke kind of lesbian or a lipstick lesbian. I didn’t even know what those things meant at the time—not really anyway—but he explained it to me.”