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"I doubt that," said Sleazy. "I doubt that the gamekeeper will be able to admit that he failed. He'll probably just report that he killed you and pocket his fee."

"What is your name?" asked Dopey.

"My name is Caroline," the woman replied.

Hippy gasped. "Caroline? The princess?"

"Yes," confirmed the woman. "I am Princess Caroline. Now if you will let me go, I will see that no charges are brought against you."

Hippy reached out and placed her hands over the royal breasts and squeezed lightly. Then she leaned down and ran her tongue around each of the red nipples. "You have such beautiful white skin. From now on, you are no longer Princess Caroline. You will be known as Snowy."

"You can't get away with this!" screamed Snowy. She had been trying to maintain her composure up until now but it was becoming intolerable now, especially when this girl was touching her so intimately. "My father and stepmother will find me and give you a taste of revenge!"

"Consider it a favor that we are keeping you," said Sleazy before she leaned down and kissed Snowy on the lips. She held the kiss as Snowy struggled for over a minute before continuing. "Someone wants you dead. With us, you may be our slavegirl but at least you are a live slavegirl."

Doc joined the fun. She ran her fingers through the little heart-shaped tuft of fur and then slid her fingers lower, parting the petals and slipping a finger into the bound woman. She wiggled it and then used her fingers from the other hand to toy with the slick little clitoris.

"Just think of the benefits of your new life," said Doc. "You get to share a bed with a warm loving body each night. You will be well cared for and fed. You will get free medical attention. And the sex will be glorious." She slid her finger deeper into the struggling woman.

Snowy tried to protest but Sleazy had started kissing her again. Hippy had relinquished one of the beautiful breasts to Chesty who was now sucking and gnawing on the nipple. Hippy was doing the same thing with the matching nipple.

Snowy started to moan into Sleazy's lips as the fingers and tongues and lips and teeth tormented her body. She tried to resist the rising arousal in her body but all of the sensations were too much for her. Before long, she erupted in a powerful, if unwanted, orgasm.

They waited until Snowy came down from her orgasmic high. Then they released her feet and hobbled them together with a length of rope. She would only be able to take small mincing steps. Two lengths of rope were tied around her neck and a Petite stood on either side of the captive, holding onto the leashes. Once they felt that she was under control, they released her hands. She tried to flail around but her arms were quickly captured and her wrists were bound in front of her.

"Okay," said Hippy. "Time to stand up. We need to move you."

They helped her swing her feet off the table and then helped her to stand up.

"Oh my gosh!" Snowy exclaimed. "You're all so tiny!!!"

Snowy stood six feet tall and towered over even the tallest of the Petites. "You're dwarfs!"

"We aren't dwarfs," responded a miffed Chesty. "We're simply petite. And we are now your owners."

"Oh god!" groaned Snowy. "I've been captured by elves!"

They bound her standing upright to a pole in the middle of the great room. She would be available to anyone who wanted to play with her until Grumpy and Busty got home. Then they would figure out how to best utilize the talents of their new slave.

In the meantime, Hippy headed back into the forest. She went to the spot where she had captured Snowy and set the items that she brought with her on the ground. She had brought Snowy's torn dress and she used a wolf claw that she had saved from an earlier season to further tear and shred the dress. She scattered the remnants about a bit as a wolf would do as it mangled its prey. Then she took the gallon of blood and started sprinkling it on the bits of cloth. After she was pleased with the effect, she poured the remaining blood onto the spot where Snowy had been lying. It was not human blood. They had butchered a pig several weeks earlier and Hippy had saved the blood. She thought it might be useful for attracting prey. This time, hopefully it would keep predators from coming too close. The final thing that she did was to drop the locket that Snowy had been wearing onto one of the scraps of cloth. It would appear that Snowy had been mangled and torn apart by a pack of wolves and then had her carcass dragged away to be eaten.

Hippy melted back into the forest and waited. She waited for two hours but she was used to that when she hunted. She had learned patience and it had made her a deadly predator. As she expected, the male came back. He was heavily bandaged around his wrist and she assumed that his ass and thigh were also bandaged but they were hidden by his pants. And he came alone. Surely that was a sign that he had been hired to kill the girl. If not, he would have brought an entire search party. But he could not afford witnesses.

He was also carrying a rifle and he had a pistol strapped to his leg. He would kill anyone who might be a witness to his deadly plan. Hippy slowed her breathing and became very still. She could not afford to be detected. Her bow and dagger would be no match for the guns.

He arrived at the gruesome spot and got down from his horse. A smile appeared on his lips as he walked around the blood-soaked scene. He was only there for a few minutes before he got back onto his horse. The last thing he did before remounting was to pick up the locket and drop it into a pocket. He quickly scanned the surrounding forest and then rode off in the direction he came from. He would be able to report to the Queen that her stepdaughter had been murdered.

Chapter 3

It was dusk as Hippy got back to the house. She could smell the acrid aroma of marijuana in the air so she knew that Dopey was somewhere nearby. All of a sudden, a screech pierced the air.

"Oh god," she muttered. "Grumpy must be home."

"She sure is. Hi ho, Hippy," called out Dopey. Hippy walked in the direction of the voice and around the tree. Seated on the ground with her back resting against the tree was her perpetually stoned housemate. Dopey was wearing her deer skins now and the sight of the naked breast sent a thrill through Hippy. Of all of the breasts in the household, these were the ones she thought were the most beautiful. At least she did until she saw the next pair.

"Hi ho, Dopey. Is she playing Will You Submit?" asked Hippy.

"Of course," Dopey responded. "We should probably expect a lot more screaming."

"What is it tonight? Fire? Electricity? The threat of the loss of body parts?"

Dopey took another long drag on her joint and then breathed out slowly after she kept the intoxicating smoke in her lungs as long as she could. "Needles," she replied with a husky voice.

"Oh, I just hate that," said Hippy. "Has she done that to you yet?"

"No, not yet," was Dopey's reply. "Despite my name, I'm not so dopey. I don't bet with her."

"Yeah, it was my own fault," agreed Hippy. "I shouldn't bet with her either. It was awful. I'm going inside to see how bad the damage is."

"It didn't look bad ten minutes ago. But be prepared for a porcupine," warned Dopey.

Hippy knew what to expect before she even walked through the door but she was still surprised at the sight that met her eyes. Snowy was still tied to the pole but they had adjusted her arms. Instead of having her arms bound behind the pole, they were extended above her head and bound, leaving her body stretched upward.

Grumpy was standing on a step stool to give her more altitude and was holding a needle in her fingers, pointed at the center of Snowy's left nipple. The two magnificent white breasts looked like pincushions with dozens of needles sticking out of them.