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"Will you submit?" asked the sadistic Grumpy as she raked the point of the needle over the tip of the tender little nubbin.

Snowy whimpered from fear but shook her head defiantly. "Never!" she replied.

"Very well," was Grumpy's response. She touched the point to the center of the captive's nipple and pushed slowly, indenting the flesh for a moment before the needle poked through. Then she slowly pushed the needle home, eliciting another shriek from the poor bound girl.

Hippy shook her head. Even though she knew what to expect, she never actually expected what she found when Grumpy was in one of her moods. Her housemate was a complete contradiction. She was the author in the household. She wrote beautifully romantic novels about men and women finding themselves and living happily ever after. But in her real life, she was a devout lesbian who lived for torturing other females.

Hippy felt a hand slip under her deer skin sash and cup her breast. "Don't worry. I'll clean up the new girl. She'll be as good as new in the morning."

Busty had walked up behind Hippy and caught her in one of the rare moments when she was not alert. But Hippy didn't really mind. She felt the warm full breasts of her housemate pressed against her back.

Busty was a nurse. She worked in a clinic and had unpredictable hours. When she got home depended on who walked through the doors of the clinic. She had apparently just gotten home because Hippy could feel the stethoscope that Busty kept around her neck during the day pressing into her shoulder blade.

"I want this one kept intact," said Hippy. "I want her healthy and cared for." She reached up with one hand and grasped the wrist of the hand that held her breast. In an instant, she pulled away and spun on her heels, facing Busty. She tilted her head forward, pressing her forehead to Busty's.

"I mean it. She is my pride and joy. She is my trophy."

Then Hippy arched her neck a bit and slowly brought her lips closer to Busty's. Eventually, the lips touched and Busty let out a long sigh as she enjoyed the kiss.

"Do I need to submit again?" asked Busty breathlessly after the kiss ended. "You know that I will belong to you if you want."

Hippy kissed Busty again. "I don't want to own you, love. I want you to have your own life and your own free will. I just want to claim you whenever I can."

Hippy placed her hands on Busty's shoulders and pushed her back to admire her. She saw a beautiful redhead who currently had her hair tied up in a bun because of her work. Her body was almost completely concealed by the voluminous smock that she wore which was also dictated by her work. Only two clues gave hints to what a treasure she was. The first was the warm, soft, sexual, beautiful contours of her face. Hippy could never stare at this housemate enough. The second was the way her blouse was thrust forward by the twin peaks that adorned Busty's chest; hence the name Busty. She possessed two of the wonders of the world.

Hippy reached up and released Busty's hair, letting it spill down her shoulders and back. She brushed the hair back so that the redhead's mane flowed down her back. She did not want her view obstructed.

The half naked blonde then moved her hands to the top of the smock and undid the first button. Busty blushed as she realized she was going to be undressed in front of the entire household… again. She knew she should be used to it. It happened often. But for some reason, it always caught her off guard.

With the final button unfastened, Hippy pushed the smock off of the shoulders and let it fall to the floor. The bra clasp was in front and, with a well practiced move, it was unsnapped and slid off of the shoulders to reveal the wonders that Hippy loved. She realized all of a sudden why she was so attracted to Snowy. Both Busty and Snowy had large, firm, beautiful breasts. The rest of the clothing came off just as easily and Busty found herself standing naked in the midst of her six housemates and the captive.

Hippy reached into one of the pockets of her sash and withdrew two pieces of gold chain. She fit one around Busty's neck and then attached the second one to the first, forming a collar and leash.

"You are mine tonight," Hippy announced loud enough for everyone to hear. Busty's blush deepened but inwardly she felt thrills rushing through her body. "Tonight, I will have two slaves to keep me warm."

By this time, Grumpy had removed all of the needles from the whimpering Snowy. Hippy led Busty by the leash to the tall bound woman and instructed her to release Snowy from the pole and rebind her. Once that was done, Hippy produced a second collar and leash and then led her two slaves off to her room.

Busty spent several minutes tending to Snowy's tortured breasts. Grumpy always used needles that had been soaking in disinfectant but Busty always swabbed down the flesh any time Grumpy got her needle collection out. It was always good to be safe.

Hippy's first order of business was to have Snowy service her other slave. Snowy protested vehemently. "I'm not lesbian!" she shrieked as Hippy pushed her head between Busty's thighs. She was still protesting as her lips met the already wet petals. It took generous use of the riding crop to get her tongue moving but it worked and soon Busty was moaning in ecstasy.

Snowy was bound in the middle of the bed and the two Petites slept on either side of her, resting their heads on her soft pillowy breasts.

Chapter 4

"It seems that you are no longer a princess, Princess," said Chesty when she got home from work the next day. Snowy was bound in a wooden frame that held her upright and spread eagle. She bore reminders of several of the women who owned her now. Clamps on her nipples were donated by one of her captors. Two red stripes across her belly were administered by another one who liked the effect that a cane can have on naked female flesh. And a butt plug had been provided by another.

"What do you mean?" asked Snowy.

"I'll read you the headline article," said Chesty just as Hippy arrived.

"Hi ho, Chesty."

"Oh, hi ho, Hippy. I was just about to read Snowy an article about herself."

"Princess killed by Wolves. Yesterday, Princess Caroline tragically died. She had been riding alone in the forest when a pack of wolves spooked her horse, causing it to buck. She was thrown from her saddle and the wolves descended on her immediately."

Chesty continued. "The brave gamekeeper happened upon the scene but it was too late. Nevertheless, he attempted to rid the area of wolves to recover the princess' body. He was badly wounded in the ensuing battle and barely escaped with his life. Sadly, the remains of the princess were never recovered."

"The entire country is in mourning. A memorial service is scheduled for Saturday and it is anticipated that nearly everyone in the country will be in attendance to remember the beloved princess."

"There's a picture of the brave gamekeeper," said Chesty, holding up the newspaper.

"I don't understand," said Snowy. "I wasn't killed by wolves."

"But they all think you're dead," said Hippy. "Here, let me see that picture." She took the newspaper from Chesty and then shook her head.

"That shit!" exclaimed Hippy. The picture showed the gamekeeper lying in a hospital bed. Visible was the bandage around his wrist that was caused by Hippy's arrow. But also visible was a bandage around his other hand, a bandage around his head, and another one around his chest and over his shoulder.

"This is all a fake for the cameras and the public," said Hippy. "I didn't do all of that damage to him. He got someone to wrap him up so he would look more heroic."

"Why would he make all of this up?" asked Snowy.