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Hippy walked up to the bound woman. Her lips were at breast level so she unclamped one nipple and sucked it into her mouth before responding. "He was paid to kill you. Of that, I'm certain. And he does think that you were killed by wolves. I saw to that. But he needed to embellish his story by acting like the wolves attacked him too. Otherwise, how could he report that you were killed and he stood by without trying to help?"

Hippy reached out and started slowly stroking Snowy's sex. Her fingers glided over the petals which were dry but her renewed sucking on the nipple and the persistency of her fingers soon caused the petals to open to reveal a very moist pussy.

"Arrrggghhhh!" groaned Snowy. "Why do you have to keep doing that?"

Hippy gave the nipple a light bite with her teeth and then released it. "Because I can. You belong to me now. You will always belong to me. Nobody will be searching for you, precious little slavegirl."

"Let me go change my clothes, said Chesty. "I want to play with her too." Chesty disappeared deeper into the house and reappeared a few minutes later wearing her deer skins.

"Jeeesshhhh!" exclaimed Snowy as she looked at the two tiny women in front of her who each had a breast exposed. "Why is there so much nudity around here?"

Hippy laughed and gave Snowy's other breast a nip with her teeth and then turned to Chesty. She reached out and lifted the exposed, generous breast in her hand and leaned down to kiss it. Then she turned back to Snowy who watched in amazement.

"Because we can," Hippy explained. "We can do anything we want here. And we can do anything we want to you."

"These are obviously real," said Chesty as she bounced one of Snowy's breasts up and down. "Otherwise, Grumpy would have punctured something last night."

"They are real," confirmed Snowy. "But would you mind leaving them alone?"

Chesty was a bit taken aback by the request. She glanced at Hippy who just shrugged. Then she looked back at Snowy. "Why would I stop playing with my breasts?"

"Play with your breasts all you want," replied Snowy. "But leave mine alone."

"Hmmmm," said Chesty as she furrowed her brow. "What is it that you don't understand about slavery?"

"I understand that slavery is illegal," responded Snowy. "It doesn't exist. And I understand that you are delusional if you think you can kidnap me and hold me against my will without people finding out. I'm a princess for god sake!"

"Slavery doesn't happen?" questioned Chesty. "Why, you're living proof that it does. And as for people finding you, I highly doubt it. Nobody knows where you are. Nobody even knows that you are alive."

"Now, let me get back to my breasts." Hippy sat down to watch the show. She knew how Chesty could be when she got worked up and she was curious about how it would play out this day. Chesty started bouncing both breasts in her hands, enjoying how they jiggled and moved. These breasts were almost exact replicas of Busty's, Hippy thought.

"My breasts," corrected Snowy. "My royal breasts."

Chesty stopped bouncing and reached up with both hands, combing her fingers through the jet black mane on the tall slavegirl's head. "This hair; it is our property."

She moved her hands down and traced her fingers down the sides of the girl's face. "This is our property."

She moved a finger back and forth across Snowy's lips. "This is our property. Are you seeing a trend here?"

"I'm seeing two future prisoners for the royal dungeons," said Snowy, defiantly.

"There are a couple of things that you don't understand, girl," interjected Hippy. "First, you truly are our property. We can use you as we wish. We can decorate you as we wish. We can punish you as we wish. You belong to us now."

Then she continued without giving Snowy a chance to respond. "But the other thing that you don't seem to understand is that someone tried to kill you. And that someone lives in the royal castle. If you ever get back to the castle, it will be you living in the royal dungeons. That is, you will be living there if they let you live."

"Ha!" snorted Snowy. "You are making all of that up. Who would want me dead?"

"Think about it," said Hippy. "Who is the only person who would benefit from your death?"

"Nobody would benefit. You saw the article. The whole country is in mourning because they think I am dead."

"Think again," said Hippy. "Who becomes the next ruler when the king dies?"

"I do, of course," said Snowy as she held her head up high. It felt odd to be acting so regal as Chesty played with her nipples. But she was the princess!

"And who becomes the next ruler if you are killed?"

Snowy gasped as she started to see where this was heading. "My stepmother, the Queen."

"Exactly," said Hippy. The Queen is the one who paid the gamekeeper to kill you. You would be dead if I had not stopped him. And then I claimed what he left behind in the forest. Now, you belong to us."

"Who do these belong to?" chirped Chesty as she started bouncing the beautiful breasts in her hand again. Snowy refused to answer, however. Her head was in turmoil. Could her stepmother really have commissioned her murder? Could she really be a slavegirl to these dwarfs?

Chesty finally relinquished the breasts and knelt at Snowy's feet. She traced a finger along the slick petals before pushing it into the slavegirl. A second finger joined the first and she started pumping them in and out, enjoying the warm wetness of the captive's sex. A third and then fourth finger were pushed into Snowy, causing her to groan as she was stretched uncomfortably. Chesty leaned forward and flicked her tongue over the distended clit and watched Snowy's firm belly rippling.

"Want to see a magic trick, Hippy?" asked Chesty.

"Sure," replied the huntress who was enjoying the show.

"Watch carefully," said Chesty. "Now you see it…" She tucked her thumb alongside the fingers and pushed. She pulled back and pushed again. One more push and her hand disappeared into the slavegirl who let out a shriek as the fist plunged deep into her.

"Now you don't."

Snowy looked down in disbelief that her body was being so disrespected and abused. She saw the diminutive woman's wrist disappearing into her sex and felt fingers roaming around inside of her. "Please stop! What do you want?"

"Oh, you have to try this, Hippy! It's wonderful and warm and cozy and so, so very wet. Our new toy seems to like being toyed with." Then Chesty turned her head and looked up to Snowy who had tears running down her cheeks. "Well, what I want is your body."

She curled a finger inside of Snowy and then flicked it, thumping Snowy's cervix and eliciting a scream. "But I already own that, don't I?" Chesty continued. "I just need you to understand that you are our property now." She thumped the cervix again and this time elicited a grunt from the bound girl.

Hippy stood up and walked to the captive. She lifted both breasts in her hands and kissed the ripe, white upper swells. "Yes, love. You need to accept the fact that you are a slave now. The sooner you submit to us, the better. It will make your life so much nicer."

"I can't," sobbed Snowy. This resulted in Chesty pulling her hand back in a fist and then pounding it upward to slam against the sensitive cervix. Snowy shrieked again as pain exploded in her abdomen. "I can't submit. I'm the princess."

Chesty leaned forward and extended her tongue. Her fingers were now stroking the girl's vaginal walls as she fluttered her tongue over the captive's clit. Hippy started rolling Snowy's nipples back and forth. She would have liked to be able to kiss the bound girl but she would need a step stool for that. She had to settle for just licking the milky white flesh of the abundant breasts.

"How old are you, Snowy?" asked Hippy.