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‘That’s right.’

‘How wise of her. She has agreed to five hundred thousand?’


‘Well... a little unexpected. I was rather expecting her to bargain. However, that is very satisfactory. I want the money in bearer bonds.’

‘That can be arranged. I want all the photos and all the negatives and an acknowledgement from you that the transaction terminates the deal.’

‘Of course you get the photos and the negatives, but no acknowledgement.’

‘That means you can put the squeeze on again.’

‘Mr. Crane! I assure you. We are perfectly satisfied with half a million, aren’t we, Pam?’

Without looking around, she said, ‘If you are Juan, then I am.’

‘Be assured, Mr. Crane. When will the money he ready?’

‘The day after tomorrow.’

‘Quite satisfactory, but not later. Bring the bonds here at ten o’clock. Don’t be late. We have a plane to catch.’

He conducted me to the door.

‘What a fortunate man you are, Mr. Crane.’

I stared at him.

‘You think so?’

‘Ask yourself,’ and he bowed me out of the room.

I drove back to my apartment and called Vicky.

‘Bonds?’ There was a pause. ‘All right, I’ll get them. Sam will deliver them to you tomorrow night,’ and she hung up.

I replaced the receiver and stared out of the open window. There was something so out of character about this set-up that it began to bother me. I had expected a vicious explosion from this woman: no explosion had come. I had been willing to bet that she wouldn’t have parted with half a million dollars and yet she had meekly submitted. The only thing in character had been those flicking fingers.

I tried to convince myself that she had so much to lose that half a million was an acceptable pay-off. Like her husband, she was stinking rich, such a sum was like a hundred dollars to me and yet somehow it didn’t jell. It was so completely out of character. As I sat staring at the sunset, my future began to fray at the edges.

I had a meal, then wandered around the city, then went to bed. I couldn’t sleep. Around 02.00 I couldn’t stand my thoughts any longer. I took three sleeping pills and they gave me the oblivion I had to have.

I slept until midday. The rest of the day stretched endlessly for me. I wondered what I was going to do with myself. I thought of Vicky and suddenly wanted her physically, but I knew that was finished. The finger flicking act and those impersonal, cold violet eyes told me that as nothing else could.

I went down to the bar, had a double Scotch on the rocks and a chicken sandwich. It was all I could do to eat it. Then I drove down to the beach. The dolly birds were there, but they no longer interested me, I sat in the car, staring at the sea until dusk, my thoughts tormenting me. Then I returned to my apartment and watched the telly.

The following day was a carbon copy of the previous day. I kept telling myself to relax. By tomorrow we would have Aulestria off our backs. The day after I would report to Wes Jackson and begin work. I was sure that once I began to work, all this would fall behind me. I tried to think what I would do once I was in charge of the airfield. I even made a few notes, but my heart wasn’t in it.

Around 19.00, my front door bell rang. I let Sam in. He handed me a bulky envelope.

‘How is she. Sam?’ I asked, taking the envelope.

‘She’s okay. Mr. Crane. She’ll always be okay.’ He shuffled his feet. ‘I guess I’ll say goodbye. I’m moving on.’

‘What do you mean?’

He smiled sadly.

‘Mrs. Essex doesn’t need me anymore.’

‘You mean she’s given you the gate?’

‘That’s it, Mr. Crane.’

‘What are you going to do?’ I was shocked.

‘I’ll get by. I have my savings. I’m going home.’

‘You mean she’s thrown you out... just like that?’

‘It had to happen sometime. She’s a difficult lady. If things go right with her it’s fine: if they don’t it’s bad.’

‘I’m sorry. Sam. I feel it’s my fault.’

His nice, kindly face split into a rueful grin.

‘If it hadn’t been you it would be someone else.’ He wiped his hand on the seat of his trousers, then offered it. ‘Well, so long, Mr. Crane, it’s been my pleasure knowing you.’

We shook hands and he left.

Could this happen to me? I wondered. After this was over, after Aulestria had been paid off, was I too going to get the gate? I went over and sat in a chair.

Yes, I told myself. The writing was on the wall. You’ll get the gate. She won’t want you around as she doesn’t want Sam around. You’ll go: that’s for sure.

I looked down at the bulky envelope I was holding in my hand. I ripped it open. It contained five bearer bonds, each worth $100,000. I could get in the Caddy and take off. These bonds were cash. I could do that, but I wasn’t going to.

I sat there thinking. My future had exploded. What was going to happen to me?

I suddenly felt in the need of comfort and there was only one person on earth who could give me that.

My old man answered the telephone: his voice sounded tired.

‘Well, this is a surprise. How are you Jack?’

‘I’m okay. I’ve been thinking. This job isn’t working out. Is that garage still up for sale?’

‘Could be. I don’t know. I’ll ask. Would you be interested Jack?’

‘Maybe. Ask anyway.’ I had twenty thousand dollars of Essex’s money in the bank. I wouldn’t have to borrow from my old man. ‘How’s the garden looking?’

‘Wonderful. The roses have never been so good Jack...’ I could hear his excited breathing. His voice no longer sounded tired. ‘Are you coming home?’

‘Maybe, Dad. I’ll let you know in a little while. Yes... I could be coming home.’

‘All right, son. I’ll wait to hear.’

‘I won’t keep you waiting long. Bye now. Dad,’ and I hung up.

I didn’t take any sleeping pills that night.

It occurred to me as I got into the Caddy the following morning that this would be the last time I would drive it. It was a fine car and I started the motor with regret. I drove to the Hilton and parked. A distant church clock chimed the hour. Holding the envelope containing the bonds, I walked up the hotel steps and into the imposing lobby. In a few minutes, I told myself as I entered the elevator, the pressure would slacken.

I walked along the corridor and tapped on Aulestria’s door. It opened immediately and Aulestria stood aside to let me in. Then he stepped into the corridor, looked to right and left, then came back into the room.

Pam was standing by the window. She had on a light dustcoat and two expensive-looking suitcases stood nearby.

‘You have the bonds, Mr. Crane?’ Aulestria asked.

‘I have them.’ I took them from the envelope and showed them to him. He didn’t attempt to take them from my hand, but peered at them, then nodded.

‘Satisfactory.’ He took from his pocket an envelope. ‘Here are the photos and the negatives. Take them and I’ll take the bonds.’

We made the exchange. I checked the photos and the negatives.

‘How many more copies have you kept back?’ I asked.

‘Mr. Crane... please. You can trust me entirely.’ He smiled. ‘There are no copies. I give you my word. Mrs. Essex can be quite happy about that.’

‘You’ll be sorry if you try for another squeeze,’ I said, ‘but that’s your funeral.’

‘There won’t be another squeeze, Mr. Crane.’

‘I’m just telling you.’

I turned and left the room. Walked down the corridor to the elevator and rode down to the lobby.

I was putting the envelope containing the photos in my breast pocket when a voice said gently, ‘I’ll have those Crane.’