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«About a year has passed. I’ve returned to the place of battle...» (Elegy) IV, 374

Ab Ovo («Ultimately, there should be a language...») IV, 369

Aere perennius («Приключилась на твердую вещь напасть...») IV, 202

«A hotel in whose ledgers departures...» (Dutch Mistress) IV, 329

Allenby Road («At sunset, when the paralyzed street gives up...») IV, 328

A Martial Law Carol («One more Christmas ends...») IV, 322

Anno Domini («Провинция справляет Рождество...») II, 213

Anti-Shenandoah: Two Skits and a Chorus (I–III) IV, 344

Anthem («Praised be the climate...») IV, 361

A Postcard («The country is so populous that polygamists and serial...») IV, 353

Aqua vita nuova (Шепчу “прощай” неведомо кому...») II, 396

Arrival («What is this place? It looks kind of raw...») IV, 345

A Song («I wish you were here, dear...») IV, 342

«As thought the mercury’s under its tongue, it won’t...» (Galatea Encore) IV, 331

At a Lecture («Since mistakes are inevitable, I can easily be taken...») IV, 352

A Tale («In walks the Emperor, dressed as Mars...») IV, 357

«At sunset, when the paralyzed street gives up...» (Allenby Road) IV, 328

At the City Dump in Nantucket («The perishable devours the perishable in broad daylight...») IV, 368

Bagatelle («Помраченье июльских бульваров, когда, точно деньги во сне...») IV, 37

Belfast Tune («Here’s a girl from a dangerous town...») IV, 335

«Birds acquaint themselves with leaves...» (Reveille) IV, 370

«Birds flying high above the retreating army...» (Variation in V) IV, 334

Blues («Eighteen years I’ve spent in Manhattan...») IV, 347

Café Trieste: San Francisco («To this corner of Grant and Vallejo...») IV, 324

Chorus («Here they are, for all to see...») IV, 346

«Citizen, enemy, mama’s boy, sucker, utter...» (Letter to an Archaeologist) IV, 332

«Darling, you think it’s love, it’s just a midnight journey...» (Seaward) IV, 333

«Dear savages, though I’ve never mastered your tongue, free of pronouns and gerunds...» (Infinitive) IV, 355

Departure («Why don’t we board a train and go off to Persia...») IV, 344

Dutch Mistress («A hotel in whose ledgers departures...») IV, 329

«Eighteen years I’ve spent in Manhattan...» (Blues) IV, 347

Einem alten Architekten in Rom («В коляску, если только тень...») II, 81

Elegy («About a year has passed. I’ve returned to the place of battle...») IV, 374

Elegy: for Robert Lowell («In the autumnal blue...») IV, 319

Elegy («Whether you fished me bravely out of the Pacific...») IV, 363

Epitaph for a Centaur («To say that he was unhappy is either to say too much...») IV, 340

Exeter Revisited («Playing chess on the oil tablecloth at Sparky’s...») IV, 341

Ex oriente («Да, точно так же, как Тит Ливий, он...») I, 274

Ex ponto (Последнее письмо Овидия в Рим) («Тебе, чьи миловидные черты...») II, 124

Ex Voto («Something like a field in Hungary, but without...») IV, 330

Fin de Siècle («Век скоро кончится, но раньше кончусь я...») IV, 73

Folk Tune («It’s not that the Muse feels like clamming up...») IV, 373

Galatea Encore («As thought the mercury’s under its tongue, it won’t...») IV, 331

«Give me another life, and I’ll be singing...» (To My Daughter) IV, 354

«Here’s a girl from a dangerous town...» (Belfast Tune) IV, 335

«Here’s your mom, here’s your dad...» (Song of Welcome) IV, 348

«Here they are, for all to see...» (Chorus) IV, 346

«If you were drowning, I’d come to the rescue...» (Love Song) IV, 366

Infinitive («Dear savages, though I’ve never mastered your tongue, free of pronouns and gerunds...») IV, 355

«In march the soldiers...» (Kolo) IV, 364

«In the autumnal blue...» (Elegy: for Robert Lowell) IV, 319

«In walks the Emperor, dressed as Mars...» (A Tale) IV, 357

«It’s not that the Muse feels like clamming up...» (Folk Tune) IV, 373

«I wish you were here, dear...» (A Song) IV, 342

Kolo («In march the soldiers...») IV, 364

Letter to an Archaeologist («Citizen, enemy, mama’s boy, sucker, utter...») IV, 332

Love Song («If you were drowning, I’d come to the rescue...») IV, 366

Ode to Concrete («You’ll outlast me, good old concrete...») IV, 367

«One more Christmas ends...» (A Martial Law Carol) IV, 322

«Playing chess on the oil tablecloth at Sparky’s...» (Exeter Revisited) IV, 341

Post aetatem nostram («“Империя — страна для дураков”...») II, 397

Postscriptum («Как жаль, что тем, чем стало для меня...») II, 209

«Praised be the climate...» (Anthem) IV, 361

Presepio («Младенец, Мария, Иосиф, цари...») IV, 107

Reveille («Birds acquaint themselves with leaves...») IV, 370

Ritratto di donna («Не первой свежести — как и цветы в ее...») IV, 161

Science Fiction («Тыльная сторона светила не горячей...») II, 357

Seaward («Darling, you think it’s love, it’s just a midnight journey...») IV, 333

«Since mistakes are inevitable, I can easily be taken...» (At a Lecture) IV, 352

«Slave, Come to My Service!» («“Slave, Come to My Service!” “Yes, my master. Yes”...») IV, 336

«“Slave, Come to My Service!” “Yes, my master Yes”...» («Slave, Come to My Service!») IV, 336

«Something like a field in Hungary, but without...» (Ex Voto) — IV, 330

Song of Welcome («Here’s your mom, here’s your dad...») IV, 348

The Berlin Wall Tune («This is the house destroyed by Jack...») IV, 326

«The country is so populous that polygamists and serial...» (A Postcard) IV, 353

«The last twenty years were good for practically everybody...» (Transatlantic) IV, 343

«The perishable devours the perishable in broad daylight...» (At the City Dump in Nantucket) IV, 368

«The perilous yellow sun follows with its slant eyes...» (Tsushima Screen) IV, 372

«There is a meadow in Sweden...» (Törnfallet) IV, 350

«This is the house destroyed by Jack...» (The Berlin Wall Tune) IV, 326

To My Daughter («Give me another life, and I’ll be singing...») IV, 354

«To say that he was unhappy is either to say too much...» (Epitaph for a Centaur) IV, 340

«To this corner of Grant and Vallejo...» (Café Trieste: San Francisco) IV, 324

Törnfallet («There is a meadow in Sweden...») IV, 350

Transatlantic («The last twenty years were good for practically everybody...») IV, 343

Tsushima Screen («The perilous yellow sun follows with its slant eyes...») IV, 372

«Ultimately, there should be a language...» (Ab Ovo) IV, 369

Variation in V («Birds flying high above the retreating army...») IV, 334

«“Werden und Sein”, старинная дилемма...» (Фауст (Фрагменты поэмы «Горацио»)) (Из Х. Плуцика) IV, 273

«What is this place? It looks kind of raw...» (Arrival) IV, 345

«Whether you fished me bravely out of the Pacific...» (Elegy) IV, 363

«Why don’t we board a train and go off to Persia...» (Departure) IV, 344

«You’ll outlast me, good old concrete...» (Ode to Concrete) IV, 367