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“I might have liked it.”

“You married some East European princess. I read you called her Annie Maggie. Did you love her?”


“Would you have had a child by her?”

“She was pregnant when she was assassinated. I thought only we and one doctor knew about it. It may have been the reason she was assassinated.”

“Oh, God. Sorry, Fletch.”

“Life is long; life is short.”

“I did you a big favor, Fletch.”

“How’s that?”

“If you had raised a son, he would have rebelled against you, dissented, probably become the opposite of everything you are and everything you stand for. Sons do that.”

“Some sons, I guess.”

“Your son would have. I’m certain your son would have. Not knowing you, Jack adores you.”


“He does. He’s enormously curious about you. He has scrapbooks of newspaper clippings about you. I had to consider putting him in therapy when Princess Annie Maggie was killed, he was that upset. He’s read your book on Pinto, Edgar Arthur Tharp, Junior, so many times, I think he’s worn out a dozen copies.”


“I think he’s memorized every line of it.”

Fletch recollected the faddy little argument Jack had given him about Pinto.

Crystal said, “He insisted on going to your college.”

“He went to Northwestern?”

“Only because you went there.”

“Crystal, you filled him up with silly stories about me.”

“Sure. A mother who doesn’t encourage respect for the father in her son loses the son. Also loses the father. Some things never change. I told him stories about how many times and in how many ways you dodged picking up that Bronze Star. He pestered me for years trying to figure out how he could pick up your Bronze Star for you, get ahold of it. He probably will figure it out yet.”

Fletch asked, “Whose name is on his birth certificate?”


“Oh, my.” Fletch wondered what would be the next thing he would eat, and when.

“That’s right.”

“His name is John Fletcher Faoni?”


“Who’s John?”

“You wanted more of Irwin Maurice maybe?”


“There was no John. Don’t be funny.”

“Your office says John Fletcher Faoni is spending the summer in Greece.”

“He isn’t. As you know, he is now at a camp in Alabama.”

“Some camp. Crystal, there never has been a John Fletcher Faoni in any federal or state prison in the United States. We checked.”

“Yes and no. No and yes. He was in the federal prison in Tomaston, Kentucky, five weeks. As a plant.”

“A plant.”

“As soon as he escaped from the prison, all records of his having been there were to be expunged immediately.”

“He never shot a cop, or shot at a cop?”

“Of course not. Cop killing is one of the crimes that most impresses The Tribe.”

Fletch snorted. “Pink Cadillac convertible. I knew the little bastard didn’t know how to load a .32. Who arranged for him to enter the prison, and why?”

“I did.”

“Goddamn it! You helped arrange for a handsome kid like that to spend time in a maximum-security federal prison? Have you no idea what could have happened? What probably did happen to him?”

“Nothing happened to him.”

“How the hell do you know?”

“Jack is expert in a very esoteric form of the martial arts.”

“Big deal! Some of those guys—”

“Besides,” Crystal said, “he plays the guitar nicely.”

“So goddamned what?” Fletch also wanted to shout at Crystal, I’m hungry! He didn’t dare.

“Lots of people helped in the arrangements, Fletch.”

“Like who?”

“Jack Saunders,”

“Saunders? He’s retired.”

“He’s still meddlesome. The Attorney General of the United States. I’ve made a lot of friends since you last knew me.”


“Jack is, and always has been, determined to follow in your footsteps.”

“I tried to get into prison once, do a story. No one would let me.”

“This is a special case. There’s a real need for what he is doing.”

“Like what?”

“Jack went to Boston University’s School of Journalism. He spent a lot of time with Jack Saunders and his wife. Jack, that is Jack Fletcher—”

“Jack Fletcher Faoni.”

“So his name is backwards. Jack wanted to do his master’s thesis on The Tribe. Secret organization though it is, he had come across it in the universities, in the streets. In fact, they tried to recruit him. Your dear old editor, Jack Saunders, suggested he treat it as a story, do it right, as something that could be published, something useful.”

“Son of a bitch.”

“We discussed it.”

“You and Jack Saunders?”

“Jack Saunders and I.”

“You didn’t discuss it with me. For whom is he supposedly doing this story?” Maybe Fletch could find a steak somewhere, on the way back to the airport, a rare steak….

“Do you think it is anything that might interest Global Cable News?”

“I see. I was conned.”

“Oh, I think anyone would be happy to have this story. Looks like you’ll have to negotiate for it.” Crystal laughed. “Then I happened to be having a conversation with the Attorney General.”

“Of the United States.”

“He got back to me, and asked to see Jack. The idea of using Jack appealed to him. There had been a plan to send a young FBI agent into the prison. Inmates in a maximum-security prison would spot a trained agent in a blink of an eye. After meeting with Jack, the AG was certain Jack could carry this off. Jack gets the story rights.”


“There is this man, Kris Kriegel—”

“We’ve met.”

“He’s very intelligent, apparently.”

“He’s a jerk.” Fletch looked around the room. There wasn’t even water to drink, to fill up his stomach.

“In jail for murder.”

“Yes. Was.”

“Using his civil rights as a federal prisoner, he organized and took control of the white supremacist movement, established what is called The Tribe, in every federal and state prison in this country. Race riots were happening in the prisons with increasing frequency. They were becoming more vicious. Kriegel had contacts, more than that, position and authority not only in the supremacist movement outside the prisons, in this large country, but also in similar movements in Europe, Africa, and around the world. He was organizing a worldwide movement from his jail cell! They couldn’t take his civil rights away from him without giving him publicity. They moved him from prison to prison, but that only made things worse, increased his contacts with the prison population, made him more powerful. They knew if they put him in solitary under some pretext, the whole prison system would explode. He was becoming impossibly dangerous. Jack was really on to something.”


“So it was arranged for Jack to go to prison to win Kriegel’s confidence, arrange his escape, and to stay with him, and to find out everything he could about his contacts, the organization, the Tribe, his plans….”

Fletch shook his head. “Strooth, it’s a hell of a story, if I do say so myself. Hell of a master’s thesis. But couldn’t the kid just have written about the First Amendment like everybody else?”

“Jack’s not like everybody else. He’s like you.”

“I didn’t have a mother as willing and weird as you are! You arranged for the kid to go to prison!”

“We all did. It was what Jack wanted. He had an ulterior motive of his own, you see. Stop clucking!”