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By the next day, Sophie had learned a lot about being honest.

In some ways it was easy — hear a question, say the truth. But in some ways it was hard. Sometimes some people did not want to hear the truth.

And sometimes some people, like Aunt Maggie, could not hear the truth (or anything else, really).

Still, Sophie had a name, and she had to live up to it. She was Sophie the Honest!

Or was she?

When Sophie got to school the next day, that was not what she was called. Not at all. No, everyone was calling her Sophie the Chatterbox!

It happened almost as soon as she walked into the classroom.

“Good morning, Sophie,” said Ms. Moffly. “What a pretty ladybug pin. Where did it come from?”

Sophie grinned.

“Actually, Ms. Moffly, this is a broach. And it came from my Aunt Maggie. She invited herself over yesterday. She likes to do that a lot. And she likes to bring us junk, like the can opener she gave me last time. But this is much better. And much, much better than —”

Just then, Toby walked by. His hands were clapped over his ears.

“Look out! Chatterbox alert!” he called.

Of course, Archie had to say something, too.

“Help, she’s still a chatterbox! We’re doomed!” he yelled.

Sophie glared at them both. Honestly, they were the worst!

“Boys!” said Ms. Moffly. “That is quite enough. There will be no name-calling in this classroom.”

Unless it’s a really great name … like Sophie the Honest, Sophie thought.

Then Ms. Moffly turned back to Sophie. “Well, Sophie, I like your broach very much. And I would love to hear more about it. But it’s time for class to start.”

Ms. Moffly reached for the light switch. She flashed the lights three times.

“Has everyone put their homework in the basket?” she asked the class.

There were a few nods. Some “Not yet”s. A few “Yeah”s. And one “Mine was the first.” That was Mindy. Of course.

Sophie sighed. Oh, yeah. Her homework. She had kind of hoped that Ms. Moffly would forget about that.

She raised her hand slowly. “I don’t have my homework, Ms. Moffly,” she said.

“Oh? Why not?” Ms. Moffly asked.

Sophie sighed a big, loud sigh. “My brother ate it.”

Right away, the whole class started laughing … but Ms. Moffly didn’t. She frowned.

“Your brother ate it? I find that very hard to believe, Sophie,” she said.

What? Her? Hard to believe? But she was Sophie the Honest!

“It’s true!” Sophie said, talking faster and faster. “Honest! I started to do the homework. But then Aunt Maggie showed up and I had to stop. When I went back to get it, it was all chewed up and on the floor. And it had to be my brother who did it. We don’t have a dog. Just a kitten. And she never eats paper. But she does eat plants. And Jell-O. Once.”

Sophie took a gulp of air.

“You have to believe me, Ms. Moffly. You have to!” she finished.

Ms. Moffly’s frown went away. A calm smile took its place.

“I do believe you, Sophie. You can do another word find tonight,” she said.

“That was close,” Sophie told Kate a little while later. They were walking around the classroom, surveying it with a measuring tape — just like they’d learned about at George Washington’s house.

Kate held her measuring tape up to Sophie’s bug broach. “What was close?” she asked.

“When Ms. Moffly thought that I was lying,” said Sophie. “Can you believe it? Me? I’m Sophie the Honest!”

“Oh, right!” Kate nodded.

“And what about all this ‘chatterbox’ stuff?” Sophie went on. “Honestly, that has to stop.”

“Well …” Kate shrugged. She held her measuring tape up to a ruler. “Twelve inches. Exactly.” Then she looked at Sophie. “Maybe you’re both.”

Sophie had to frown. Both? She didn’t think so.

“But I’m not a chatterbox!” she protested. “I’m honest. I tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That’s all.”

“I know. But maybe you could tell the whole truth without talking so much,” Kate said.

Sophie thought about that for a second. It was a pretty good idea. She was getting tired of talking so much, anyway.

“I’ll see what I can do,” she said.

With that, she took one end of the measuring tape. Kate stretched it across their table.

“Four feet,” Kate said.

Then Sophie pointed to Sydney’s empty chair.

“Have you asked Sydney about riding horses this weekend yet?” she asked.

Kate shook her head. “Not yet,” she said. “I think I will after school.” She put her thumb and finger together and pulled them like a zipper across her lips. “Remember,” she said, “this is a secret.”

Sophie zipped her lips back. “Got it!”

Just then, Dean walked up with his measuring tape. He said he wanted to ask Sophie something. And he wanted an honest answer.

“You’ve come to the right girl!” Sophie said. Yes! Her name was working!

“I was just wondering. How come your sister calls my brother about homework every night?” Dean asked.

Sophie cleared her throat. She could answer this question, no problem. And she did not need to be a chatterbox to do it!

“Because my sister has a great big crush on him,” she said simply.

Dean nodded. “I knew it. I saw the same thing happen on TV.”

As he walked away, Sophie grinned. “You’re welcome, Dean!” she called after him. Then she turned to Kate. “Better?”

Kate nodded. “Much.”

Sophie was ready for her next question. But it did not come right away. Instead, it came just before lunch. She and Grace were at the classroom sink, washing their hands.

“I hope your mom’s shoes are okay,” Sophie said. She still felt a little bad when she thought about spilling the butter.

“They’re not. But it’s fine,” Grace told her. “My mom is happy. Now she has a reason to buy new ones. Pass me the soap. Oh, and guess what!”

“What?” asked Sophie.

“We set up our trampoline in the backyard,” Grace said. “Want to come over this weekend and jump?”

A trampoline! Sophie loved those!

She was all ready to say, “Yes!” But then she remembered Kate and the horses.

“Yes. I do want to. But I can’t,” she said carefully.

“Aw, too bad. Why not?” Grace asked.

Why not?

“Um …” Sophie froze.

She wished she could say, “Oh, no reason.” Or “Because my sister has a very important ballet recital. And I don’t want to go. They’re always so boring. But I have to.”

She was Sophie the Honest. She couldn’t say those things. But maybe she could change the subject.

Sophie pulled her hands out from under the water. “Paper towel, please?” she asked.

Grace tore one off and passed it.

“Thank you,” Sophie said. That was easy! she thought, grinning.

“So what are you doing this weekend? Tell me!” Grace said.

Oh, no.

Sophie crumpled her paper towel. She thought of Kate zipping her lips. But Sophie had to tell the truth. She couldn’t be Sophie the Honest if she lied!

She took a deep breath.

“I’m doing something with Kate,” she said.

“What?” Grace asked.

“Um … riding horses …,” Sophie mumbled. “Boy, am I hungry! Aren’t you?” she asked.

“That sounds fun!” Grace said. “Where are you riding horses?”

“Um …” Sophie looked up at the clock. Why wasn’t it time for lunch yet? “Kate’s babysitter, Mrs. Belle … her daughter has a horse farm … and we’re going there … and sleeping over …,” she said.