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“Probably that four-alarmer at the warehouse,” the woman said. “We had to call in all three of our engines and three more from the next town.”

“Sweet!” said Toby.

Next was Archie.

“Do you sweat a lot in those uniforms?” he asked. “And does it make them stink as bad as my brother’s football pads?”

The pretty firefighter smiled. “Sometimes. Yes,” she said.

Then Grace asked if the firehouse had a Dalmatian.

They did not. But they did have a lizard named Godzilla. It was a thank-you gift from a pet shop they had saved from burning down.

“Are you the same guys who saved my grandma when she got stuck in her old lawn chair?” Ben asked next. “That was so cool! They had to use the Jaws of Death!”

“I think you mean the Jaws of Life,” said the tall firefighter, grinning. “And sorry, no. It wasn’t us.”

“Have you ever rescued a kitten from a tree?” was Mia’s question.

“No, we haven’t,” said the pretty firefighter. “But we did rescue a puppy from a well in the spring.”

Then, at last — finally! — the tall firefighter pointed to Sophie.

Sophie rubbed her tired arm, then smoothed her shirt. And she cleared her throat proudly.

“I just wanted to know …,” she began, “have you ever stopped a little kindergartner from running into the street to catch her runaway Slinkys and saved her from probably being squashed by a car? And wouldn’t you call someone who did that a big hero?”

The pretty firefighter shook her head. “No, I have not,” she said. “And yes! That is very heroic. Isn’t it, Jim?”

Sophie felt her cheeks and ears — and even her insides — get warm and pinkish.

The firefighter with whiskers nodded. “Sure is,” he said. “And it brings up a good point, too. Never run into the street. Not for anything. Ever.”

Then there was a little cough, and Mindy raised her hand. Her face always looked pinchy to Sophie, but it looked extra-pinchy then.

“I have a question in two parts,” Mindy said.

“Okay,” said the firefighter with whiskers. “Go ahead.”

“One,” Mindy began, “have you ever rescued five kittens from a burning building like Scarlett the cat? And two: Do you agree that she is one of the biggest heroes ever?”

The firefighters shook their heads. “No, we haven’t.” Then they nodded. “And yes … she sure is.”

Mindy turned to Sophie. She looked extra, super sassy. But Sophie crossed her arms and raised her chin and looked right back.

Meanwhile, Ms. Moffly stood up and shook the firefighters’ hands.

“This has been a wonderful visit,” she told them. “We can’t thank you enough. But I know you have to get back to the firehouse. And we have to get to gym.” She looked around the room. “Class, please thank Firefighters Burruss and Jones for coming, won’t you? And thank them for being our heroes every day.”

The firefighters waved.

“Bye! Thank you!” the class said.

“Yes! Thank you!” Sophie yelled.

In fact, she yelled so loud even Toby stared.

But Sophie did not care. About Toby. Or Mindy. Or anything. The firefighters had spoken. She felt like Sophie the Hero again!

But Sophie realized something else. If she was going to stay a hero, she needed to be like the firefighters. She needed to be a hero every day.

And I will! thought Sophie.

Let the hero work begin!

Chapter 3

Sophie was on the lookout all the way to gym. She did not want to miss any chance to be a hero.

“Tell me if you see anyone who needs saving,” she whispered to Kate.

“Okay,” said Kate. She looked down the line of kids following Ms. Moffly. “Uh … saving how?” she whispered back.

Sophie shrugged. She did not know. She really wished there were a busy street to cross. Or a den full of thieves to pass. Why did schools have to be so safe? Especially the gym! There wasn’t a thing to trip over, and all the walls were padded.

As they entered the gym, Kate grabbed Sophie’s arm. “Save me!” she panted.

“What? What is it?” asked Sophie, excited.

Kate leaned her head back and rolled her eyes up. “From this smell!” she said. Then she lifted her head and grinned. “Get it?” She held her nose. “This place smells like moldy meatballs!”

Sophie always thought the gym smelled more like sour sweat socks. But she basically agreed. Still, she tried not to laugh. Being a hero was serious business!

Once they all sat down on the bleachers, the gym teacher, Mr. Hurley, made an announcement.

“Today we’re going outside!” he hollered. (Hollering was how he talked.)

Sophie pumped her fist. Hooray!

After all, anything could happen outside! There could be a tornado. Or a wildfire. Or a tiger escaped from the zoo!

Who cared if there was no zoo in Sophie’s town? Or anywhere close? The farther a tiger had to come, the better. Then they would have to write about it in the newspaper. And that was always good for a hero!

Once they were outside, Mr. Hurley split the class into two teams. Today they were playing kickball, and today that was just fine with Sophie.

Usually, Sophie did not like kickball much. Mostly because she played the same middle position — center field — every time. And that made it a very boring game for Sophie. The ball always seemed to go to the left or the right.

But today that would give Sophie lots of time to be on the lookout for people who needed saving!

Sophie waved to Kate, who was on the other team. Then she took her place and scanned the field for danger.

Sniff, sniff. She sniffed the air for smoke. Or a wild tiger.

She searched the sky for aliens. Or asteroids.

Sophie was ready for any danger she could think of.

Of course, Sophie knew she could not stop a wildfire. Or a tiger. Or an alien. Or an asteroid. But she could be the first to tell everyone to run!

“Sophie, pay attention!” she heard Mr. Hurley holler.


Sophie turned. She was stunned, but not because Mr. Hurley was hollering and waving his arms. He always did that. She was stunned that someone had kicked the ball to center field … and that it was rolling right past her!

Sophie ran after the ball.

“Aw, Sophie! Hurry! You should have had that!” her teammates cried.

“Yay, Kate!” she heard the other team cheer as Kate scored a home run.

Sophie finally stopped the ball and rolled it back to the pitcher. She really wished that Toby hadn’t been the pitcher right then. He was frowning at her. Hard.

“I bet you did that on purpose, to help Kate!” he yelled.

Sophie stuck out her tongue at Toby. “Of course I didn’t!” she told him.

Sure, Sophie was happy for Kate. But she would never try to make her team lose.

She put her hands on her hips and told herself to pay attention. It was not going to be easy to be a hero and play kickball. But she would have to try.

Sophie kept her eyes on the field. And the ball. And the players. And before she knew it, she got her chance to be a hero — by saving Grace!

Grace was in right field. Someone had kicked the ball to her and it was sailing right toward her head.

Sophie knew she had to hurry. She ran across the field at top speed. And she gave Grace a giant push.

They both fell—thud! The ball flew past them and rolled away.

Grace jumped up and glared at Sophie. “I could have caught that!” she said.

“Are you kidding? That ball was headed straight for your head!” Sophie said.