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Современная английская лексика

athlete, athletic

спортсмен, спортивный

— I didn’t know you played basketball. / Я не знал, что ты игра-

ешь в баскетбол.

— Yeah, I’m an athlete. I used to play professional basketball when I was a teen. / Да, я спортсмен. Я играл в профессиональной

команде, когда был подростком.

— What does he look like? / Как он выглядит?

— He’s tall, good-looking and athletic. But he’s not the smartest of men. / Он высокий и спортивный. Но интеллектом не блещет.

ATM [ˌeɪ tiː ˈem] = automated teller machine

банкомат (британский вариант: cash-machine)

— Is there an ATM around here? / Здесь поблизости есть бан комат?

— There is one inside the bank on the street corner. / Есть один

в здании банка на углу улицы.

— Thank you. / Спасибо.



Boss talking to Head of Sales: / Начальник разговаривает с гла-

вой отдела продаж:

— People in your department have a very relaxed attitude to work.

You have to motivate them. / Люди в твоем отделе относятся

к работе с прохладцей. Ты должен их замотивировать.


доступный, имеющий в наличии, находящийся на связи

— Can I speak with Carol, please? / Я могу поговорить с Кэрол?

— I’m sorry, but Carol is not available for this job. She’s out of A


town. She’s gone on vacation. I’m afraid you have to find someone else or wait until she gets back. / Простите, но Кэрол не

может сейчас заняться этой работой. Ее нет в городе. Она

уехала в отпуск. Боюсь, вам придется найти кого-то еще или

дождаться ее возвращения.

on average

в среднем

— On average how much are the tickets? / Сколько в среднем

стоят билеты?

— Usually around twenty dollars. / Обычно около двадцати долларов.


Прекрасно! Супер!

— We’re going on vacation tomorrow. / Мы завтра едем в отпуск.

— That’s so awesome! I wish I could get away for a couple of weeks. / Супер! Хотела бы и я съездить на пару недель куда-


— My friends have invited us to stay with them. / Мои друзья пред-

ложили остановиться у них.

— Awesome! We don’t have to pay for the hotel. / Классно! Нам не

надо платить за гостиницу.


неловкий, странный, плохо звучащий

— I feel awkward about having to stay here overnight. I’d rather get a cab and go home. / Мне очень неловко оставаться здесь на

ночь. Я лучше поймаю такси и поеду домой.

— No, it’s OK. Don’t worry about that. / Нет, все нормально. Не

волнуйтесь об этом.


Современная английская лексика


Заполните пропуски и найдите определение или синоним для

подчеркнутых фраз.

1. — I’m sure you can find three or four hours to do some work on the project.

— ...!

a) Not at all! b) Thank you very much! c) Absolutely!

2. Your friend doesn’t want to book this hotel because she doesn’t like the name.

You think that’s ... .

a) understandable; b) wise of him; c) totally absurd

3. Hilda was going to leave when she realized that she did not close the windows in the house.

a) was willing to leave; b) was happy to leave; c) was about to leave 4. When a person thinks that he is too good for something, he is ... .

a) over it; b) above it; c) beyond it

5. This story was not made up. It’s based on the ... events.

a) recent; b) actual; c) realistic

6. It was in fact a very good hotel!

a) surprisingly; b) somehow; c) unbelievably; d) actually

7. When Alice said she couldn’t afford a five thousand mink coat, she meant:

a) it was not very expensive for her; b) it was too expensive for her; c) she didn’t like the model



8. I haven’t seen you for ages.

a) for two years; b) for a very long time; c) for ten days

9. When a person is an airhead, he (or she) ... .

a) is easy to get along with; b) is interested in other people’s view-points; c) doesn’t think well before he / she does or says something 10. Carol and Yan are in love with each other. They went on vacation and had a great time together.

a) The time they spent together was amazing! b) They didn’t like their vacation. c) They were bored by each other.

11. When you see someone very often, you can say about him (her): a) He / she is always around. b) He / she lives next door. c) He / she calls me every day.

12. Sam asked Liz on a date.

a) asked her out; b) told her what date it was; c) asked her what date it was

13. You’re trying to reach your friend on the phone but his phone is switched off.

Your friend is not ... .

a) available; b) at home; c) in his office

14. When you get some very good news, you say:

a) Awesome! b) OK, good. c) So much for that.

15. There were people in the room, but they didn’t speak to each other.

It was very uncomfortable to be there. The silence in the room was ... .

a) intense; b) awkward; c) frightening


Современная английская лексика



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