Spark for Python Developers

Spark for Python Developers
Другая компьютерная литература, Программы
Год: 2015
Добавил: Admin 12 Янв 21
Проверил: Admin 12 Янв 21
Формат:  PDF (6308 Kb)
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Spark for Python Developers aims to combine the elegance and flexibility of Python with the power and versatility of Apache Spark. Spark is written in Scala and runs on the Java virtual machine. It is nevertheless polyglot and offers bindings and APIs for Java, Scala, Python, and R. Python is a well-designed language with an extensive set of specialized libraries. This book looks at PySpark within the PyData ecosystem. Some of the prominent PyData libraries include Pandas, Blaze, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Bokeh. These libraries are open source. They are developed, used, and maintained by the data scientist and Python developers community. PySpark integrates well with the PyData ecosystem, as endorsed by the Anaconda Python distribution. The book puts forward a journey to build data-intensive apps along with an architectural blueprint that covers the following steps: first, set up the base infrastructure with Spark. Second, acquire, collect, process, and store the data. Third, gain insights from the collected data. Fourth, stream live data and process it in real time. Finally, visualize the information.
The objective of the book is to learn about PySpark and PyData libraries by building apps that analyze the Spark community’s interactions on social networks. The focus is on Twitter data.

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