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They had already set up a tutor for her in Barbados, who would record all the remarkable progress she was to start having, which would push her ahead of schedule once she returned to England. Then it would be only another year for her to be official. To put away the hiding and be what she’d always wanted to be.

A spellbreaker.


Thus ends my first duology. I am so grateful to those who have stuck with me through thick and thin, supporting me in this amazing career, helping me refine and polish one story after another. I am forever and always indebted to each of you.

Many thanks to Jordan, who is my rock. I had quite a stumble in 2019 when drafting this book, and he was there to hold my hand through all of it, always making sure I had what I needed to get back on my feet. I could not accomplish half of what I do without him.

Thank you to Tricia, Rebecca, and Leah for reading through my rough draft and helping me get that first round of edits done. Your input was golden, and I’m very grateful for the time you spend on my projects!

Many thanks to my editor Adrienne, who adopted me and took this series under her wing. And to Angela, who has edited with great finesse and farseeing almost every single book I’ve published. Thank you to Marlene, my agent, for digging up opportunities and defending me on the battlefield. It took fourteen books, but I finally got you on that dedication page!

And again, thank you to my Father in Heaven, who guides me in fiction as well as in real life. I recognize I am very blessed to be able to do what I do and have others read what I write, and that blessing comes straight from Him.


Charlie N. Holmberg is the author of the Wall Street Journal bestselling Paper Magician series, which has been optioned by the Walt Disney Company. She is also the author of the Numina series, the Spellbreaker series, and five stand-alone novels, including Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet; Followed by Frost, a 2016 RITA Award finalist for Young Adult Romance; and The Fifth Doll, winner of the 2017 Whitney Award for Speculative Fiction. Born in Salt Lake City, Charlie was raised a Trekkie alongside three sisters who also have boy names. She is a proud BYU alumna, plays the ukulele, and owns too many pairs of glasses. She currently lives with her family in Utah. Visit her at www.charlienholmberg.com.