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She looked a little miffed, and Karen didn’t much blame her. Instead of tending to the other guests, Manuel was still staring at Karen’s tits. Were they that conspicuous? She glanced down quickly. She’d thrown a tight pink jersey on over her bikini bra, and she saw now that her nipples were hard and pointed, sticking out blatant under the clinging jersey. They, were hard with lust, as she well knew. She blushed and Manuel finally turned away.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Green,” he said. “What may I bring you?”

“What I’ve been drinking all morning,” Penny said gruffly, “gin and lime.”

“Honey, don’t you think you should knock it off for a while?” said Roger, her lean blond husband.

“What for?” said Penny, who was already feeling no pain. “You guys are gonna talk shop the whole time, so what does it matter if I get drunk?”

“Penny, honey…” Roger began, looking uncomfortable.

“Now, now, you two,” Harry interrupted with a laugh, “No fighting on my ship. I want Penny to have a good time, Roger, so just get off the lady’s back. She’s tight—the girls don’t have much to do while we’ll talking business, so why shouldn’t she get a buzz on?”

“Whatever you say, Harry,” Roger replied Roger and Penny didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the meal, though they smiled and talked with everyone else. Penny put down the drinks like they were water, and by the end of lunch she could hardly stand up. Karen felt embarrassed for her, and when Penny started weaving toward the door, Karen hurried over and put an arm around her.

“Lot me help you to your cabin, Penny,” she said.

“Good idea,” Penny hiccuped. “Take a nap.”

“Yes, that would be a good idea,” Karen said soothingly.

She helped Penny to her cabin and got her to lie down on the bed. “Fucking Roger,” Penny muttered, “doesn’t have any time for me. I’m so horny I could die.”

Karen blushed at the woman’s language, but she knew perfectly well what Penny meant. She felt the same way. But Penny was lucky. At least she was drunk enough to fall asleep and forget her problem for a while. Karen would just have to go on looking at all those men in swimming trunks and eating her heart out.

The door opened, and Roger Green walked in, frowning. “Thanks for helping out with my wife,” he said to Karen, “but I’d like to be alone with her now, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course,” said Karen.

She left the cabin, closing the door behind her, but the moment she closed it, the Greens started yelling at each other so loud that she could hear it in the corridor. She glanced around, but there was no one else nearby, so she went with her curiosity and eavesdropped.

“You drunken slut,” Roger Green was shouting, “how dare you embarrass me in front of my boss?”

“How dare you bring me along on this trip and then ignore me?” Penny shot back. “I’m not just decoration, Roger, I’m a human being—and I’m HORNY. My God, if you could just give me fifteen minutes in bed, you’d solve both out problems.”

“In other words,” Roger said grimly, “if I ball you, you’ll shut up?”

“You got it, baby,” Penny said. “Make love to me now, Roger, and I’ll just drop off to sleep like a good girl and not bother you all afternoon.”

“All right, all right, dammit,” Roger said, “Jesus Christ, why can’t you be more like Luann? She just keeps her mouth shut and does whatever Harry tells her.”

“That’s because she has no brains,” Penny said cattily. “If Harry didn’t tell her to shit, she wouldn’t know how. Anyhow, to hell with Luann. Let’s get undressed.”

Karen felt a somehow familiar excitement building up in her as she listened to the Greens. Just like last night when she’d heard Harry and Luann romping around, she couldn’t resist the urge to spy. Again checking to see that no one else was near, she dropped to her knees before the Greens’ cabin door and peered through the keyhole.

She was in luck. She had a perfect view of the bed. Roger, looking annoyed and impatient, was unknotting his tie. Penny, looking flushed and excited, had just kicked off her shoes and was unbuttoning the front of her low-cut sun dress. She was a beautiful woman, Karen had to admit all, lush-bodied and big-breasted, she had a healthy tan and long gleaming reddish-brown hair that fell below her shoulders in thick waves. She wouldn’t look gorgeous for long, though, if she kept drinking like she did.

At the moment, however, Penny needed no alcohol. She looked warmly at her husband as she unbuttoned her dress and let it fall down off her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the sudden view of her big pale tits was breath-taking. The huge milky-white cones stuck straight out, capped with light brown nipples. For a woman of around thirty, Penny had remarkably firm thrusting breasts. Even Roger, irritated as he was, paused to gawk at them.

“I’m glad there’s something about me that still turns you on,” Penny said dryly.

Roger flushed slightly and fumbled with his tie. “I’m not going to stay with you long, Penny,” he said brusquely. “Harry and Phil and I have some very important business to talk about, and…”

“Oh, piss on that,” Penny interrupted. “I don’t want to hear about your silly old business.”

“My silly old business,” Roger said angrily, “is what keeps you in clothes, cars and booze.”

“What good does it do me if it takes away my husband?” said Penny. “My God, Roger, why do you think I drink so much? I’m bored, I’m alone, and I miss you—that’s why. I especially miss you in bed. Sometimes I feel like you’re married to Harry, not to me.”

At last Roger softened. He walked over to Penny and kissed her. “I’m sorry, honey,” he said. “You’re right—we don’t have enough time together any more, and I do spend most of my life at the office. It’s the price of success, baby. So let’s make the most of the little time we have.”

He kissed her again and slipped his hands under her heavy naked tits, eagerly molding and squeezing the great fleshy cones. Penny murmured excitedly and rubbed against him, mons to cock not hiding her lust. She cupped and squeezed his ass. They worked their tongues busily in each other’s mouths.

Karen sighed softly. Watching this couple was sure to make her horny and blue. In some ways Penny shared her problems—not getting enough sex—but at least she and Roger were still deeply in love. At least Roger tried to please her. But Phil—well, Phil had no time or thought for anything but his work. He hardly seemed aware of Karen’s existence.

She watched enviously as Roger and Penny kissed and caressed each other. When they drew apart Roger finished unbuttoning Penny’s dress and slipped it off over her hips. She was wearing nothing but a ridiculously tiny pair of yellow bikini panties. Roger slid his hands down inside the panties and cupped her ass, squeezing it firmly.

“I must be crazy,” he said, “to neglect something like this.”

“I’ll show you what else you’re missing,” Penny laughed.

She started undressing him. She did it quickly and deftly, pausing often to give him deep tongue kisses and to wriggle wantonly against him. Roger’s expression softened and relaxed steadily as she removed his tie and shirt and pants. He was clearly forgetting about business for a while, which was something Phil never did.

When Penny had him stripped down to his shorts, Karen felt a glowing heat and a rush of cream from her famished cunt. She was going to see another strange cock… She watched breathlessly as Penny seized her husband’s shorts and quickly tugged them down to his ankles and helped him step out of them.

Then Roger was totally naked—and well worth looking at, in Karen’s opinion. The trim blond accountant had struck her as rather cold, but without his clothes he turned her on hotly. Deeply tanned, lean but well-muscled, he had a thick mat of golden hairs on his chest and a nice tight small ass, just the build Karen liked best. But her chief attention was for his cock. It was longer than Harry’s or Phil’s, though no thicker, a good eight inches of semi-hard pale meat. Karen creamed hugely, soaking her bikini bottoms, as she thought of taking that nice long prick into her cunt. Lucky Penny!